Gavin Newsom Had Major Adverse Reaction to Moderna Booster Shot: Sources


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
There was an obvious reason why no one has seen him in public since October 27.

This weekend, I received information from a source with knowledge of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s health condition. He reportedly developed symptoms of Bell’s Palsy immediately after getting injected with the Moderna Covid-19 booster shot and has had trouble speaking coherently. We have sought another source to corroborate before reporting but were unable to get that confirmation until two more reports surfaced today.

The first source is inexplicably “down” as of the writing of this article. Children’s Health Defense, which has been a reliable source for Covid-related news, started experiencing problems with their website shortly after publishing the article below. The other source is Steve Kirsch’s Substack, also published below, which may be receiving his information from the same source that reached out to me as the information is quite similar.

Meanwhile, the Governor’s staff is playing it all close to the vest, claiming that he has “family obligations” that apparently popped up immediately after his injection on October 27. Within two days, he canceled his trip to COP26. As an extremely vocal climate change activist, one would think rubbing elbows with other activists worldwide would make it a “must go” for him regardless of the “family obligations.”

Whether it’s Bell’s Palsy or something else, it seems to be tied to the booster shot. All of his plans changed immediately after getting injected and he hasn’t been seen in public ever since. Both his wife and his staff are screaming about conspiracy theories and acting like it’s perfectly natural for a narcissist like Newsom to be out of the public eye for two weeks.

Whether it’s Bell’s Palsy or something else, it seems to be tied to the booster shot. All of his plans changed immediately after getting injected and he hasn’t been seen in public ever since.
While I don't wish for anyone to have serious health problems, IF this report is true, it'd be Karma in action. Every day that passes, this rumor will grow and gain a footing. If he isn't ill, he should make a public appearance and shut it down.
There was an obvious reason why no one has seen him in public since October 27.

This weekend, I received information from a source with knowledge of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s health condition. He reportedly developed symptoms of Bell’s Palsy immediately after getting injected with the Moderna Covid-19 booster shot and has had trouble speaking coherently. We have sought another source to corroborate before reporting but were unable to get that confirmation until two more reports surfaced today.
The first source is inexplicably “down” as of the writing of this article. Children’s Health Defense, which has been a reliable source for Covid-related news, started experiencing problems with their website shortly after publishing the article below. The other source is Steve Kirsch’s Substack, also published below, which may be receiving his information from the same source that reached out to me as the information is quite similar.
Meanwhile, the Governor’s staff is playing it all close to the vest, claiming that he has “family obligations” that apparently popped up immediately after his injection on October 27. Within two days, he canceled his trip to COP26. As an extremely vocal climate change activist, one would think rubbing elbows with other activists worldwide would make it a “must go” for him regardless of the “family obligations.”
Whether it’s Bell’s Palsy or something else, it seems to be tied to the booster shot. All of his plans changed immediately after getting injected and he hasn’t been seen in public ever since. Both his wife and his staff are screaming about conspiracy theories and acting like it’s perfectly natural for a narcissist like Newsom to be out of the public eye for two weeks.

That would be SO interesting.

I have no sympathy with this guy at all. Thousands of people right now are protesting his terrible Los Angeles mandates. He deserves to have been caught in all this craziness and I hope he was.

SOMETHING seems to have happened. It's hard to believe this is just a vacation. He's ill with Covid or the vaccination, or a kid was kidnapped (God forbid --- that would be terrible), or he's had some sort of disabling illness ---- I can't believe he's just taking time off without any explanation to anyone in charge!!

Trouble speaking coherently? Could be a stroke, if any of that is true.
He’s in hiding because lock down lib loons can’t have one of their Top Nutjobs looking like an inflated balloon.
I never wish ill will on anyone, and it's why I encourage people to get vaccinated but know full well that each of us have our own health decisions to make.

It is in the publics interest that the facts are presented for multiple reasons.
Fir a criminal mass murderer like this guy,there is no shame in wishing ill on this particular scum,he is a monster,he is not human at all.I have no sympathy fir evil monsters like this bastard,it is karma biting his fucking ass as it should.
I really don't like wishing ill on anyone and I'm not necessarily doing so now but considering the hell Newscum has made for people out here Karma is a bitch and she's packing heat
The vaccines are more dangerous than covid. Hope Gavin enjoys his next booster in 6 months to keep his vaccination status.
many of the medications people take have possible side effects that are more dangerous than the condition they take the meds for.....but yet they still take them.....
I really don't like wishing ill on anyone and I'm not necessarily doing so now but considering the hell Newscum has made for people out here Karma is a bitch and she's packing heat

In Canada we aren't allowed to leave the country unless we are double vaxxed. They are pushing for the boosters and we are told "this virus is going to be with us forever".

The entire obedience of media, Big Business and the general public in Canada has just reinforced what I have already disscerned about the human species in systems such as ours (especially in regards to the Security Apparatus, not unlike former East Germany). People will step on and destroys others for their own benefit, and/or, often times just to feel as if they are morally and intellectually superior.
many of the medications people take have possible side effects that are more dangerous than the condition they take the meds for.....but yet they still take them.....

If those meds had as many adverse reactions as the covid clot shot has, they'd be taken off the market. Perhaps this will give Mr. Newsolini something to think about while he's recovering.
There was an obvious reason why no one has seen him in public since October 27.

This weekend, I received information from a source with knowledge of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s health condition. He reportedly developed symptoms of Bell’s Palsy immediately after getting injected with the Moderna Covid-19 booster shot and has had trouble speaking coherently. We have sought another source to corroborate before reporting but were unable to get that confirmation until two more reports surfaced today.
The first source is inexplicably “down” as of the writing of this article. Children’s Health Defense, which has been a reliable source for Covid-related news, started experiencing problems with their website shortly after publishing the article below. The other source is Steve Kirsch’s Substack, also published below, which may be receiving his information from the same source that reached out to me as the information is quite similar.
Meanwhile, the Governor’s staff is playing it all close to the vest, claiming that he has “family obligations” that apparently popped up immediately after his injection on October 27. Within two days, he canceled his trip to COP26. As an extremely vocal climate change activist, one would think rubbing elbows with other activists worldwide would make it a “must go” for him regardless of the “family obligations.”
Whether it’s Bell’s Palsy or something else, it seems to be tied to the booster shot. All of his plans changed immediately after getting injected and he hasn’t been seen in public ever since. Both his wife and his staff are screaming about conspiracy theories and acting like it’s perfectly natural for a narcissist like Newsom to be out of the public eye for two weeks.

Many, many people the world over have suffered horrible disease, injury and death from both the COVID vaccines and the boosters. The mainstream media, owned by the owners of big pharma, has been suppressing this truth since day one. The most sinister aspect of this situation is how the decision whether or not to take the jabs and boosters was very deceptively let up to the individual, after the mainstream media and doctor shills for big pharma scared them to death, making them believe COVID would kill them if they did not submit.
not very nice.. is that just because he's a Communist?
or because he's a Stupid Communist?
Likely because Newsome and most other US state governors are single handedly responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of American citizens, both by their handing of the so-called pandemic along with COVID mandates, and in their push to vaccinate the masses.

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