I have read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and it has opened my eyes

When I was a young man growing up in New York City, Trump was already in all the tabloids showing off his fancy cars, beautiful girls, and utter shallowness. Then he was posing before expensive fake discotheques in Manhattan (he couldn’t dance for shit). This was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s when most African-Americans, Latinos, or working-class kids like me were worried about the draft, the Vietnam War, or just finding a decent job ...
Wow, your story makes no fucking sense but whatever, it's your goddamn story.
Trump’s history is all recorded in the headlines of the NYPost and every vanity and scandal sheet in the city.

If it makes “no fucking sense” to you, that’s not my problem.

It’s also up to you what conclusions you take away from your reading of ... the “satanic” Saul Alinsky.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Maybe because he is a racist, misgynostic, Putin controlled, Hitler from hell?


No, because he is following Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

You hate it when it happens to you, don't you?

I hate it when people project like this OP does. I'm willing to give concrete examples of the GOP doing every single thing you are accusing the Democrats of. Well before today.

Having the presumption to claim the Republicans are the reasonable ones. Go through this board on any giving day and simply count how many OP's you'll find started by the conservative people clearly intended to gaslight as opposed to liberals. You'll be hard-pressed to find 5 liberals even in a place like this using terms like "enemies".Yet here you are claiming you are reasonable.

I have always been reasonable. You can't expect me to answer for what other people are doing on this forum.

You did use the term "enemy" to describe Democrats. I often and vehemently disagree with people here. Even at my most adversarial, I wouldn't even dream of referring to another group of people as "enemies" that is not reasonable.

Shall I find a more polite word to describe the Democrats?

While Republicans have been acting like gentlemen all these years, attempting to "reach across the aisle", the Democrats have been fighting us with everything they've got.

Now, people are being murdered in the streets.

"Reach across the aisle?" You are kidding me, right? You want to see how many bills or appointments are done straight along party lines? Gentlemen don't do this NC governor signs bill curtailing successor's powers or this, https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...de-budget-veto-while-democrats-were-ceremony/
Gentlemen don't draw maps that are gerrymandered to the extent that there are states where 50 percent of the vote gives you 80 percent of the representatives. 6. Suburban Houston Gentlemen don't refuse to even meet with a Scotus nominee first by claiming that they don't want to because the fact that they consider it to close to the elections to then refuse to adhere to those rules when they have the president.

As to what words you use. Use whichever you want, just don't claim to be "reasonable".
Last edited:
Since the founding of the Republican Party we have been crippled by one simple fact: our enemies, the Democrats, believe the "ends justify the means" while we attempt mightily not to fight using that rule for ourselves.

Uh, you guys support Trump. You've given up any principles a long time ago.
It seems you have just supported everything Blackrook has said.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.

Hardly. I’m too busy watching a vet white knight for a stolen valor cuck all b/c you hate the same people. :lol:
mdk, you lost the argument.

Now, you just look pathetic.

Retreat and regroup.

You spent all
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

You liberals sure did teach him well, back when he was a voting Democrat that you all adored. But when he saw how whacked out in the head you all are, he realized that instead of taking this country down the shitter that the brown turd Oblummer almost did, he became a Nationalist who saved this country from you communist pricks..

The difference between those on the right and those on the left, is those on the right will forgive someone for their sins, those on the left dont ever forgive.

I see. So he is not responsible for himself but Democrats are?

He is using their own rules against them, which has the liberals exposing themselves as the radical communists that they are. And you know what? You dont fucking like it, which is why we pop popcorn and watch you liberals doing this. Lover the trigger effect....

Ok find me ANY example of a Democratic president using his type of rhetoric. I dare you. You'll find not a single one.

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted Stupidly

I argue with my neighbors and with you guys all the time. I do so giving more respect than is given to me almost invariably.

Yeah, then why are you not out there stopping ANTIFA from being the shit representatives you so want? There is one shooting of a lunatic lefty at a school and everyone who owns a gun is bad, but if your side is out there burning cities and killing unarmed black people, then you try again to blame us. This is why we hate your stinking guts...

Why don't you start by showing actual evidence of Antifa being responsible here? Or better yet show me a connection between Antifa and the Democratic party. It would be like me saying that if you aren't capable of doing something about the White Supremacist movement you are therefore responsible for them. I'm not even gonna dignify your shooting bit.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Maybe because he is a racist, misgynostic, Putin controlled, Hitler from hell?


