Gun Dealer Held Responsible

excuse me------I could be wrong----I do not know much about this stuff------but-----I thought that
a "shot gun" is not the same as-------pistols and assault rifles. Even an air gun that shoots little bird pellet things is called a "shot gun" ----right?

No, an airgun is NOT a shotgun, in fact they aren't weapons at all as far as the firearms laws are concerned.

OH ok----so felons can have them-----right?


in fact, a 12 y/o, or younger, can have one.

Have one yes, buy one no.

There ARE federal restrictions on pellet guns when it comes to kids.

COMMENT Federal Regulation of BB Guns Aiming to Protect Our Children

Any gun that is capable of firing at more than 340 feet per second must have a package that is clearly marked "recommended for ages 16 and up" and retailers are required to check ID for sales.

However, if you buy one for your child , it is not illegal for your child to use it, or possess it.

Very similar to say R rated movies. Kids can't buy them, but it's not illegal for them to have them.

OH gee------ok ------I am not happy about it
excuse me------I could be wrong----I do not know much about this stuff------but-----I thought that
a "shot gun" is not the same as-------pistols and assault rifles. Even an air gun that shoots little bird pellet things is called a "shot gun" ----right?

No, an airgun is NOT a shotgun, in fact they aren't weapons at all as far as the firearms laws are concerned.

OH ok----so felons can have them-----right?


in fact, a 12 y/o, or younger, can have one.

Have one yes, buy one no.

There ARE federal restrictions on pellet guns when it comes to kids.

COMMENT Federal Regulation of BB Guns Aiming to Protect Our Children

Any gun that is capable of firing at more than 340 feet per second must have a package that is clearly marked "recommended for ages 16 and up" and retailers are required to check ID for sales.

However, if you buy one for your child , it is not illegal for your child to use it, or possess it.

Very similar to say R rated movies. Kids can't buy them, but it's not illegal for them to have them.

OH gee------ok ------I am not happy about it

A gun that fires at < 340 fps is VERY lower power and they fire a small caliber BB out of usually a smooth bore. Making them low powered, small caliber, and not very accurate.

In other words, not capable of doing any real damage.

Now , you move up to some of the .177 caliber air rifles that can fire a pellet at 900 feet per second or so, and yeah, they are a little more dangerous.
More cases like this need to happen. Too many people are being murdered and a small group of gun dealers are helping to murder innocent people.
I hope that all gun dealers wake up and see what has happened to this gun dealer so they will stop selling guns to criminals. Hopefully they will not want to get sued and stop selling guns to criminals.
Kansas Gun Dealer Settles Precedent-Setting Brady Center Case for Maximum Amount | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Stupid ant-gun loon, not understanding that the NRA will tell you this dealer should be in jail for breaking federal law....
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

He sold a gun to a known criminal.

That's illegal in America.
Yes, it is..... So explain how more or stricter gun laws would help if the gun dealer willingly broke the ones already on the books.

See, gun control isn't the real issue. Criminal control is.......

Well, for one thing, the dealer would have been sent to the slammer. As it is, his civil penalty is mostly being paid by his business insurance policy. Any more stupid questions?
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

He sold a gun to a known criminal.

That's illegal in America.
Yes, it is..... So explain how more or stricter gun laws would help if the gun dealer willingly broke the ones already on the books.

See, gun control isn't the real issue. Criminal control is.......

How about sticking to the subject.

I never said anything about more stricter laws.

I will say I'm all for enforcing all existing laws. Which the dealer who knowingly sold a gun to a felon broke the law.

Please try to keep up with the subject. If you can't, you're free to start your own thread.
Can't break the law. The gun dealer knowingly broke the law. No sympathy from me.
The gun dealer violated the law. Settling out of court is the least of it. Their FFL should be revoked.
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

The context was in the linked article.

In essence the gun dealer knowingly abetted a straw purchase even after discovering that the real purchaser (who was paying for the gun) was a felon convicted of domestic violence and was prohibited by law from owning a weapon.

The fact that the gun dealer settled is an admission of guilt on his part too.
Thanks Einstein, you're a genius. I said no context was posted, how fucking stupid do you need to be to not get it? If someone is too lazy to post any context I generally won't go off site to see what they are talking about. Have somebody sit you down and explain those words to you until you get it and quit posting answers to things over your head.

If a dealer breaks the law, they're responsible, it isn't in question. The OP made it sound like there was some accomplishment to pin something on him but she's usually stoned out of her mind.
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

The context was in the linked article.

In essence the gun dealer knowingly abetted a straw purchase even after discovering that the real purchaser (who was paying for the gun) was a felon convicted of domestic violence and was prohibited by law from owning a weapon.

The fact that the gun dealer settled is an admission of guilt on his part too.
Thanks Einstein, you're a genius. I said no context was posted, how fucking stupid do you need to be to not get it? If someone is too lazy to post any context I generally won't go off site to see what they are talking about. Have somebody sit you down and explain those words to you until you get it and quit posting answers to things over your head.

If a dealer breaks the law, they're responsible, it isn't in question. The OP made it sound like there was some accomplishment to pin something on him but she's usually stoned out of her mind.

Actually getting the gun dealer to admit liability was an accomplishment and it was in both the OP and the link.

That you insist upon remaining in self imposed abject ignorance says volumes.
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.
He sold a gun to a known criminal.
That's illegal in America.
So... why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't the grandmother? They both CLEARLY broke the law.
Non prosecution doesn't mean a law wasn't broken.
The question remains -- why isn't he in jail?

How the fuck should I know? There are lots of criminals who aren't in jail. That doesn't mean they didn't break the law.
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.
He sold a gun to a known criminal.
That's illegal in America.
So... why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't the grandmother? They both CLEARLY broke the law.
Non prosecution doesn't mean a law wasn't broken.
The question remains -- why isn't he in jail?

The answer to that question can probably be found under the covers of the NRA but the OP didn't cover that.

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