Harvard President Gay Resigns

It was a campaign to force her out.

It was probably George Soros behind it.

You know how he is!

The "campaign" as you put it, was due to her display of anti-Semitism, and her plagiarism.

I hardly ever watch CNN. Maybe when they have their little "debates" or "town hall" thingies but rarely watch it anymore, or any major network. My assessment of her academic violations is based on nearly 2 decades in higher ed. There's technical plagiarism such as improper citation, and then there's academic fraud or theft. Just like there's math errors or forgetting one or two lawns you mowed, and then there's hiding money in the Caymans.
What do you mean 2 decades in higher ed? You’re immersed in the far-Ledt liberalism that has been injected into the system. No wonder you so freely express your disdain for Jews by couching the term with “Zionist.” They are virtually one in the same.

I probably know at least 200 Jews. I can think of only one who is not a Zionist. She’s a crazy radical leftist.
I already answered that: her response was poorly prepared - she's guilty of that. She was trying to give a nuanced, precise, accurate, academic answer, which was stupid. She didn't realize that she was about to be lynched on social media.
Excuses, excuses. She was allowing Nazi-era antisemitism to flourish on her campus, did nothing to ramp it down, and then, when asked to condemn it, tried to split hairs about when and when not one can call to genocide Jews.

This is top tier level bullshit right here! She knows she has to leave because her fraudulent academic life has been exposed. So why not use this necessity to build racial animus based on her resignation. I GUARANTEE you this was coordinated. She got everyone onboard, race hustlers and leftist fiends, so that this event could be exploited to its fullest potential. These are garbage people.
Ah, now the mask comes off.

So that's it, then. Your concerns have nothing to do with antisemitism; you're just glad she got canceled like Bud Light.
Funny. I just made that off-hand observation.

Of course it has to do with her unwillingness to clamp down on the Nazis marching around on her campus. Thank Gd she’s gone.
Without being graded on the race curve, she's scrubbing truck stop shitters.

She's in good company though, her supreme, bed-shitting thought leader has made a 50-year career out of plagiarizing. If you don't have an original thought..... steal one.

Why is she not naming the racists, or does she want it to continue?
It is not racists threatening her if anybody has threatened her. But that's the narrative they want published out there for the gullible and race baiting folk to repeat, comment on, post, state as fact. She can't very well name people who can prove they didn't do anything of the sort. :)

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