No, because he is following Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

You hate it when it happens to you, don't you?

I hate it when people project like this OP does. I'm willing to give concrete examples of the GOP doing every single thing you are accusing the Democrats of. Well before today.

Having the presumption to claim the Republicans are the reasonable ones. Go through this board on any giving day and simply count how many OP's you'll find started by the conservative people clearly intended to gaslight as opposed to liberals. You'll be hard-pressed to find 5 liberals even in a place like this using terms like "enemies".Yet here you are claiming you are reasonable.

I have always been reasonable. You can't expect me to answer for what other people are doing on this forum.

You did use the term "enemy" to describe Democrats. I often and vehemently disagree with people here. Even at my most adversarial, I wouldn't even dream of referring to another group of people as "enemies" that is not reasonable.

Shall I find a more polite word to describe the Democrats?

While Republicans have been acting like gentlemen all these years, attempting to "reach across the aisle", the Democrats have been fighting us with everything they've got.

Now, people are being murdered in the streets.

"Reach across the aisle?" You are kidding me, right? You want to see how many bills or appointments are done straight along party lines? Gentlemen don't do this NC governor signs bill curtailing successor's powers or this, https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...de-budget-veto-while-democrats-were-ceremony/
Gentlemen don't draw maps that are gerrymandered to the extent that there are states where 50 percent of the vote gives you 80 percent of the representatives. 6. Suburban Houston Gentlemen don't refuse to even meet with a Scotus nominee first by claiming that they don't want to because the fact that they consider it to close to the elections to then refuse to adhere to those rules when they have the president.

As to what words you use. Use wichever you want, just don't claim to be "reasonable".

You fail to distinguish between legitimate political maneuvering and the violence your side has embraced.

And that is why your side are "enemies."
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.

Hardly. I’m too busy watching a vet white knight for a stolen valor cuck all b/c you hate the same people. :lol:
mdk, you lost the argument.

Now, you just look pathetic.

Retreat and regroup.

You spent all
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

You liberals sure did teach him well, back when he was a voting Democrat that you all adored. But when he saw how whacked out in the head you all are, he realized that instead of taking this country down the shitter that the brown turd Oblummer almost did, he became a Nationalist who saved this country from you communist pricks..

The difference between those on the right and those on the left, is those on the right will forgive someone for their sins, those on the left dont ever forgive.

I see. So he is not responsible for himself but Democrats are?

He is using their own rules against them, which has the liberals exposing themselves as the radical communists that they are. And you know what? You dont fucking like it, which is why we pop popcorn and watch you liberals doing this. Lover the trigger effect....

Ok find me ANY example of a Democratic president using his type of rhetoric. I dare you. You'll find not a single one.

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted Stupidly

I argue with my neighbors and with you guys all the time. I do so giving more respect than is given to me almost invariably.

Yeah, then why are you not out there stopping ANTIFA from being the shit representatives you so want? There is one shooting of a lunatic lefty at a school and everyone who owns a gun is bad, but if your side is out there burning cities and killing unarmed black people, then you try again to blame us. This is why we hate your stinking guts...

Why don't you start by showing actual evidence of Antifa being responsible here? Or better yet show me a connection between Antifa and the Democratic party. It would be like me saying that if you aren't capable of doing something about the White Supremacist movement you are therefore responsible for them. I'm not even gonna dignify your shooting bit.

We are not in a court of law and I'm not going to sit here and place evidence before you that you will only shoot down because you're a partisan hack. ANTIFA is a left-wing organization that is hand-in-hand with the Democrat agenda of violently overthrowing the government. Everyone knows that who has been paying attention to the news. Since you refuse to do anything to stop them, you are complicit in their violence.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

Maybe because he is a racist, misgynostic, Putin controlled, Hitler from hell?


No, because he is following Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

You hate it when it happens to you, don't you?

I hate it when people project like this OP does. I'm willing to give concrete examples of the GOP doing every single thing you are accusing the Democrats of. Well before today.

Having the presumption to claim the Republicans are the reasonable ones. Go through this board on any giving day and simply count how many OP's you'll find started by the conservative people clearly intended to gaslight as opposed to liberals. You'll be hard-pressed to find 5 liberals even in a place like this using terms like "enemies".Yet here you are claiming you are reasonable.

