End of the World Revelation #13 Coming?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

You must be a gnostic with that secret knowledge other Christians don't have.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

been saying that for a long time ...when will you people stop being duped?
wolf wolf wolf wolf
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

You must be a gnostic with that secret knowledge other Christians don't have.

No. Maybe hobelim was pop up. It would take a world government decree by the Antichrist as ruler of the world (some thought it was Obama) that the chip be planted in the forehead or right hand to make the revelation come true. I was just pointing out the technology is here.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

been saying that for a long time ...when will you people stop being duped?
wolf wolf wolf wolf

Have you been calling God a liar? All of the prophecies have come true. This one would be before Jesus comes a second time and we have a ruler of the world.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

End of the World Revelation #13 Coming?
is that a question ...

oh, which one is #13, sorry 1:27 hour is a bit of listening too no one really want's to hear but for the religious fanatics -

known as christians or collectively desert revisionist that only cause unease and crimes against humanity by the forgeries and fallacies they relish over the true religion they all three have abandoned.

the answer is no unless all who are remaining are the same to be judged collectively with the same verdict. peace on Earth forever, the only verdict for their success.
oh, which one is #13, sorry 1:27 hour is a bit of listening too no one really want's to hear but for the religious fanatics -

Not religious fanatics, but the Christians.

You can start at 40:55 which predicts the coming of the one world leader. Then it goes to prophecy #13. Click below.

We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

Frankly, my dear, living in trembling fear of ancient superstitions is not a prescription for a healthy psyche.

You're a day late and a UFO short.
Heaven's Gate | Full UFO Cult Documentary - Bing video
well, it's less likely for 4 years anyway after the deplorable's lost the big election and the orange jesus was voted out of office ...

not to mention credit cards are not mandatory and never will be in this country. right or left.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

Frankly, my dear, living in trembling fear of ancient superstitions is not a prescription for a healthy psyche.

You're a day late and a UFO short.
Heaven's Gate | Full UFO Cult Documentary - Bing video

UFO cult is for the atheists who believe in aliens and microbes living underground on Mars and Europa :icon_rolleyes:.

The Christians shouldn't be living in fear, but the atheists should. People wanted to know when the EOW will take place. This should explain it. It was ghastly under Obama, but then we had Trump to undo the things he did. Now, we may be facing Biden unless Trump can win his case the voting machines were fraud before the supreme court.
not to mention credit cards are not mandatory and never will be in this country. right or left.

I don't think your credit score is the point. It's just so to identify you, get into your house, your place of employment, etc. Will robbers cut off your head or hand to break into your house? That would be too grisly and ghastly :08621:.

The Antichrist just wants you to have his mark. I think he would be happy to see you starve to death or die from exposure.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

Frankly, my dear, living in trembling fear of ancient superstitions is not a prescription for a healthy psyche.

You're a day late and a UFO short.
Heaven's Gate | Full UFO Cult Documentary - Bing video


And living in trembling fear of ancient superstitions written by men is a prescription for sounding foolish and ridiculous.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

been saying that for a long time ...when will you people stop being duped?
wolf wolf wolf wolf

Have you been calling God a liar? All of the prophecies have come true. This one would be before Jesus comes a second time and we have a ruler of the world.

why would I call God a liar when there is no god?
how long are you going to wait for something that not coming?
Have you been calling God a liar? All of the prophecies have come true. This one would be before Jesus comes a second time and we have a ruler of the world.
Keep in mind the authors of the Book of Daniel and Revelation were recording events of their own times in a form known as apocalyptic literature. Humans being as we are does not preclude us from having our own similar events. The concept of "End Times" came about well before Revelation when philosophers/prophets of their day noted that the only way government could be everlasting is if God Himself came down from the heavens to rule.

Basically, thousands of years ago mankind noted that government and rulers are corrupt or are in the process of becoming corrupt. It takes a catastrophic event to topple them, then good people step in, but the process begins all over again. Notice what happens in the new beginning. People of God bring God/goodness back to the forefront. But slowly, God/goodness gets pushed to the back as the greedy and power-hungry take over. This, to the dismay of many (both people of faith and atheists) is what we are seeing happening in our own time. As individuals we feel helpless to stop it.

Like in the days of Babel, we speak different "languages" and cannot/will not understand each other. We stop listening to one another. And like Babel, we who are made from the earth, and build things from the earth upon the earth, are doomed to watch the earth swallow what we built--just like what happened to that tower of an earlier time.

Thousands of years ago our ancestors warned us, gave us a heads up as to what happens, and how to detect the warming signs that corruption and destruction of our society is near. We did not listen then. We are not listening still. Perhaps we never will.
We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

Frankly, my dear, living in trembling fear of ancient superstitions is not a prescription for a healthy psyche.

You're a day late and a UFO short.
Heaven's Gate | Full UFO Cult Documentary - Bing video

UFO cult is for the atheists who believe in aliens and microbes living underground on Mars and Europa :icon_rolleyes:.

The Christians shouldn't be living in fear, but the atheists should. People wanted to know when the EOW will take place. This should explain it. It was ghastly under Obama, but then we had Trump to undo the things he did. Now, we may be facing Biden unless Trump can win his case the voting machines were fraud before the supreme court.

I think it’s worth a reminder that it was you who suggested that aliens were living underground on Mars.

Your version of Christianity may not allow for evolution, a rational, reasoned based worldview, an allowance for nature, etc., but living in fear is a prescription for a maladjusted personality. Evolution, the physical sciences and our understanding of the universe are based on evidence from that universe and from the earth itself, including evidence that is a heck of a lot less ambiguous than anything in any alleged “holy book”. Christianity claims that Gods had something to do with the creation of the earth, and therefore they are responsible for that evidence. If evolution and the physical sciences are true, then the Gods cannot be trusted. And if you can't trust the Gods, then what good is the Bible?
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We are reading the Book of Daniel in our church now and frankly, my dear, it's troubling. The BoD is OT, but has been spot on throughout the years. I know the non-believers won't understand but even the believers will be misled. Wow :08621: ,

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

been saying that for a long time ...when will you people stop being duped?
wolf wolf wolf wolf

Have you been calling God a liar? All of the prophecies have come true. This one would be before Jesus comes a second time and we have a ruler of the world.

If Jesus has not come back yet, then all the prophecies have not come true.
It would be great if everyone were micro-chipped.

Then all crime would cease.

All those robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists, & murderers would not dare engage in their vicious pursuits.

Plus, there would no missing people anymore. We could immediately know their whereabouts.

There would be so many benefits to personkind.

We should not be afraid of being micro-chipped. We should welcome it.

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