Homeschooling surges as parents realize how worthless public schools are

Laughter isn't a response Marvin. You use a "questionable source" for your link, and you have no answer to my questions. If everyone is moving to home schooling, then why is everyone demanding schools be re-opened?

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Borderline Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks over a short period of time.

Dunces like ole Marvin here rarely have any sensible response but to click on the laughter icon.

Shows you how weak and idiotic their rhetoric really is.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
And another butt hurt from the "conservatives"

Home schooling has gone up because people are worried about sending kids in the petri dish that schools are now so that you can get your morning order of 6 mcmuffins, 4 hash browns, 8 cinnamon rolls. and. of course, a diet coke.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
A degree from Trump U. does not qualify you to attempt to educate kids. You would have to assume, giving their stupidity in supporting Scumpty, that over 95% of the Trump Cult parents are far, far from qualified to try and educate anybody, must less their children! Bigly!!!

If you ever got out of your trailer park, you'd know lots of left-leaning parents homeschool their children.

You seem to have a real issue with people of lower economic status. Why is that?
When aging elementary HomeSchoolers reach middle school age those parents send them to public middle school to do their math.

Seen it for years.

There are LOTS of resources for math (and all other subjects) homeschoolers use outside of sending their kids to the union-owned public facilities. My homeschooled kids went to Kumon for math when they reached more advanced levels.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.

That's why my Grand Daughters attend private school - paid for by the Wife and Me. We (Wife and I attended Public School when it was the envy of the civilized world). Those days are long gone. Today? Our school structure is the laughing stock of the civilized world. Damned shame.
I pay for a private school for my grandkid too.

I do have a cousin who has started homeschooling her 2 boys when she began working from home, and she is liking it a lot. Some of the rest of us in our tribe who are raising kids under 10 have been discussing putting together a "pod" or whatever they call it, and sharing instructor duties. We got about a half dozen kids running around, pretty close in age.
We have a lot of different skills we can teach, in addition to the 3 R's. By the time they're 16, they'll be able to build a house, balance their checkbooks, hunt, kill and cook dinner, service and repair their vehicles, operate any computer system out there, do plumbing, electrical work, and flooring. They'll know how to build wealth, and avoid debt. They'll be able to drive most anything, from big rigs to motorcycles, and maybe even fly a plane, depending. They will understand how to run a business successfully, even one that the government will throw you in a cage for, and how to play poker, and who to never play against....ever. They'll know how to fight an insurgency, from both sides. The classics of western civilization will be required reading, and they will understand our values, family and freedom, above all.

Individuals educating their offspring themselves is the natural order of things; it is how it has been done for almost all of human history...... and the children educated that way grew into men who built empires and entire civilizations.

Public schools run by the state are the new thing, and it was an experiment that has failed miserably.
When aging elementary HomeSchoolers reach middle school age those parents send them to public middle school to do their math.

Seen it for years.

There are LOTS of resources for math (and all other subjects) homeschoolers use outside of sending their kids to the union-owned public facilities. My homeschooled kids went to Kumon for math when they reached more advanced levels.
Why "when they reached more advanced levels"? Most parents send their kids there when they are quite young.
Like it takes a fucking genius to teach a kid how to read write and do basic math
Parents are now starting to answer that type of stupid statement w/a "yes."

If the education the parents received in public school was so good, then why don't they have the requisite skills to teach their own kids?
If it was so shitty they can't teach their kids, then why would they send them somewhere that already failed to adequately prepare the parents?
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
And another butt hurt from the "conservatives"

Home schooling has gone up because people are worried about sending kids in the petri dish that schools are now so that you can get your morning order of 6 mcmuffins, 4 hash browns, 8 cinnamon rolls. and. of course, a diet coke.
Laughter isn't a response Marvin. You use a "questionable source" for your link, and you have no answer to my questions. If everyone is moving to home schooling, then why is everyone demanding schools be re-opened?

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Borderline Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks over a short period of time.

Dunces like ole Marvin here rarely have any sensible response but to click on the laughter icon.

Shows you how weak and idiotic their rhetoric really is.
No, it's a reaction to how ridiculous you guys are.