I have always been reasonable. You can't expect me to answer for what other people are doing on this forum.

You did use the term "enemy" to describe Democrats. I often and vehemently disagree with people here. Even at my most adversarial, I wouldn't even dream of referring to another group of people as "enemies" that is not reasonable.

Shall I find a more polite word to describe the Democrats?

While Republicans have been acting like gentlemen all these years, attempting to "reach across the aisle", the Democrats have been fighting us with everything they've got.

Now, people are being murdered in the streets.

"Reach across the aisle?" You are kidding me, right? You want to see how many bills or appointments are done straight along party lines? Gentlemen don't do this NC governor signs bill curtailing successor's powers or this, https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...de-budget-veto-while-democrats-were-ceremony/
Gentlemen don't draw maps that are gerrymandered to the extent that there are states where 50 percent of the vote gives you 80 percent of the representatives. 6. Suburban Houston Gentlemen don't refuse to even meet with a Scotus nominee first by claiming that they don't want to because the fact that they consider it to close to the elections to then refuse to adhere to those rules when they have the president.

As to what words you use. Use wichever you want, just don't claim to be "reasonable".

You fail to distinguish between legitimate political maneuvering and the violence your side has embraced.

And that is why your side are "enemies."

Show me ANY Democratic legislator that has "embraced violence" supporting a protest movement is NOT supporting violence. The right to protest is pretty enshrined in the document you all claim to follow.

As to me failing to distinguish anything. I responded directly to your claim of gentlemen's behavior.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.

Hardly. I’m too busy watching a vet white knight for a stolen valor cuck all b/c you hate the same people. :lol:
mdk, you lost the argument.

Now, you just look pathetic.

Retreat and regroup.

You spent all
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

You liberals sure did teach him well, back when he was a voting Democrat that you all adored. But when he saw how whacked out in the head you all are, he realized that instead of taking this country down the shitter that the brown turd Oblummer almost did, he became a Nationalist who saved this country from you communist pricks..

The difference between those on the right and those on the left, is those on the right will forgive someone for their sins, those on the left dont ever forgive.

I see. So he is not responsible for himself but Democrats are?

He is using their own rules against them, which has the liberals exposing themselves as the radical communists that they are. And you know what? You dont fucking like it, which is why we pop popcorn and watch you liberals doing this. Lover the trigger effect....

Ok find me ANY example of a Democratic president using his type of rhetoric. I dare you. You'll find not a single one.

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted Stupidly

I argue with my neighbors and with you guys all the time. I do so giving more respect than is given to me almost invariably.

Yeah, then why are you not out there stopping ANTIFA from being the shit representatives you so want? There is one shooting of a lunatic lefty at a school and everyone who owns a gun is bad, but if your side is out there burning cities and killing unarmed black people, then you try again to blame us. This is why we hate your stinking guts...

Why don't you start by showing actual evidence of Antifa being responsible here? Or better yet show me a connection between Antifa and the Democratic party. It would be like me saying that if you aren't capable of doing something about the White Supremacist movement you are therefore responsible for them. I'm not even gonna dignify your shooting bit.

We are not in a court of law and I'm not going to sit here and place evidence before you that you will only shoot down because you're a partisan hack. ANTIFA is a left-wing organization that is hand-in-hand with the Democrat agenda of violently overthrowing the government. Everyone knows that who has been paying attention to the news. Since you refuse to do anything to stop them, you are complicit in their violence.

I see so now we are in the realm of begging the question? Supporting an assertion by making another assertion?

We are not in a court of law. We are on a forum. My purpose on this forum is to test what I believe by talking to people I don't agree with. In order to do that I have to able to support my claims.

As far as I can tell your purpose is to reinforce what you believe by making claims that you feel under no obligation to support. We simply have a different motivation.
Alinsky #4 says that he does not believe in any personal accountability..... only hold the opposition to their own rules. Alinsky # 9 tells me he also believed in terrorism.

What is not listed is Alinksy’s disdain for the Middle Class. In all socialist, fascist, and communist systems, there can be no middle class.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.

mdk has lost his cool.

Hardly. I’m too busy watching a vet white knight for a stolen valor cuck all b/c you hate the same people. :lol:
mdk, you lost the argument.

Now, you just look pathetic.

