What is the Crime???

Cohen did exceptionally well in testimony.

Defense, if it is smart, will not put on witnesses, will request a directed verdict (that will be denied), and rest its case.
False. No such thing has ever been laid out.

Your mistake is obvious.

You accept highly conditional statement spewed by the insidious persecutors in their Bill of Particulars as the People’s “position.” It isn’t because they aren’t bound to it.

And you are utterly unable to point a fucking thing they have bound themselves to as to that fictional and unstated “other” crime.
Hahaha, all of a sudden we have all these legal experts here!!! Did you get a line from Hannity and now you think you can be a law professor?! That’s sweet.

Bottom line is the crimes I’ve laid out are the ones Trump is being charged with. They are real crimes. If you think there is a procedure issue or paperwork issue or lack of evidence etc then that can be brought to this court in the court of appeals.

Either way, the crimes have been laid out and you’re confusion about it is just making you sound ignorant
Deny all you want. It’s not hard to copy and paste and lay it out again,,, Bragg listed three "other" crimes that Trump allegedly intended to commit:

No. He did not he specifically qualifies his crap by using the word “may.”

You can attempt to ignore that fact: but the fact doesn’t go away just because you choose to be dishonest.

Bragg hasn’t yet declared which one he is relying on. Or is he relying on more than one? If more than one, then how will we know if the jurors are unanimous in rendering a guilty verdict? If not unanimous, then any such conviction denies the accused of a fair trial and due process.
No. He did not he specifically qualifies his crap by using the word “may.”

You can attempt to ignore that fact: but the fact doesn’t go away just because you choose to be dishonest.

Bragg hasn’t yet declared which one he is relying on. Or is he relying on more than one? If more than one, then how will we know if the jurors are unanimous in rendering a guilty verdict? If not unanimous, then any such conviction denies the accused of a fair trial and due process.
Again you are talking about a procedural thing that can be brought up in court or appeal. But as far as understanding what the charges are, like what was asked in the OP… they have been laid out.
It’s wiesenbergs handwriting. Trumps CFO who is now in jail for all the shady biz dealings they do. Trumps handwriting is on the signed checks
lol! Yes, I believe that Trump often signed checks in his own handwriting. That’s not illegal, is it?
False. No such thing has ever been laid out.

Your mistake is obvious.

You accept highly conditional statement spewed by the insidious persecutors in their Bill of Particulars as the People’s “position.” It isn’t because they aren’t bound to it.

And you are utterly unable to point a fucking thing they have bound themselves to as to that fictional and unstated “other” crime.
I actually expected better from the prosecution on that point. I guess I should have known. I thought that they would at least try to present some evidence of the so-called another crime, but it seems that the accusation itself once again is the only evidence.
Not true, I showed you the math. Are you dumb or just playing dumb?

$130k grossed up for taxes to $260k plus a $60 bonus = $320k for stormy payback

The remainder is $50k grossed up to $100k for a corp started to prop up poll numbers.

We all know Trump needs to brag about poll numbers. And if he can’t he just calls the polls fake, such intelligence from these people 👍
All that, according to Honest Mikey, right?

If he happens to be telling the truth, this time, all of that could still fairly be called legal fees. Trump was under no obligation to give details of every little thing his lawyer did with the legal fees that he paid him.

Much more likely though is that the money was for reimbursement of the 130 K plus much more for legal fees. There’s not that much room on a check stub.

Why would nondisclosure agreements be legal if you were required to publish the fact that you paid someone for a nondisclosure agreement? That would defeat the purpose of the agreement.

Keep in mind, that, in all of that, Trump was following the advice of his lawyer. The one who is now trying to prosecute him for following that advice. Cohen was very insistent that “I got this.”

You Dems pick strange heroes.
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Whore followed him up to his Hotel room (remember Mike Tyson setup similarly). Now that her money has ran out, she needs to find a way to get more. There is no crime here. Possible a Tax payment issue if anything at all? I am certain Hunter and Joe claimed all overseas cash "gifts" as income.

As even close-minded Marixst scum should know, Deep Pockets are always begin extorted, shaken down, BLM (sharptounge or Jackson) or whores often. (even FOX bimbos went for 20million each "sexual harrassment"). LEFTIST Courts are out of control.
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I read Seymour's post above three times above to make sure I understand what he is saying.

He does not understand the law is his problem, not ours.

The elements of proof were met by evidence and testimony.
Apparently, OP got tired of having to switch between 20 different threads to sealion. So he was nice enough to condense it into one thread.
lol! Yes, I believe that Trump often signed checks in his own handwriting. That’s not illegal, is it?

I actually expected better from the prosecution on that point. I guess I should have known. I thought that they would at least try to present some evidence of the so-called another crime, but it seems that the accusation itself once again is the only evidence.

All that, according to Honest Mikey, right?

If he happens to be telling the truth, this time, all of that could still fairly be called legal fees. Trump was under no obligation to give details of every little thing his lawyer did with the legal fees that he paid him.

Much more likely though is that the money was for reimbursement of the 130 K plus much more for legal fees. There’s not that much room on a check stub.

Why would nondisclosure agreements be legal if you were required to publish the fact that you paid someone for a nondisclosure agreement? That would defeat the purpose of the agreement.

Keep in mind, that, in all of that, Trump was following the advice of his lawyer. The one who is now trying to prosecute him for following that advice. Cohen was very insistent that “I got this.”

You Dems pick strange heroes.
Paying and extra $130k plus a $60k bonus so that Trump could avoid writing the check himself and disclosing it during an election is not a legal fee. It is a reimbursement and in this case an accused crime
Again you are talking about a procedural thing that can be brought up in court or appeal. But as far as understanding what the charges are, like what was asked in the OP… they have been laid out.

If the persecutor isn’t bound by his speculative suggestions, then the defendant isn’t advised about what he needs to be defending against.

It’s not supposed to be a game.

But unethical persecutors don’t care.
Paying and extra $130k plus a $60k bonus so that Trump could avoid writing the check himself and disclosing it during an election is not a legal fee. It is a reimbursement and in this case an accused crime
Trump followed the advice of his attorney and had no reason to think it was a crime - which it wasn’t.

There is no law against paying for things through your attorney. It happens all the time.

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