Google, Clearly The Enemy Of We The People


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
Its time we deal with these creatures, I would insist on nationalizing it, then either incarcerating or executing its entire board out of hand, certainly google is the greatest enemy to the United States just after China & the DNC, in point of fact its all but impossible to separate them all from each other.... Huwai is not nearly as dangerous to the United States as google happens to be, marinate in that...

Fuck Google. May they collectively choke on ten bags of rotten dicks and may spilled fuck and hot coals be heaped upon their heads forever and ever. Amen.

That being said, wanna know how I really feel? :laugh:
If someone make a google research about Trump they sure will find some negatif stuff. i have it with those site who show that they are democrat like it is not enough that i only get the pro democrat CNN in France.
Its time we deal with these creatures, I would insist on nationalizing it, then either incarcerating or executing its entire board out of hand, certainly google is the greatest enemy to the United States just after China & the DNC, in point of fact its all but impossible to separate them all from each other.... Huwai is not nearly as dangerous to the United States as google happens to be, marinate in that...

Google DOES blow. It blows HUGE donkey genitalia. Thank you.
If someone make a google research about Trump they sure will find some negatif stuff. i have it with those site who show that they are democrat like it is not enough that i only get the pro democrat CNN in France.

I lost all respect for the government of France after they started going "anti-nuke" back in the 80's. Except the truth is, France is suspected to have the third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, so seems a little hypocritical.

Plus there's that Vietnam thingy they got us involved in.
Its time we deal with these creatures, I would insist on nationalizing it, then either incarcerating or executing its entire board out of hand, certainly google is the greatest enemy to the United States just after China & the DNC, in point of fact its all but impossible to separate them all from each other.... Huwai is not nearly as dangerous to the United States as google happens to be, marinate in that...

The Left has now moved so far radically left that they now must censor the truth.

It is either that or get destroyed.
If someone make a google research about Trump they sure will find some negatif stuff. i have it with those site who show that they are democrat like it is not enough that i only get the pro democrat CNN in France.
Google is by far the best search engine and is great for research is you make full use of it's functions. The exclude function is invaluable when researching any subject that is even tangentially related to politics.

For example, fake news can make research extremely time consuming because of all the fake news cluttering your search results.

Since the vast majoritty of all fake news is disseminated by a relatively few sources, all you have to do is put a minus sign in front of the most prolific fake news outlets to dramatically save a lot of time.

To cut out all the bullshit, I simply copy this to my clipboard

-nyt -wapo -guardian -usatoday -bbc -ap -reuters -cnn -nbc -abc -cbs -fox -npr -theatlantic -vox -buzzfeed -politico -huffpo

Then paste it in the google search box after I type my search terms and a space.

It acts as a very powerful fake news filter. It filters out 99% of the fake news.

Try it, you will be amazed.
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Its time we deal with these creatures, I would insist on nationalizing it, then either incarcerating or executing its entire board out of hand, certainly google is the greatest enemy to the United States just after China & the DNC, in point of fact its all but impossible to separate them all from each other.... Huwai is not nearly as dangerous to the United States as google happens to be, marinate in that...

The Left has now moved so far radically left that they now must censor the truth.

It is either that or get destroyed.

Yup, even Tim Pool will most likely get banned, a liberal. If you vote for Trump/are an American, the ban hammer is coming. Usual democrat terrorist tactics, they require absolute devotion.
Its time we deal with these creatures, I would insist on nationalizing it, then either incarcerating or executing its entire board out of hand, certainly google is the greatest enemy to the United States just after China & the DNC, in point of fact its all but impossible to separate them all from each other.... Huwai is not nearly as dangerous to the United States as google happens to be, marinate in that...

Google is not the enemy of anyone. You are a thug.

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