If Trump isn't hearing it, it's because he isn't listening to the hospitals about the supply shortages

ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
Goofball leftists. They're so used to relying on their precious "government" that they think a President can just squat down on a toilet, and shit a bunch of medical supplies.

Hm, not quite. But shitting out lies for two months by down playing this virus, to entertain the Trump carnival clowns at his rallies definitely cost lives. Instead of telling us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared weeks later, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen. He didn't. He was too busy at his hate rallies telling everybody it was a hoax.
Why dew ewe think he closed the borders to all flights coming from China! Early? Oh I remember, you assholes danced yer usual jig and called him a racist.

Again, no one called him a racist. Stop parroting that right wing lie. Plenty of other things to call him racist for. But hey, maybe you can get that hot chick from OAN to ask if he thinks Chinese food is racist.

He closes off travel on January 31st. Agreed it was the right thing to do....about a week too late. See January 22nd when Trump gave his speech at Davos. Downplayed it. Dismissed it. It would go away with warmer weather. Got it totally under control.
Epic fail...and he'll be judged on that failure in November. In the meantime, I'll enjoy watching his daily meltdown. I'm hoping the experts have largely cut him out of the process. If we can start getting back to anything approaching a start up by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned.

The next few weeks aren't going to be pretty. And that's in large part due to Donald John Trump. Unfit for office seems like an upgrade right now doesn't it?
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
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ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
We could have a guest worker program for unaccompanied workers for agriculture without the 20 million others that arent needed here
Goofball leftists. They're so used to relying on their precious "government" that they think a President can just squat down on a toilet, and shit a bunch of medical supplies.

Hm, not quite. But shitting out lies for two months by down playing this virus, to entertain the Trump carnival clowns at his rallies definitely cost lives. Instead of telling us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared weeks later, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen. He didn't. He was too busy at his hate rallies telling everybody it was a hoax.
Why dew ewe think he closed the borders to all flights coming from China! Early? Oh I remember, you assholes danced yer usual jig and called him a racist.

Again, no one called him a racist. Stop parroting that right wing lie. Plenty of other things to call him racist for. But hey, maybe you can get that hot chick from OAN to ask if he thinks Chinese food is racist.

He closes off travel on January 31st. Agreed it was the right thing to do....about a week too late. See January 22nd when Trump gave his speech at Davos. Downplayed it. Dismissed it. It would go away with warmer weather. Got it totally under control.
Epic fail...and he'll be judged on that failure in November. In the meantime, I'll enjoy watching his daily meltdown. I'm hoping the experts have largely cut him out of the process. If we can start getting back to anything approaching a start up by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned.

The next few weeks aren't going to be pretty. And that's in large part due to Donald John Trump. Unfit for office seems like an upgrade right now doesn't it?
That is the main key. We have to get Trump out of the way for this to work. He's a total bull in the china shop. He fuckedit up in the beginning and that isn't going to stop. Nothing is more important in the world than his ego and narcissism. And his clown car supporters are too friggin stupid to see it. Someone has to override him. Too many people are going to get killed. He is totally unfit.
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ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
As long as you are ok in ireland what we do here is none of your business
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
It means dead babies. Intentionally. What do you think it means?
How are they dead babies? We're they already born? By the way, are you capable of staying on topic, or is that too much for you, so you had to surrender the discussion to the other poor Trump toads?
You brought up abortion, why?
I never brought it up. Show me which post where I did?
Post 42
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
We could have a guest worker program for unaccompanied workers for agriculture without the 20 million others that arent needed here
How do you know it is 20 million, and how do you know they aren't needed? Before Coronavirus, our grocery stores were full, our lawns were cut, and our roofs stayed intact. I see very few American citizens jumping at the chance to do it. And if they are in the business, guess who does the heavy work?
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
It means dead babies. Intentionally. What do you think it means?
How are they dead babies? We're they already born? By the way, are you capable of staying on topic, or is that too much for you, so you had to surrender the discussion to the other poor Trump toads?
You brought up abortion, why?
I never brought it up. Show me which post where I did?
Post 42
:laughing0301: I was responding to another poster, like I responded to you. I never brought the subject up. You're just a coward who can't stay on topic.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
As long as you are ok in ireland what we do here is none of your business
Your response makes no sense to me? I'm not in Ireland, and I don't care what they do there.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
We could have a guest worker program for unaccompanied workers for agriculture without the 20 million others that arent needed here
How do you know it is 20 million, and how do you know they aren't needed? Before Coronavirus, our grocery stores were full, our lawns were cut, and our roofs stay intact. I see very few American citizens jumping at the chance to do it. And if they are in the business, guess who does the heavy work?
Its a safe bet there are at least 20-25 million illegals in the country

as to whether Americans are no longer capable of cutting our own grass thats a different debate that involves our wipe every nose welfare system making low income Americans too lazy to work
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
As long as you are ok in ireland what we do here is none of your business
Your response makes no sense to me? I'm not in Ireland, and I don't care what they do there.
you told us you were living in Ireland
Goofball leftists. They're so used to relying on their precious "government" that they think a President can just squat down on a toilet, and shit a bunch of medical supplies.