When aging elementary HomeSchoolers reach middle school age those parents send them to public middle school to do their math.

Seen it for years.

There are LOTS of resources for math (and all other subjects) homeschoolers use outside of sending their kids to the union-owned public facilities. My homeschooled kids went to Kumon for math when they reached more advanced levels.
Why "when they reached more advanced levels"? Most parents send their kids there when they are quite young.

Because we were able to teach them math through middle school. Once they reached high school, they were ready for pre-calculus and that required outside resources.
When aging elementary HomeSchoolers reach middle school age those parents send them to public middle school to do their math.

Seen it for years.

There are LOTS of resources for math (and all other subjects) homeschoolers use outside of sending their kids to the union-owned public facilities. My homeschooled kids went to Kumon for math when they reached more advanced levels.
Why "when they reached more advanced levels"? Most parents send their kids there when they are quite young.

Because we were able to teach them math through middle school. Once they reached high school, they were ready for pre-calculus and that required outside resources.
Millions of other parents protested to get in-person instruction renewed because they realize that, for most students and parents,, homeschooling sucks!
Or they both work. Huge number in MN considering it according to latest news

I've always said it depends largely on the parents, and whether they're equipped to handle it. I'm a homeschooling advocate in the sense that I think the choice belongs properly with the parents, not with politicians.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

The union operatives who sit in public school classrooms (or used to, anyways) call themselves "educators", not teachers. They don't teach anything. You're a product of that system.

One can tell from his spelling and grammar

What are the qualifications for a Home Skool Teecher?

It depends on the state, just like public schools. In your backwards, redneck of the woods, I wouldn't know. In the world where we eat with utensils and don't fuck our sisters, homeschooling parents are held to high standards. Clearly, you need some more education on it, Cletus. In the meantime, go fuck your redneck self.
What degrees are they expected to hold to Homeskool?
Depends. When my wife and did it, one of the parents was required to hold a college degree of some kind. Didn't matter though, because the curriculum we used was more remote learning, with teachers for every subject available online. The internet HAS been around for a while, you know. It's not 1955 any more.

With my daughter and my older son, we used a curriculum designed for the children of missionaries to foreign countries. With my youngest son, we're using more of an Internet-based curriculum.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Great, now americans will be even dumber. You get out of schools what you put in.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Great, now americans will be even dumber. You get out of schools what you put in.

Seems to me that if that were true, it could only benefit Democrats, since they require an ignorant voting base.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Great, now americans will be even dumber. You get out of schools what you put in.

Seems to me that if that were true, it could only benefit Democrats, since they require an ignorant voting base.
Yet all the data shows you cultists are far dumber and less educated. Thank you for the demonstration of the Dunning Kreuger Effect.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
A degree from Trump U. does not qualify you to attempt to educate kids. You would have to assume, giving their stupidity in supporting Scumpty, that over 95% of the Trump Cult parents are far, far from qualified to try and educate anybody, must less their children! Bigly!!!

Your TDS is at critical stage

I know the truth hurts, but if you're incapable of discerning truth from lies, there's really no hope for you. Imagine YOU imparting your ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills, imp
Laughter isn't a response Marvin. You use a "questionable source" for your link, and you have no answer to my questions. If everyone is moving to home schooling, then why is everyone demanding schools be re-opened?

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Borderline Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks over a short period of time.

Dunces like ole Marvin here rarely have any sensible response but to click on the laughter icon.

Shows you how weak and idiotic their rhetoric really is.
No, it's a reaction to how ridiculous you guys are.


Still no response to the question, if everyone wants to home school, why are parents throughout the country howling about getting schools reopened? I've watched parents try to home school their kids, and elearning is even worse.

You people are claiming that teenagers are committing suicide, and that public schoolers are "falling behind", although if schools all over the world are closed, who exactly are the kids falling behind?

Your message is all over the map. One minute the schools must open because the children's lives are being destroyed keeping them closed, and now you say public schools aren't necessary because parents are all wanting to homeschool. If one thing is true, then the other can't possible be true. You truly cannot suck and blow at the same time, although you conservatives keep trying.

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