Does it bother you that America tax payers bailed out GM and now GM is bailing out on Americans?

Makes sense in theory. In reality? Not so much. If GM goes bankrupt, the tens of millions who own GM vehicles are screwed in terms of the warranties, repairs, re-sale value, etc... The spin-off industries due to lateral integration of parts, supplies, etc... go belly up injuring Ford, Chrysler and other domestic makers.

Wrong. The bankruptcy court would have required that the warranty holders be protected and that their warranties be honored by whomever purchased GM. The only losers in GM going through the bankruptcy process would have been the union goons at the UAW and THAT is why Obama bailed them out with someone else's money. Obama REWARDED their shitty business practice, and you supported it.
Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.

Riiiight. The American people got screwed out of more than $11 BILLION, and all we heard from liberals like you was how Obama "saved" the auto industry.

We just gave $12 B to the already-subsidized farmers and all we have for it is a bunch of poisoned lettuce.

Outbreak of E. coli Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce | E. coli Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce | November 2018 | E. coli | CDC

The difference is that the GM bailout saved tens of thousands of jobs (if not hundreds of thousands) and the loan money was paid back. The stock was sold at a loss. If you want to blame GM for the government selling it's stock...okay.
GM failed on its own. American farmers are suffering due to trade wars that are beyond their control. That's the difference.
Makes sense in theory. In reality? Not so much. If GM goes bankrupt, the tens of millions who own GM vehicles are screwed in terms of the warranties, repairs, re-sale value, etc... The spin-off industries due to lateral integration of parts, supplies, etc... go belly up injuring Ford, Chrysler and other domestic makers.

Wrong. The bankruptcy court would have required that the warranty holders be protected and that their warranties be honored by whomever purchased GM.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

The only losers in GM going through the bankruptcy process would have been the union goons at the UAW and THAT is why Obama bailed them out with someone else's money. Obama REWARDED their shitty business practice, and you supported it.

Oh brother.

Who would have lost is the Chevy dealership in Florence, SC, the Buick dealership in Peoria, and the GMC lot in Miami. Folks who have never been in a factory much less a member of the UAW. Your lazy research and stunningly moronic assumptions are comical both in content and delivery.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.

Obama didn't bail out GM to save jobs or to protect consumers, Obama bailed out GM to save the UAW. In the end, the American taxpayer got screwed and Obama and liberals like you got to proclaim that he "saved" the U.S. auto industry.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.

Heil Obama!
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
GM's unions got bailed out....The bond holders got shafted.....It's little wonder that they want nothing to do with Murican politicians "saving" them anymore.

The Truth about the GM and Chrysler Bailouts
Good old union envy. Unlike the people who lose their jobs, union members are taxpayers and consumers.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.

Heil Obama!

Does it bother you that American Taxpayers have paid farmers $12B (farmers who were already subsidized) and they are still charging a lot for the food they grow?
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.

Heil Obama!

Does it bother you that American Taxpayers have paid farmers $12B (farmers who were already subsidized) and they are still charging a lot for the food they grow?

Farmers are alive
ISIS is defeated

Thank you President Trump.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.

Heil Obama!

Does it bother you that American Taxpayers have paid farmers $12B (farmers who were already subsidized) and they are still charging a lot for the food they grow?

Farmers are alive
ISIS is defeated

Thank you President Trump.

You have your facts wrong...


Shocking...well; no it's not. You haven't been right. Ever.

As for us double-subsidizing the farmers, you only seem to mind when the black man gives away your money. Why is that?
G.M. should have been nationalized. Half measures are half hearted. Why leave the company to the same management that couldn't manage it? Take it over and let the workers buy it back over time.
Businesses should stand or fall on their own..............If they go under someone will step up and take their place.........

How it should be.............

The problem is it’s an unfair market. Foreign countries and the EU impose huge tariffs on US cars, while we allow them to flood our market. If President Trump is successful in getting those tariffs removed, US auto makers will do very well.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
This pisses me off.... I own 3 GM vehicles, one brand new, a 2017 2SS Camaro... I'll sell the fuckers as fast as I bought them.

