Deranged Clinton Puppet & Queen Snowflake Reality Winner gets 5 Years.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.

:mad: It's about time at least ONE of these national security compromising traitorous liberal assholes went to jail!
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.
Shame that the ex Vagina Candidate cant be incarcerated right along with the "Winner". The bitch who scrubbed her hard drive with a cloth and had hammered her blackberrys into submission, should be tried and convicted of treason, then shot, but with the liberal 2 tier justice system, nobodies like "Winner" goes to jail and the liberal elites just walk and talk.. God liberals are such stupid idiots. I know redundant statement.
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.
Shame that the ex Vagina Candidate cant be incarcerated right along with the "Winner". The bitch who scrubbed her hard drive with a cloth and had hammered her blackberrys into submission, should be tried and convicted of treason, then shot, but with the liberal 2 tier justice system, nobodies like "Winner" goes to jail and the liberal elites just walk and talk.. God liberals are such stupid idiots. I know redundant statement.

If there were actually justice in America still, she would not have been allowed to run for president and SANDERS was the Democrat Nominee.
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JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.

The mathematician in me begs the equality:

IF Reality Winner = 5 years,


Hillary Clinton has got to be good for at least 190 years!
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.

The mathematician in me begs the equality:

IF Reality Winner = 5 years,


Hillary Clinton has got to be good for at least 190 years!

30,000 years at least.
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.
Yet the Beast walks free.
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.

Glad she got what she deserved.
Sort of funny watching all the people that worship WikiLeaks getting their panties in a wad over a leaked story.

Consistency has never been the hallmark of the hyper-partisans.
Sort of funny watching all the people that worship WikiLeaks getting their panties in a wad over a leaked story.

Consistency has never been the hallmark of the hyper-partisans.
Seth Rich paid for his life to get those emails to Wiki Leaks. You should be more concerned about the Pakistani Criminals that Clinton and Schultz hired to pry in to Congressional records who saw an opportunity to leverage that data and sell it, like they did, and then cover it up with a fake Russian thumb print.
JUSTICE: Notorious Anti-Trump Leaker Reality Winner Officially Learns Her Fate

We all remember the name Reality Winner but to be fair we would have remembered it forever the first time we heard it no matter what the reason. It just so happens that the reason the name is extra memorable is because it’s associated with a disgraced federal contractor who leaked classified information to take down President Trump.

That didn’t work out very well for Ms. Winner.

In fact, she was just sentenced to a pretty lengthy prison sentence.

From The Daily Caller:

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner was sentenced to more than five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to leaking a classified report with information about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

After being held for over a year, Winner pleaded guilty in June. Winner’s prison sentence will be the “longest” ever served by a federal employee in a case involving leaks to the media, according to prosecutors. However, Winner’s defense team was reportedly fine with the sentencing agreement, calling it “fair.”

Me: Next to go to Jail should be leaker James Comey then Robert Mueller.
This sets the precedence.
Sort of funny watching all the people that worship WikiLeaks getting their panties in a wad over a leaked story.

Consistency has never been the hallmark of the hyper-partisans.
Seth Rich paid for his life to get those emails to Wiki Leaks. You should be more concerned about the Pakistani Criminals that Clinton and Schultz hired to pry in to Congressional records who saw an opportunity to leverage that data and sell it, like they did, and then cover it up with a fake Russian thumb print.

You dropped your hat...

That liberal spawn deserves it.
God help us if Chelsea 'horsemouth' Clinton gets into politics; as she probably will as the Hillbeast is paving the way.

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