Gun Dealer Held Responsible

What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.
He sold a gun to a known criminal.
That's illegal in America.
So... why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't the grandmother? They both CLEARLY broke the law.
Non prosecution doesn't mean a law wasn't broken.
The question remains -- why isn't he in jail?
How the fuck should I know? There are lots of criminals who aren't in jail. That doesn't mean they didn't break the law.
Apparently the BATFE isn't interested in pursuing gun-related felonies.
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.
He sold a gun to a known criminal.
That's illegal in America.
So... why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't the grandmother? They both CLEARLY broke the law.
Non prosecution doesn't mean a law wasn't broken.
The question remains -- why isn't he in jail?

The answer to that question can probably be found under the covers of the NRA but the OP didn't cover that.

The honest answer is, the prosecutor probably felt that they didn't have much of a case. IE I doubt the felon or his grannie were going to testify against the dealer and so you are stuck with not much of a case, and prosecutors don't like trying cases they aren't pretty sure they can win.

But of course the burden of proof is a lot lower in a civil case, so the guy was sued but not charged with a crime.
IMO people who have had loved ones killed by illegal immigrants should sue the fucking government too

After all the government is complicit in those murders

Oh well, then using that logic, we should sue the government even if the murder was committed by a non-illegal, i.e. US citizen. If you think it's the gov job to protect ALL citizens then whenever you get hurt by someone else, it's time to call your lawyer and file a lawsuit.

Oh wait, unless you think only illegal aliens commit murders and legal US citizens don't. Nice try.
More cases like this need to happen. Too many people are being murdered and a small group of gun dealers are helping to murder innocent people.

I hope that all gun dealers wake up and see what has happened to this gun dealer so they will stop selling guns to criminals. Hopefully they will not want to get sued and stop selling guns to criminals.

Kansas Gun Dealer Settles Precedent-Setting Brady Center Case for Maximum Amount | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
IMO people who have had loved ones killed by illegal immigrants should sue the fucking government too

After all the government is complicit in those murders

Oh well, then using that logic, we should sue the government even if the murder was committed by a non-illegal, i.e. US citizen. If you think it's the gov job to protect ALL citizens then whenever you get hurt by someone else, it's time to call your lawyer and file a lawsuit.

Oh wait, unless you think only illegal aliens commit murders and legal US citizens don't. Nice try.

The difference being legal citizens have a right to be here illegal immigrants do not.

If the government knowingly allows illegal immigrants to stay in this country and it does then ultimately the government is an accomplice to all crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Just as if you knowingly let a criminal into a bank you are complicit in the robbery
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

It appears they knowingly engaged in a Straw Man purchase, which is a felony. If that is actually true I am wondering why they are not also sitting in prison. And for the record, they are a PAWN store that deals in guns. Pawn dealers, with rare exception, are scum.
The Gun Dealer didn't break ANY Law, they broke a THEORY:
In 2010, the Kansas Court of Appeals overturned the trial court’s initial dismissal of the case, finding that the Georges could be liable for Zeus Graham’s death under the THEORY of negligent entrustment.
He didn't pay anything

Try reading the article linked in the OP and you will discover that you are wrong yet again.

The owners of the dealer, Baxter Gun & Pawn Shop in Baxter Springs, KS, have agreed to settle the case for the maximum amount available under their insurance policy, as well as a financial contribution from their personal assets.

Do you work hard at being this ignorant and stupid or does it just come naturally to you?
IMO people who have had loved ones killed by illegal immigrants should sue the fucking government too

After all the government is complicit in those murders

Oh well, then using that logic, we should sue the government even if the murder was committed by a non-illegal, i.e. US citizen. If you think it's the gov job to protect ALL citizens then whenever you get hurt by someone else, it's time to call your lawyer and file a lawsuit.

Oh wait, unless you think only illegal aliens commit murders and legal US citizens don't. Nice try.

The difference being legal citizens have a right to be here illegal immigrants do not.

If the government knowingly allows illegal immigrants to stay in this country and it does then ultimately the government is an accomplice to all crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Just as if you knowingly let a criminal into a bank you are complicit in the robbery

The government does not knowingly allow illegals to be here. No cop allows speeding drivers to speed intentionally. The reason not all speeding drivers are caught by the cops is that cops don't have resources to flag down every speeding driver. Or else we would not have speeding on the highways AT ALL.

So now I presume whenever there's an accident on the highway due to speeding drivers, you will sue the government and the police department too? Just how many government agencies do you plan to sue when someone gets hurt? You think government is in the business of catching every criminal before he/she commits a crime?
What did the gun dealer do wrong? No context was posted.

He sold guns... and because of that, the idiots are holding him to account for the damage that the products of socialism did, when they failed to bear the responsibilities intrinsic in the right to own and effectively use forearms to destroy socialism and any other facet of evil that threatens the means of Americans to exercise their rights.
The context was in the linked article.

In essence the gun dealer knowingly abetted a straw purchase even after discovering that the real purchaser (who was paying for the gun) was a felon convicted of domestic violence and was prohibited by law from owning a weapon.

The fact that the gun dealer settled is an admission of guilt on his part too.

The link goes to the Brady site.

Is there a legitimate source?
The context was in the linked article.

In essence the gun dealer knowingly abetted a straw purchase even after discovering that the real purchaser (who was paying for the gun) was a felon convicted of domestic violence and was prohibited by law from owning a weapon.

The fact that the gun dealer settled is an admission of guilt on his part too.
The link goes to the Brady site.
Is there a legitimate source?
Out one side of their mouths, anti-gun loons cite the Brady Campaign as gospel; out the other side they tell us that the NRA only lies.

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