Retreat and regroup.

You spent all
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
mdk is obsessed with me, I've noticed. Maybe he has fantasies of fucking me in the ass, who can tell? All I know is that he enters my threads, not addressing the issues I raise or the topics I am discussing, but talks about me personally. He keeps careful track of all the biographical details I've revealed about myself on these forums. I believe it is possible that he's fallen in love with me, though it's hard to tell with homosexuals because love for them is mixed with a certain measure of shame and self-loathing.

Don’t flatter yourself. The only person fucking you in the ass is your ex-wife.
Wow, I think I hit the target everyone.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
I am talking about Rules for Radicals you fudge packer...

Notice how the mentally ill person is resorting to Rules for Radicals #13? When they dont like what people are talking about, this is their most common rule they use.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'

Notice how he attacked Blackrook on his military service? Typical tactic, dont fall for it BR, there isnt much of a lower human being than a man who craves another man's ass...
I agree.

Notice how Trump constantly picks, freezes, personalize, and polarizes?

You liberals sure did teach him well, back when he was a voting Democrat that you all adored. But when he saw how whacked out in the head you all are, he realized that instead of taking this country down the shitter that the brown turd Oblummer almost did, he became a Nationalist who saved this country from you communist pricks..

The difference between those on the right and those on the left, is those on the right will forgive someone for their sins, those on the left dont ever forgive.

I see. So he is not responsible for himself but Democrats are?

He is using their own rules against them, which has the liberals exposing themselves as the radical communists that they are. And you know what? You dont fucking like it, which is why we pop popcorn and watch you liberals doing this. Lover the trigger effect....

Ok find me ANY example of a Democratic president using his type of rhetoric. I dare you. You'll find not a single one.

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted Stupidly

I argue with my neighbors and with you guys all the time. I do so giving more respect than is given to me almost invariably.

Yeah, then why are you not out there stopping ANTIFA from being the shit representatives you so want? There is one shooting of a lunatic lefty at a school and everyone who owns a gun is bad, but if your side is out there burning cities and killing unarmed black people, then you try again to blame us. This is why we hate your stinking guts...

Why don't you start by showing actual evidence of Antifa being responsible here? Or better yet show me a connection between Antifa and the Democratic party. It would be like me saying that if you aren't capable of doing something about the White Supremacist movement you are therefore responsible for them. I'm not even gonna dignify your shooting bit.

We are not in a court of law and I'm not going to sit here and place evidence before you that you will only shoot down because you're a partisan hack. ANTIFA is a left-wing organization that is hand-in-hand with the Democrat agenda of violently overthrowing the government. Everyone knows that who has been paying attention to the news. Since you refuse to do anything to stop them, you are complicit in their violence.

Oh and another thing. Type in my name and the phrase "I stand corrected" in the search bar. You will find me conceding points on a regular basis. You can even find me conceding the entire argument once or twice. Something very much tells me that's something you won't be able to say. One of us is a "hack" I'm pretty sure I know who.
You want even more insight to their tactics, read Antonio Gramsci's books; Alinsky got it all from Gramsci, and dumbed it down to be readable to dope addled Burb Brats and hippies. They didn't have to learn to spell big words, like 'proletarian' or 'Hegelian dialectics'.

Alinsky done all that just for Bill's wife?
Blackrook asks:
“You despised Trump from the beginning?
The beginning of what?“

When I was a young man growing up in NYC, Trump was already in all the tabloids showing off his fancy cars, beautiful girls, and utter shallowness. Then he was posing before expensive fake discotheques in Manhattan (he couldn’t dance for shit). This was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s when most African-Americans, Latinos, or working-class kids like me were worried about the draft, the Vietnam War, or just finding a decent job ...
Wasnt it LBJ, that was in the president during that time you were so worried about the draft? Wasnt he the president who had a shithole economy so the only way he could quote] fix it is to send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths in a non winnable war? Yep, but it is just typical of liberals to blame others than those who caused their misery...
OF COURSE LBJ was President! And the Republicans were also obsessed with “communism” and vicious warmongers. I went to jail fighting LBJ’s war, got beat up by cops too.

This thread is about Saul Alinsky. Apparently he is emerging from being a “Marxist” and a “Satanist,” from dwelling — in the eyes of Republicans — in HELL, to becoming a sort of hero of the alt-right. Make up your mind, guys.

