Jewish Man Threatened by London Police Officer

Anti-Semitism is at an all time high in England.

It can never be completely similar in comparison, but I am seeing the period of the mid 30s Germany today. It started out with some open hostility towards Jews. We are seeing BDS, the boycotting of Jewish speakers and more open hostility towards someone.

There was also the border guards in the U.K telling Jewish members who had been invited there by the government, that "you're not going to do here what you're doing in Gaza". Huh?

Would anyone want to wear a star of David today? It is a dangerous time and this must be acknowledged.
Anti-Semitism is at an all time high in England.

of course it is, isn't everyone antisemitic these days even many Jewish people? Falter is a well known Zionist trouble maker and that is exactly what he was doing on Saturday trying to cause an incident complete with his own film crew.
I do.

It's not a crime to be a Jew... at least for now.
The problem is, you and I and millions of others may know this history, but, there are BILLIONS who do not, don't care or may even view that history for their sick motivations today.

The younger a person is today the less informed they are of that dark period in human history whose victims extended well beyond the Jews alone. Frighteningly, few have a real appreciation nor an understanding of how precarious true liberty is.

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