UPDATE: Joe Biden Was Lying When He Promised 'Intelligence' to Israel in Exchange for Saving Hamas


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I know, shocking, right? Joe Biden lied, and such a lie too, to an ally.

But we have some posters on this board calling Trump a demon when the smoke of Satan emanates from the Biden junta White House.

He and his miserable carcass and the rat-infested crew with him can't be gone soon enough!

No wonder Jimmy Carter still lives, he is secretly enjoying every minute of Biden making his [Carter's] presidency look good in comparison.

Are you ready for the most ridiculous outcome imaginable regarding the recent offer of intelligence to Israel in exchange for a ceasefire? Here's the update: Joe Biden was not telling the truth about being able to pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders, including top terrorist Yahya Sinwar.

As RedState reported, the Biden administration recently promised that it had intelligence to offer that negated the need to enter Rafah and finish off Hamas. That was coupled with a diplomatic push by Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding Israel "get out of Gaza."

At the time, it appeared the White House had been holding back valuable information while American hostages were still being held, prolonging the war in the process.

The truth appears to be even worse than that, though. According to a new report, the "intelligence" offered was known to be garbage. Shorter: Biden was lying.

In other words, Biden was trying to trade useless intelligence that was at least a month old in exchange for the full-scale preservation of Hamas, both militarily and politically, painting it as if the United States knew far more than it did. That should leave people asking exactly what Iran, which uses Hamas as a proxy, has on the president. What else would motivate Biden to try this ruse on a long-time ally besides appeasing the Mullahs he's always bent over backward for?

I would think this has to be the end of Israel taking any council from Biden seriously. If he was willing to screw them over with bad intelligence in this situation, nothing he says can be trusted going forward. Biden is no longer hiding the fact that he wants Hamas to survive, and the American people should hold him accountable. None of this is happening in a vacuum. It's all an extension of the broader malicious incompetency emanating from the worst presidency in U.S. history.

Wow. The Democrat Party is so eager to protect Jew-hating HAMAS terrorists, and continue to allow them to regroup, that Biden LIED about offering information to Israel to get them to stop their effort to eliminate them?!

And he told American Jews a week ago that Israel has his full support?! Double wow.
Wow. The Democrat Party is so eager to protect Jew-hating HAMAS terrorists, and continue to allow them to regroup, that Biden LIED about offering information?!

And he told American Jews a week ago that Israel has his full support?! Double wow.
How wowed will we be when Jewish Organizations endorse Xiden
I know, shocking, right? Joe Biden lied, and such a lie too, to an ally.

But we have some posters on this board calling Trump a demon when the smoke of Satan emanates from the Biden junta White House.

He and his miserable carcass and the rat-infested crew with him can't be gone soon enough!

No wonder Jimmy Carter still lives, he is secretly enjoying every minute of Biden making his [Carter's] presidency look good in comparison.

Are you ready for the most ridiculous outcome imaginable regarding the recent offer of intelligence to Israel in exchange for a ceasefire? Here's the update: Joe Biden was not telling the truth about being able to pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders, including top terrorist Yahya Sinwar.

As RedState reported, the Biden administration recently promised that it had intelligence to offer that negated the need to enter Rafah and finish off Hamas. That was coupled with a diplomatic push by Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding Israel "get out of Gaza."

At the time, it appeared the White House had been holding back valuable information while American hostages were still being held, prolonging the war in the process.

The truth appears to be even worse than that, though. According to a new report, the "intelligence" offered was known to be garbage. Shorter: Biden was lying.

In other words, Biden was trying to trade useless intelligence that was at least a month old in exchange for the full-scale preservation of Hamas, both militarily and politically, painting it as if the United States knew far more than it did. That should leave people asking exactly what Iran, which uses Hamas as a proxy, has on the president. What else would motivate Biden to try this ruse on a long-time ally besides appeasing the Mullahs he's always bent over backward for?

I would think this has to be the end of Israel taking any council from Biden seriously. If he was willing to screw them over with bad intelligence in this situation, nothing he says can be trusted going forward. Biden is no longer hiding the fact that he wants Hamas to survive, and the American people should hold him accountable. None of this is happening in a vacuum. It's all an extension of the broader malicious incompetency emanating from the worst presidency in U.S. history.

I'm dumbfounded...
Wow. The Democrat Party is so eager to protect Jew-hating HAMAS terrorists, and continue to allow them to regroup, that Biden LIED about offering information to Israel to get them to stop their effort to eliminate them?!

And he told American Jews a week ago that Israel has his full support?! Double wow.

He's given the Zionist murderers everything they want.

History will not be kind to this country when the Zionist Entity is pushed into the sea.
He's given the Zionist murderers everything they want.

History will not be kind to this country when the Zionist Entity is pushed into the sea.
The Leftist Entity just can’t help but screech out their Jew hatreds.

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