What is the Crime???

Haha, you're not following this very closely are you. The owner of the National Enquirer is a close friend of the Don. They were part of the "Catch and Kill" plan to silence Trump accusers. They paid McDougal $150K to kill her story about having an affair with Trump.
Yes, she was going to sell her story to someone. That's the point. Someone would have bought the story, whether it was true or not. They bought her off because Cohen was willing to pay, not because they believed the story.
Plus Trump had dozens of accusers and he didn't try and pay them all off.
Stormy had better timing, with advice from Shyster Avanatti.
Sorry man you just showed that you don't really know whats going on here
Then why did "Stormy Daniels" deny that the affair happened?
I'm always honest. Don't think what I said implied I thought the establishment was corrupt. Sure there corruption in the establishment. But in this case, as weak as it is, I'm not seeing corruption.
So. . . you really think that Hunter Biden laptop story is fake huh?

The same folks that are bringing you THIS CASE, are responsible for far, FAR worse, but yoar partisan blinders are working over time to ignore that. :rolleyes:

Of course you don't see it.

Weaponization Committee Exposes the Biden White House Censorship Regime in New Report​


Damning' report details Biden admin’s Big Tech 'censorship' push​

Leaked internal emails from Big Tech firms show pressure from the Biden administration​

The lawyer didn't charge $320K to make a non disclosure agreement. Trump paid $320K to Cohen as reimbursement for the $130K payment he fronted to Stormy so they could hide the paper trail. You see how that works right?
He paid 320K to reimburse 130K? You must think that Trump is a Democrat, if he is that bad at math!
Haha, you're not following this very closely are you. The owner of the National Enquirer is a close friend of the Don. They were part of the "Catch and Kill" plan to silence Trump accusers. They paid McDougal $150K to kill her story about having an affair with Trump.

Plus Trump had dozens of accusers and he didn't try and pay them all off.

Sorry man you just showed that you don't really know whats going on here
Also not a crime.
The prosecutor wasn't pursuing those crimes so why would they need to be in the Bill of Particulars?
Holy fuck. You’re one slow son of a bitch.

Advising the accused what it is they are supposed to defend against is the very legal purpose of a Bill of Particulars.

You libturds have less than one clue about fairness or due process.
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What do you mean "being presented?" Their case is over, if you believe the media. Cohen is their last witness. What evidence was given by whom that Trump had an intent to commit a crime?

With what evidence that this was his aim? Not that it's illegal to aim to win an election.

Or is this just going to be another "everyone knew what Trump wanted," like with the Ukraine phone call? Is that seriously the argument the prosecutors will make?

Please admit that the case is that lame, so I can get a laugh.
Well there were audio recordings and testimony about how Trump handles his money, and notes from Trumps CEO outlining a plan to pay back Cohen for fronting the money to pay Stormy and hide it from being disclosed... and lets not forget about the 11 checks signed by Trump to Cohen for $35K for the payback.

Notice how the libturd lemmings all follow heinous media propaganda
Those are just facts of the case. Don't need the media for that. They release transcripts every trial day. You should try better to keep up
Yes, she was going to sell her story to someone. That's the point. Someone would have bought the story, whether it was true or not. They bought her off because Cohen was willing to pay, not because they believed the story.

Stormy had better timing, with advice from Shyster Avanatti.

Then why did "Stormy Daniels" deny that the affair happened?
Wow, so all it takes is the threat of telling a fake story and Trump tosses out $320,000?

Right, totally believable :cool:
Those are just facts of the case. Don't need the media for that. They release transcripts every trial day. You should try better to keep up
Yep. You’re just a lemming hack troll.

You know not one thing about the law much less what’s going on in this case.
Holy fuck. You’re one slow son of a hitch.

Advising the accused what it’s they are supposed to defend against is the very legal purpose of a Bill of Particulars.

You libturds have less than clue one about fairness or due process.
He has less than no idea of how the law works, even at the most rudimentary levels of jurisdiction....A state prosecutor trying a case based on federal statute?...What-fucking-ever!!!!

A monkey trying to fuck a football has more understanding of what he's trying to do.
Well there were audio recordings and testimony about how Trump handles his money, and notes from Trumps CEO outlining a plan to pay back Cohen for fronting the money to pay Stormy and hide it from being disclosed...
Not illegal.
and lets not forget about the 11 checks signed by Trump to Cohen for $35K for the payback.
11 X 35K = 385K. How is that a reimbursement of 130K?
The lawyer didn't charge $320K to make a non disclosure agreement. Trump paid $320K to Cohen as reimbursement for the $130K payment he fronted to Stormy so they could hide the paper trail. You see how that works right?
Of course.

But it isn't illegal to want to hide the fact that one had an affair with a prostitute. Nor is it illegal to make a non-disclosure agreement contract, for that, one needs a lawyer.

The issue here, is the reason to hide the paper trail, and if it could be considered a FEC violation. If it can be, sure, fine him and let him get on his way like every other politician we have had for the past five decades.

But that isn't a false business charge. That is what one needs a lawyer for, and only a moron would say otherwise.

. . . only in the fevered dreams of partisans that can't win in the political arena and need to use novel legal theories to attack their opponents, as they are wont do in tin pot dictatorships, does any of this clown werld crap make a lick of sense.
An actually trial.

And no. It is being considered not and exclusively by the trial judge. A partisan hack at that

Except, of course, you never have.

No. I understand. You don’t. I’m sorry you’re so stupid.
The Judge is doing a fine job
Yep. You’re just a lemming hack troll.

You know not one thing about the law much less what’s going on in this case.
Anger is the enemy of intellect
He paid 320K to reimburse 130K? You must think that Trump is a Democrat, if he is that bad at math!
Yes... it was all sketched out on a bank statement and verified to have been Trumps CFO's handwritting.

Cohen was owed $130K for the Stormy payment and $50K for payments made to prop up Trumps polling numbers following a speech. So thats $180K... For tax reasons they doubled it... Thats $360K... Then they added a $60K bonus.

But as far as the Stormy payment is concerned:

$130K x 2 (for tax comp) = $260K plus $60K bonus = $320K

Thanks math... you get it?

Yes... it was all sketched out on a bank statement and verified to have been Trumps CFO's handwritting.

Cohen was owed $130K for the Stormy payment and $50K for payments made to prop up Trumps polling numbers following a speech. So thats $180K... For tax reasons they doubled it... Thats $360K... Then they added a $60K bonus.

But as far as the Stormy payment is concerned:

$130K x 2 (for tax comp) = $260K plus $60K bonus = $320K

Thanks math... you get it?

View attachment 947426
Doesn't add up to any crime...Not even with your shitty math.

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