You want to debate the history of the Vietnam War, LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin?

Try here:
Tonkin Gulf Incident and Resolution
Or here:
Kissinger, Nixon and Vietnam
Blackrook asks:
“You despised Trump from the beginning?
The beginning of what?“

When I was a young man growing up in NYC, Trump was already in all the tabloids showing off his fancy cars, beautiful girls, and utter shallowness. Then he was posing before expensive fake discotheques in Manhattan (he couldn’t dance for shit). This was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s when most African-Americans, Latinos, or working-class kids like me were worried about the draft, the Vietnam War, or just finding a decent job ...
Wasnt it LBJ, that was in the president during that time you were so worried about the draft? Wasnt he the president who had a shithole economy so the only way he could quote] fix it is to send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths in a non winnable war? Yep, but it is just typical of liberals to blame others than those who caused their misery...
OF COURSE LBJ was President! And the Republicans were also obsessed with “communism” and vicious warmongers. I went to jail fighting LBJ’s war, got beat up by cops too.

This thread is about Saul Alinsky. Apparently he is emerging from being a “Marxist” and a “Satanist,” from dwelling — in the eyes of Republicans — in HELL, to becoming a sort of hero of the alt-right. Make up your mind, guys.

You want to debate the history of the Vietnam War, LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin?

Try here:
Tonkin Gulf Incident and Resolution
Or here:
Kissinger, Nixon and Vietnam
You got a good beating by police during the Vietnam War, that one that John F Kennedy got US into by sending an expeditionary force in? That one? Just because France was getting their ass handed to them by a bunch of gooks? That war? So incomes the United States to save France from losing another war, and France just gives up and leaves US to clean up their mess, war? Why is it you so adore your fucking party who were the reason why you got the shit beat out of you? As they say, "Idiots never learn".
our enemies, the Democrats, believe the "ends justify the means"

You have to hand it to the Dems they are some evil MF'ers. They will sacrifice their own for the liberal agenda, jobs, people, the abuse of women, nothing is more important to them than the achieving their liberal goals and power.
Blackrook asks:
“You despised Trump from the beginning?
The beginning of what?“

When I was a young man growing up in NYC, Trump was already in all the tabloids showing off his fancy cars, beautiful girls, and utter shallowness. Then he was posing before expensive fake discotheques in Manhattan (he couldn’t dance for shit). This was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s when most African-Americans, Latinos, or working-class kids like me were worried about the draft, the Vietnam War, or just finding a decent job ...
Wasnt it LBJ, that was in the president during that time you were so worried about the draft? Wasnt he the president who had a shithole economy so the only way he could quote] fix it is to send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths in a non winnable war? Yep, but it is just typical of liberals to blame others than those who caused their misery...
OF COURSE LBJ was President! And the Republicans were also obsessed with “communism” and vicious warmongers. I went to jail fighting LBJ’s war, got beat up by cops too.

This thread is about Saul Alinsky. Apparently he is emerging from being a “Marxist” and a “Satanist,” from dwelling — in the eyes of Republicans — in HELL, to becoming a sort of hero of the alt-right. Make up your mind, guys.

You want to debate the history of the Vietnam War, LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin?

Try here:
Tonkin Gulf Incident and Resolution
Or here:
Kissinger, Nixon and Vietnam
You got a good beating by police during the Vietnam War, that one that John F Kennedy got US into by sending an expeditionary force in? That one? Just because France was getting their ass handed to them by a bunch of gooks? That war? So incomes the United States to save France from losing another war, and France just gives up and leaves US to clean up their mess, war? Why is it you so adore your fucking party who were the reason why you got the shit beat out of you? As they say, "Idiots never learn".
Look asshole. I don’t know who you think you’re talking to...

After Vietnam I didn’t support a Democratic presidential candidate for 40 years. The Republican shit you are pushing is just crap, and you fucking know it. It’s not just Eisenhower rejecting the promised all-Vietnam elections that he knew HoChiMinh would win, or Nixon and Kissinger, or Bush and Iraq. It’s the whole Military-Industrial “crony capitalist” system you are ignoring. If I thought Trump was serious about taking on all that — the “swamp” — and not just playing along chumps like you, I’d vote for him in a flash. But that is the difference between us. You are an ignorant partisan chump, and I try to explain real history and the real problems we face as a nation.
Last edited:
I now wish to report on this thread also, since I started so many last night in my state of agitation, that I have had time to reflect on things and have come to the realization that none of this makes a damn bit of difference to me.

