Expanded background checks fails in Senate

Obama is stunned. He was certain trotting those folks out and exploiting them would be a shoe in.
"Even before his most ambitious gun-control proposals were falling by the wayside, President Obama was turning for help to the United Nations. On April 2, the United States led 154 nations to approve the Arms Trade Treaty in the U.N. General Assembly. While much of the treaty governs the international sale of conventional weapons, its regulation of small arms would provide American gun-control advocates with a new tool for restricting rights. "

John Bolton and John Yoo: Obama's U.N. Backdoor Route to Gun Control - WSJ.com
May the NRA be with you.

Because reason is gone.

"Even before his most ambitious gun-control proposals were falling by the wayside, President Obama was turning for help to the United Nations. On April 2, the United States led 154 nations to approve the Arms Trade Treaty in the U.N. General Assembly. While much of the treaty governs the international sale of conventional weapons, its regulation of small arms would provide American gun-control advocates with a new tool for restricting rights.

For the millionth freaking time. One has nothing to do with the other. Geez no wonder nothing ever gets done.
I don't understand what the problem with this bill is.

Someone will have to explain why it didn't pass even though it won 54-46 in the Senate.

How are universal background checks an infringement on the 2nd Amendment?

Aren't the Constitutionalists here not aware of the part of the 2nd Amendment that clearly says, "well-regulated"?
I don't understand what the problem with this bill is.

Someone will have to explain why it didn't pass even though it won 54-46 in the Senate.

How are universal background checks an infringement on the 2nd Amendment?

Aren't the Constitutionalists here not aware of the part of the 2nd Amendment that clearly says, "well-regulated"?
The problem is that background checks wouldn't have changed anything in Newtown, or Aurora, or for Gabby Giffords.

The Bam loses, and big. :rofl:

More innocent Americans will die because of right wing stupidity, many of them innocent children.

And even more Americans will be alive because they used their personal firearm to save themselves from the criminals who laugh at the idea of following laws in the first place.

That MIGHT be true if three other things were true.

1. If people were armed at the time they needed a gun.

2. If criminals or crazy people would give you a chance to draw (like in those old west movies).

3. If the law-abiding private citizen was a better shot and wasn't mentally distracted at that moment by concerns about other members of his family.

Meanwhile, the cowardly vote in the Senate means that the the NRA (at the behest of gun manufacturers) has insured that any criminal, or lunatic, (or lunatic criminal for that matter) can manage to easily and legally get his hands on a gun if he wants one without going out of his way to do so.
Look at that douchebag Boiking throwing his little temper tantrum in the Rose Garden....Look at that nitwit Biden, doing his best Walter...:lmao:


Yup, he sure hates the taste of FAIL !! Where is all that political capital he was talking about ? Gone.

Where is Obama's political capital?

I imagine it's in the 90% of Americans who support universal background checks on firearms, which is common sense and does not infringe on my rights to own as many weapons as I'd like.

Pretty shameful day. I no longer recognize the Republican party.
Look at that douchebag Boiking throwing his little temper tantrum in the Rose Garden....Look at that nitwit Biden, doing his best Walter...:lmao:


Yup, he sure hates the taste of FAIL !! Where is all that political capital he was talking about ? Gone.

Where is Obama's political capital?

I imagine it's in the 90% of Americans who support universal background checks on firearms, which is common sense and does not infringe on my rights to own as many weapons as I'd like.

Pretty shameful day. I no longer recognize the Republican party.

What will we ever do without your acknowledgement? :cuckoo:
Who gives a shit.

Look at that douchebag Boiking throwing his little temper tantrum in the Rose Garden....Look at that nitwit Biden, doing his best Walter...:lmao:


Yup, he sure hates the taste of FAIL !! Where is all that political capital he was talking about ? Gone.

Where is Obama's political capital?

I imagine it's in the 90% of Americans who support universal background checks on firearms, which is common sense and does not infringe on my rights to own as many weapons as I'd like.

Pretty shameful day. I no longer recognize the Republican party.

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