Giuliani On Fox's Kennedy Show


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
There has got to be a reason this interview lacks so much. As in information and facts.

Watch the video where Trump's personal lawyer loses it on TV.

"Rudy Giuliani exploded in a heated interview with Fox Business’ Kennedy Tuesday night when she threw out a comparison between his actions and those of the author of the infamous Trump dossier."

Rudy has been losing his cool too often. Trump should not rely on him for advice much if he wants to win down the stretch.
There has got to be a reason this interview lacks so much. As in information and facts.

Watch the video where Trump's personal lawyer loses it on TV.

"Rudy Giuliani exploded in a heated interview with Fox Business’ Kennedy Tuesday night when she threw out a comparison between his actions and those of the author of the infamous Trump dossier."

Wow, he completely blew his top.

What comes to mind is "I think the "gentleman" doth protest too much".
I liked it.

Kennedy was being a snotty twat, and suggesting that he was a criminal, pairing him alike with Steele.

Seems the corruption extends all over, and the good guys should be pissed off at this.
There has got to be a reason this interview lacks so much. As in information and facts.

Watch the video where Trump's personal lawyer loses it on TV.

"Rudy Giuliani exploded in a heated interview with Fox Business’ Kennedy Tuesday night when she threw out a comparison between his actions and those of the author of the infamous Trump dossier."

Rudy destroyed that little snowflake.
She spoke with Giuliani about when he got the information he has touted about Hunter Biden and the laptop in question. Giuliani said “we’re constantly finding new documents” regarding the Biden family.

IMO, Giuliani is only thinking of his own personal interests, using this shit for self-promotion, and slowly leaking out juicy tidbits to keep himself relevant in the media.

He insinuates that the FBI may be burying it, yet in a way he is also burying it.

He needs to do the right thing and send a copy of that entire hard drive to Wikileaks. He should have did that on day fucking one. John Paul Mac Issac, the Mac repair shop owner should have sent it to Wikileaks on day one.

If he did that there would be a searchable database of every document on that drive available to everyone by now.

Information that may have changed votes.

While Rudy drags his heels (pun intended), people are out there early voting. He said that he wanted to slowly release information the week before the election, but seems oblivious to the fact that the election has been well underway for several weeks now.

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