Harris warns Virginia Dems: What happens in this election may determine what happens in 2022 and 2024


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
If Youngkin pulls it off, expect this to be played over and over in 22 and 24.

As goes Virginia, so goes the nation.

The fact it’s a close race in a blue state is the true barometer.

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If Youngkin pulls it off, expect this to be played over over in 22 and 24.

As goes Virginia, so goes the nation.

The fact it’s a close race in a blue state is the true barometer.

He said may. You said does

anything else you want to pretend to know?
She probably doesn’t know Harris is VP and think Biden is still VP and Obama is President…

As for Harris warning it is clear the Democratic Party is going to lose the House in 2022 and most likely the Senate and Oval Office in 2024 no matter Virginia results because of Biden failure to truly lead.

And more importantly, the Democrats have nothing but the threat that if you don't vote for the wildly criminal McAwful in VA, the Donks will lose in 2022/24.

When your candidate is so bad that all you have to convince people to vote for him is the spectre of certain future doom, you're done.
I hope she is right and the democrats at the local, state and national level lose elections in landslide elections all over our nation.

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