Hm, not quite. But shitting out lies for two months by down playing this virus, to entertain the Trump carnival clowns at his rallies definitely cost lives. Instead of telling us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared weeks later, this chicken shit pos should have been calling on the medical world to see what needed to happen. He didn't. He was too busy at his hate rallies telling everybody it was a hoax.
Why dew ewe think he closed the borders to all flights coming from China! Early? Oh I remember, you assholes danced yer usual jig and called him a racist.

Again, no one called him a racist. Stop parroting that right wing lie. Plenty of other things to call him racist for. But hey, maybe you can get that hot chick from OAN to ask if he thinks Chinese food is racist.

He closes off travel on January 31st. Agreed it was the right thing to do....about a week too late. See January 22nd when Trump gave his speech at Davos. Downplayed it. Dismissed it. It would go away with warmer weather. Got it totally under control.
Epic fail...and he'll be judged on that failure in November. In the meantime, I'll enjoy watching his daily meltdown. I'm hoping the experts have largely cut him out of the process. If we can start getting back to anything approaching a start up by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned.

The next few weeks aren't going to be pretty. And that's in large part due to Donald John Trump. Unfit for office seems like an upgrade right now doesn't it?
The problem is that you guys have crossed into the demonic side.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
So you still think trump is a governor. Odd
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
As long as you are ok in ireland what we do here is none of your business
Your response makes no sense to me? I'm not in Ireland, and I don't care what they do there.
Not much you write makes sense to us. Ironic huh?
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

Well dumbass, if you need supplies, talk to the people in the supply line. Or better yet, try ordering some. The people making those are still working. Your utter stupidity in blaming Trump for this defies explanation. Go hide under your bed again.
Trump isn't listening and he is in charge. What's "he" doing under the bed? And who is "you"? Did I say I needed something? Why are those people still working? Pence said the supplies were already there. Amid shortage, Pence says millions of masks available 'now' for hospitals to buy Then where in the F are they?

Why are people still working? To make up for idiots like you who take any excuse to stay home and lie some more about this being Trump’s fault. Trump isn’t hiding anywhere you moron. He has done everything he should have, despite you idiots obstructing him at every turn. You complain about “shortages” then bitch that the people making these supplies are working. Make up your TDS addled mind. By the way, Andrew Cuomo himself has said that NYC (the most hard hit area) has told him they have all the supplies they need. On to your next manufactured outrage......
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
We could have a guest worker program for unaccompanied workers for agriculture without the 20 million others that arent needed here
How do you know it is 20 million, and how do you know they aren't needed? Before Coronavirus, our grocery stores were full, our lawns were cut, and our roofs stayed intact. I see very few American citizens jumping at the chance to do it. And if they are in the business, guess who does the heavy work?
Well we have snow cause it’s winter. In summer I cut my own lawn
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
County and state health department are not for profit

so they can stock up on all the emergency supplies they want
County and state health departments aren't there to stockpile for wartime. It's why they call them county and state. You don't seem to have the intelligence to know the difference.
But you think presidents order their supplies. Wow
Did I say that? No! Is that a stupid question? Yes!
Didn’t you blame trump that they didn’t have supplies? Yes
Absolutely! Have you read the thread? Everything he has done has been a total disaster. He should have announced the federal emergency act weeks ago. That would have put in motion a war time response to producing the equipment needed. Don't you have even the foggiest idea how all this works? No, you don't do you? Trump doesn't order anything. He makes declarations. The military will handle logistics. Logistics has been the name of the game for almost two months. I'll bet that dumb fuck doesn't even know what the word means.
So you still think trump is a governor. Odd
BWK may not but biden might

Or Sleepy Joe might think HE’S governor
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
When they are in the womb and they suck them right out. One abortion doctor bragged about severing their vocal cords so she couldn't hear them scream.
People, we know Trump and Fox news are killing Americans. The lies and their bs are out in the open now. Time to go around Trump and his failures;
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.
25 to 40% of the farm work force in this country are those "wetbacks". They feed your sorry ass, because you aren't out there picking vegetables, which means your sorry ass would starve. Maybe you ought to stfu about those who are feeding your lazy ass.
But they are only a small slice of the total number of illegal aliens in the US
We could have a guest worker program for unaccompanied workers for agriculture without the 20 million others that arent needed here
How do you know it is 20 million, and how do you know they aren't needed? Before Coronavirus, our grocery stores were full, our lawns were cut, and our roofs stayed intact. I see very few American citizens jumping at the chance to do it. And if they are in the business, guess who does the heavy work?
Well we have snow cause it’s winter. In summer I cut my own lawn
Another retarded post. Who could've guessed?
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