Hillary Clinton on the NAFTA ___ in her own lying words!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Hillary Clinton has repeatedly stated that the NAFTA is about free trade. But, the irrefutable fact is, the NAFTA, is not, and never was about “free trade”. It has always been about creating a managed trade which is managed by a group of individuals who are not elected by the American people, who have no allegiance to America or any nation, and their only guiding principle is their bottom line profits, regardless of how it affects the nations involved!

Keep in mind Congress, and only Congress, has been delegated the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations. The NAFTA, which Hillary Clinton is a big fan of, subjugates Congress’s [the people’s elected representatives], delegated power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and allows an un-elected group to take over, a majority of whom are foreigners, and who make arbitrarily binding decisions concerning America’s commerce with Canada and Mexico see Establishment of Binational Panels

And, under 1904:Review of Final Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Determinations the United States is forbidden to “provide in its domestic legislation for an appeal from a panel decision to its domestic courts.”

Also, under 1904: Review of Final Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Determinations the United States is required to amend its statutes and regulations “to ensure that its courts shall give full force and effect, with respect to any person within its jurisdiction, to all sanctions imposed pursuant to the laws of the other Parties to enforce...”

This of course puts American businesses and industries involved in trade with Canada and Mexico under the jurisdiction of a foreign power. Is this not one of the indictments contained in the Declaration of Independence, namely: “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our law; giving his Assent to the Acts of pretended Legislation”.

And, if the above is not enough to cause concern for freedom loving Americans, Under Annex 1904.15: Amendments to Domestic Laws Schedule of the United States the United States is required to “amend section 301 of the Customs Courts Act of l980, as amended, and any other relevant provisions of law, to eliminate the authority to issue declaratory judgments in any civil action involving an antidumping or countervailing duty proceeding regarding a class of kind of Canadian or Mexican merchandise.”

This, in essence, deprives American domestic businesses and industries the protections of our judicial system, and requires them to submit to a foreign judicial power if they complain or question what foreigners involved in commerce are doing on American Soil!”

Hillary Clinton in her support for the NAFTA has violated her oath to support and defend our Constitution by ignoring the exclusive power to regulate commerce is placed in Congress' hands, and not some unelected panel which is created under the NAFTA to advance the interests of our Global Governance Crowd

Now, let us review HILLARY CLINTON ON THE NAFTA in her own lying words!


To support Hillary Clinton is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal ___ all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of Hillary Clinton’s international corporate giant donors who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
That's retarded.

I have read NAFTA cover to cover.

The anti-capitalists and haters of liberty hate NAFTA.

They are communists.

Your claims are unsubstantiated nonsense.


And what did Hillary Clinton say about America’s coal companies and coal miners?
CLICK HERE to learn the startling truth!

And your a traitor...cover to cover. Another profiting from nafta and telling us its good. Fuck you, I know different.
That's retarded.

I have read NAFTA cover to cover.

The anti-capitalists and haters of liberty hate NAFTA.

They are communists.

No, we are anti unfettered capitalism and YOU are the problem with our country. You are pro capitalism in any form at all. I hope Im here when the class war starts because...
That's retarded.

I have read NAFTA cover to cover.

The anti-capitalists and haters of liberty hate NAFTA.

They are communists.

No, we are anti unfettered capitalism and YOU are the problem with our country. You are pro capitalism in any form at all. I hope Im here when the class war starts because...

Go back to Russia, anti-American commie.
And your a traitor...cover to cover. Another profiting from nafta and telling us its good. Fuck you, I know different.

Huh? I am not a supporter of the NAFTA which was a scheme from the very start to fatten the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation!


What did Hillary Clinton really say about the TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership] deal?
CLICK HERE to find the startling truth.

Free trade = regulating your country to death(IE environmental regs) so we can trade with a shithole country that doesn't have those regs.
Free trade = regulating your country to death(IE environmental regs) so we can trade with a shithole country that doesn't have those regs.

Free trade is also code for managed trade which is managed by a group of individuals who are not elected by the American people, who have no allegiance to America or any nation, and their only guiding principle is their bottom line profits, regardless of how it affects the nations involved!


And what did Hillary Clinton really say about the TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership] deal? CLICK HERE to find the startling truth.

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