Think it will help the situation?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
i've never been a GM fan. mopar all the way for this man. my 300S Hemi is a beast. that said, the volt was always a stupid idea. not an electric car, but for whatever reason, GM has never been able to put together an electric or hybrid that sells. couple that with sedans/saloon cars are a dying breed, they have problems.

chrysler is likely to be doing away with the 300 after this year. *maybe* there will be a 2020. given that it hasn't changed much, even for a 300, in 5 years, maybe it's time. but that just leaves with brand with 1 vehicle and it's a hybrid mini van / SUV / craptoast vehicle i'd never own. that would leave me with a charger if i want something *new* - but that's too boy racey for me at 53.

ford has toasted almost all 4 door cars save 1 i believe.

what 4 door cars that are out there all share the same body style for the most part and they just put their own katmandu LED headlight patterns on 'em and call it a different brand. the interiors can be widely different and cool but the exteriors of 90% of the 4 doors still out today all look the same. lie a ( fell over to a frown. another reason i love the 300 is because it's edgier and has more of a notch back and you can tell it apart from the rest.

then you look at the SUV's and same problem. lexus puts some notch in the back glass and throws a party at their styling innovation. the rest look close to some form of a dinosaur suppository. jeeps are no longer really jeeps but built in case some lady gets the urge to pop a curb while shopping. the markets have gone more global as USA USA USA is pretty much FORD these days anymore. GM is in a world of hurt and may never fully recover from those years to the market share they used to have. times are shifting and everything is becoming the same anymore.

sad times for cars to me. kinda like the 80s when they all looked alike except headlights and tail lights.
Zero evidence exists to be able to make that statement. Further, if the company is bankrupt, restructuring is usually what takes place which most often means closing factories, dealerships, etc.... Warranties without mechanics to fix cars are pretty much worthless.

You obviously know nothing about corporate bankruptcy or the process thereafter.

Had GM gone through bankruptcy, investors would have guaranteed that the warranties would be honored. In fact, the bankruptcy court would have required it in order to protect the millions of creditors that are ordinary GM car owners.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Thank you President Obama.

Heil Obama!

Does it bother you that American Taxpayers have paid farmers $12B (farmers who were already subsidized) and they are still charging a lot for the food they grow?

You think farmers set commodities prices ?

Hahaha you're so fucking stupid
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.

It bothers the shit out of me that Obama used our tax dollars to bail out the auto industry.

No way should tax money be used to bail out any company.

Even after taking our money they still went bankrupt which is what they should have done to begin with. They still haven't paid that money back.

I will never own another GM vehicle.
In terms of the OP question?

No, what GM is doing does not bother me in the slightest. They are doing (apparently) whatever they have to to make maximum profits for the stockholders...that is their job.
Plus, the healthier they are, the more people they will employ in the long run.

This absurd notion that a corporation owes America is nonsense...that is not what free enterprise and capitalism is all about.
Capitalism is about greed. And - as Gordon Gekko said - 'greed is good'. Greed is why capitalistic economies thrive while communist/full socialist ones don't (and forget China. In many ways, they are more capitalist than America).

Humans are greedy and as long as they are, the best economy for them is capitalism (with the government helping those who cannot help themselves - people, NOT companies).

GM and Chrysler asked for money from the government. And the government was stupid enough to give it to them...billions and billions - on top of the loans - with ZERO strings attached. No one put a gun to the politician's heads...they freely gave away taxpayer money. It is their responsibility...not GM's or Chrysler's.
And the CEO's of both corporations were probably laughing their heads off that the government was dumb enough to give them the money.

NEVER forget, corporations answer to the shareholders...NOT to countries. And that is the way it must be. Who the hell is going to invest in a company that does not care about profits and only does what the masses/the government wants them to do? No one who knows anything about investing - that is who.


And if you have ever owned/run a successful company you should know the following - companies MUST be cold, selfish and greedy. If they are 'nice', (unless they enjoy a monopoly) they will eventually go bankrupt...GUARANTEED.
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