How does one obtain truth?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
Goring was right. To an extent. It answers why Americans believe the Nazis were the epitome of evil, but it doesn't answer why Americans have no clue that the Bolsheviks were the true epitome of evil.
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
Goring was right. To an extent. It answers why Americans believe the Nazis were the epitome of evil, but it doesn't answer why Americans have no clue that the Bolsheviks were the true epitome of evil.
I think that the Nazi regime was the epitome of evil. If not, explain.

But I do agree that history was sanitized for Stalin who murdered more people than Hitler because he later helped vanquish Hitler. It sanitized Marxism which is why it's cool today for BLM to openly declare themselves Marxists while someone who openly embraces Nazism is canceled. Both should be canceled.

As for just how bad Stalin was, keep in mind that the Allies went to war with Hitler for invading Poland. Guess who helped and shared Poland with Hitler?

Yep, Joe Stalin, yet they did not declare war on him.
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
Goring was right. To an extent. It answers why Americans believe the Nazis were the epitome of evil, but it doesn't answer why Americans have no clue that the Bolsheviks were the true epitome of evil.
I think that the Nazi regime was the epitome of evil. If not, explain.

But I do agree that history was sanitized for Stalin who murdered more people than Hitler because he later helped vanquish Hitler. It sanitized Marxism which is why it's cool today for BLM to openly declare themselves Marxists while someone who openly embraces Nazism is canceled. Both should be canceled.

As for just how bad Stalin was, keep in mind that the Allies went to war with Hitler for invading Poland. Guess who helped and shared Poland with Hitler?

Yep, Joe Stalin, yet they did not declare war on him.
By the time Stalin gained absolute power in the USSR, the Bolsheviks had already murdered 20 million Russian Christians. Hitler campaigned against "Jewish communism". He didn't run against Stalin. And he didn't run on invading Poland. He ran against the Bolsheviks who were, in fact, committing genocide against Christians in Russia--especially Russians of German descent, called "Junkers", who, unlike the rest of the upper class in Russia, who were simply executed, were routinely tortured to death. The Bolsheviks had, in fact, with their allies, Antifa (yes, same ones), attempted a coup in prostrate Germany. Hitler was a reasonable response to the Bolsheviks (who, don't forget, had been carrying out a massive genocide in next door Russia for 20 years already--already killing three times as many Christians as Jews claimed killed by the Nazis).
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
If someone speaks ill of themselves or praises their enemies, that is likely to be true. When someone tells you what another person said or meant, that is likely to be false.
I try to obtain truth from different sources, depending on the issue. In terms of politics, I tend to lean on history. For you seem history holds a mirror up in front of our faces and tells us who we are and where we are going. It puts on display human nature for all to see.

I also look at the Bible. That has a good bit of history in it as well, and I think for the same reason. The Bible is unique in terms of religious texts, and even historical texts, in terms of it being written by a people who did not attempt to sanitize their past in any way. It reveals the good, bad, and ugly of Patriarchs they revere. That for me is evidence that it leans towards truth. Conversely, other religious texts present their Patriarchs only through a good light. They can do no wrong. And other cultures, such as ancient Egypt, was notorious for only writing good things about their government and leaders, while trying to remove any trace of leaders they wanted to erase from the pages of history, much like how Joseph Stalin would not only kill his political opponents, he would remove them from pictures and from written sources that showed they even existed. So as we see, the cancel culture is not just for today, it is human nature.

But many question any source of information, whether it be a religious text or a historical text. Many feel as though everything has been tainted by those who wish to control history and religion for their own reasons. Case in point is Herman Goring, the Nazi war general. At the Nuremburg trials, he was quoted as saying that the victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. Therefore, the victor would always write the history books, while the vanquished get the short end of the stick. For Goring, the truth was unknowable because the victors over the years had skewed the truth. His only mission in life was then to write the pages of history, and not be so much concerned with the truth of the past.

And as Jesus famously said, when asked what the truth was by Pilate, he said that he was the Truth. All others before him are liars.

So where do you get your truth or are you like Goring? Are you trying to tear down statues and obtain political power so that you get to write what you want about the truth?
Dear Votto there is both universal truth and selfish bias mixed in everything man has touched. The key I've found to stay as objective and universal as possible is to FORGIVE biases and flaws and to seek CORRECTIONS using the best contributions from EACH source. That way, these biases and flawed approaches "check and balance" each other. If someone points out a problem or objection, by addressing and CORRECTING it, this process naturally leads to true solutions while anything to the contrary gets resolved or dropped by process of elimination, trial and error, and learning from sharing experiences with others. I recommend using all sources carefully by checking against both proponents and opponents to make sure it is clear how much is objective common ground and how much is coming from biases perceptions, projections, or exclusion otherwise skewing the information. The best check against introducing biases and conflicts, and confirming universal truth, is mediating to establish a consensus.

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