I Have Another Issue With The Catholic Doctrine

Again It is in some of the apocrypha books...and also once again Jesus was tied to Mother Mary in the womb if she had sin in her it would of been transfered to the baby.
So, I can transfer my sins to you. Good to know. Have fun with them... Sins have nothing to do with blood circulation.
Wikipedia - In general use, the word apocrypha came to mean "of doubtful authenticity".[15] This meaning also appears in Origen's prologue to his commentary on the Song of Songs, of which only the Latin translation survives:

De scripturis his, quae appellantur apocriphae, pro eo quod multa in iis corrupta et contra fidem veram inveniuntur a maioribus tradita non placuit iis dari locum nec admitti ad auctoritatem.[12]

"Concerning these scriptures, which are called apocryphal, for the reason that many things are found in them corrupt and against the true faith handed down by the elders, it has pleased them that they not be given a place nor be admitted to authority."

These are not written by the Apostles or Prophets. They are written by scholars and journalists. I take them as potential historical events, but like the Songs of Solomon, not much spiritual value.
And wait a second, we all sin because we are punished what Adam and EVE did
Such a lie. We are not punished for what Adam did or Eve did. We will sit before the Lord at the judgment day and OUR book of life will be opened to see what we did and did not do. Not what Adam did. That's like saying "The devil made me do it." Sorry, you can't pass the buck to Adam for your sins. Reminds me of the crazy times we live in when a Black person commits a crime, the White man is to blame. We are all responsible for our own actions and not the actions of others.
The Immaculate Conception is Catholic doctrine. It's not in the Bible. To infer it must entail some convoluted hermaneutics.
What do you mean? I see the conception as supernatural to the people of their time. The people of their time didn't know the specifics of the outcome of sexual intercourse. They had no idea of cells and sperm. That, it's possible with the correct knowledge to place a sperm in a cell without sexual intercourse. To them, that's pretty immaculate, wouldn't you agree?
Of course this even is in the Bible. Luke 1:26 - 38 explains this as Mary is concerned because she is a virgin. The angel simply says the Holy Ghost will perform this miracle in verse 35.
We are not punished for what Adam did or Eve did.
No, we are not punished by the personal sins of any individual. What should be kept in mind that the sin mankind chose was to have knowledge of both good and evil.

Even today, we can ask ourselves: Is having knowledge of both good and evil to our advantage?
That, it's possible with the correct knowledge to place a sperm in a cell without sexual intercourse. To them, that's pretty immaculate, wouldn't you agree?
The Immaculate Conception references Mary's conception, not the conception of Jesus. The Immaculate Conception is a notation that Mary was not touched by Original sin.
No, we are not punished by the personal sins of any individual. What should be kept in mind that the sin mankind chose was to have knowledge of both good and evil.

Even today, we can ask ourselves: Is having knowledge of both good and evil to our advantage?
Yes! For we could not progress where the plan of salvation could be put in motion. Genesis 2:5 suggests that possibly, we were created spiritually first before descending to earth. John 3:13 brings into this possibility, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." The question is, does this also mean that we would have had to descend from heaven too in order to ascend to heaven and receive our bodies back in the resurrection? Jesus did and then ascended back into heaven and received his physical body back. We are just following Jesus Christ. We came down and received our bodies. We will die and eventually receive back our bodies too!
God made the earth for us as his spirit children to come to earth and receive a physical body. Later, that body may rise to incorruption in the Celestial Kingdom of Glory, perfected in the resurrection of the just. Our purpose here is to learn to choose good over evil. In order for this, we have to know what is good and what is evil. The Lord has provided prophets and apostles and the Lord to know good or evil. We have a choice to accept good or reject good. We need that knowledge to know.
Fulfilling scripture is not necessarily a credit. Judas sinned, and God brought good out of the evil that was caused by Judas' sin. God fulfilled scripture.
If Judas didn't fulfill scripture Jesus wouldn't of died for our sins, Judas didn't betray anyone he had to do what he did.
Such a lie. We are not punished for what Adam did or Eve did. We will sit before the Lord at the judgment day and OUR book of life will be opened to see what we did and did not do. Not what Adam did. That's like saying "The devil made me do it." Sorry, you can't pass the buck to Adam for your sins. Reminds me of the crazy times we live in when a Black person commits a crime, the White man is to blame. We are all responsible for our own actions and not the actions of others.

Read the bible that's why everyone dies, it was the sins of Adam..

Romans 5:12

So, I can transfer my sins to you. Good to know. Have fun with them... Sins have nothing to do with blood circulation.
Wikipedia - In general use, the word apocrypha came to mean "of doubtful authenticity".[15] This meaning also appears in Origen's prologue to his commentary on the Song of Songs, of which only the Latin translation survives:

These are not written by the Apostles or Prophets. They are written by scholars and journalists. I take them as potential historical events, but like the Songs of Solomon, not much spiritual value.
It's doubtful only to retarded strict protestant bible thumpers like you

Read the bible that's why everyone dies, it was the sins of Adam..

Romans 5:12

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You are still mistaken. We all die because of the fall of Adam. But, we all shall live because of Christ. How we shall live in the next resurrected life is based on our own sins and not the sins Adam committed. By the way, not all have died like Adam. The entire city of Enoch was raised from the earth in a twinkling of an I. John the beloved also still hasn't died but is dwelling amongst us as Jesus gave him his wish to tarry until his 2nd coming return.
Read the verse carefully. "Death" is the result or judgment of Adam's sin. We don't die because of our own sins. Thus, our sins are unique to us and not Adam. We are not judged or condemned based on Adam's sins but on our own sins.
You are still mistaken. We all die because of the fall of Adam. But, we all shall live because of Christ. How we shall live in the next resurrected life is based on our own sins and not the sins Adam committed. By the way, not all have died like Adam. The entire city of Enoch was raised from the earth in a twinkling of an I. John the beloved also still hasn't died but is dwelling amongst us as Jesus gave him his wish to tarry until his 2nd coming return.
Read the verse carefully. "Death" is the result or judgment of Adam's sin. We don't die because of our own sins. Thus, our sins are unique to us and not Adam. We are not judged or condemned based on Adam's sins but on our own sins.
That's what I said, we all die because of the sin of adam and if Judas didn't fulfill scripture, Jesus wouldn't of died on the cross for everyone's sins and we wouldnt of had everlasting life.

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