I renounce my enthusiasm for Alinksy, his philosophy is no longer of interest to me now that I've decided to go on living my life without worrying about issues that don't concern me.

If the blacks want to riot, I say, let them have it. The cops should stand by and let it happen. The owners of the stores they burn will collect the insurance money, then rebuild in other neighborhoods far away from the blacks.

My white liberal friends at my writing group showed me the way. They make a pretense of concern so people will think well of them, but when it comes down to it they don't really care.

I will not care and not even make a pretense.
Blackrook asks:
“You despised Trump from the beginning?
The beginning of what?“

When I was a young man growing up in NYC, Trump was already in all the tabloids showing off his fancy cars, beautiful girls, and utter shallowness. Then he was posing before expensive fake discotheques in Manhattan (he couldn’t dance for shit). This was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s when most African-Americans, Latinos, or working-class kids like me were worried about the draft, the Vietnam War, or just finding a decent job ...
Wasnt it LBJ, that was in the president during that time you were so worried about the draft? Wasnt he the president who had a shithole economy so the only way he could quote] fix it is to send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths in a non winnable war? Yep, but it is just typical of liberals to blame others than those who caused their misery...
OF COURSE LBJ was President! And the Republicans were also obsessed with “communism” and vicious warmongers. I went to jail fighting LBJ’s war, got beat up by cops too.

This thread is about Saul Alinsky. Apparently he is emerging from being a “Marxist” and a “Satanist,” from dwelling — in the eyes of Republicans — in HELL, to becoming a sort of hero of the alt-right. Make up your mind, guys.

You want to debate the history of the Vietnam War, LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin?

Try here:
Tonkin Gulf Incident and Resolution
Or here:
Kissinger, Nixon and Vietnam
You got a good beating by police during the Vietnam War, that one that John F Kennedy got US into by sending an expeditionary force in? That one? Just because France was getting their ass handed to them by a bunch of gooks? That war? So incomes the United States to save France from losing another war, and France just gives up and leaves US to clean up their mess, war? Why is it you so adore your fucking party who were the reason why you got the shit beat out of you? As they say, "Idiots never learn".
Look asshole. I don’t know who you think you’re talking to...

After Vietnam I didn’t support a Democratic presidential candidate for 40 years. The Republican shit you are pushing is just crap, and you fucking know it. It’s not just Eisenhower rejecting the promised all-Vietnam elections that he knew HoChiMinh would win, or Nixon and Kissinger, or Bush and Iraq. It’s the whole Military-Industrial “crony capitalist” system you are ignoring. If I thought Trump was serious about taking on all that — the “swamp” — and not just playing along chumps like you, I’d vote for him in a flash. But that is the difference between us. You are an ignorant partisan chump, and I try to explain real history and the real problems we face as a nation.
yeah, sure, i am not the ones out there supporting violence in Democrat black cities. But i read up on Saul's book, i use it back at you, #13 a lot.
He is a liar. He never voted for Bush once...He also is a bigot for hating people who have religious beliefs..

Well, I've always been anti-religious... but that's not the same thing.

Funny thing was, when Reagan was president, Conservatism was about more than "Trying to impose your religious stupidity on everyone else". It was about small government, strong national defense, etc.

All stuff you guys gave up when you became "The Cult of Trump".

Now you think Russia is nifty, you think paying porn stars for sex is fine, you think dumping 4 trillion into the economy to slow up a recession is fine. (Man, imagine if we did that in 2008!)
He is a liar. He never voted for Bush once...He also is a bigot for hating people who have religious beliefs..

Well, I've always been anti-religious... but that's not the same thing.

Funny thing was, when Reagan was president, Conservatism was about more than "Trying to impose your religious stupidity on everyone else". It was about small government, strong national defense, etc.

All stuff you guys gave up when you became "The Cult of Trump".

Now you think Russia is nifty, you think paying porn stars for sex is fine, you think dumping 4 trillion into the economy to slow up a recession is fine. (Man, imagine if we did that in 2008!)
Your boy Barrack had no problem dumbing 9 trillion on the economy, why are you bitching now?

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