Why the Sudden Doubts about the Verdict?

Are you being serious right now?

NDA $$$$ is not "work"
The negotiations and the drawing of the contract is.
Reebursement for taxes for such pass-thorugh payment is not "work"

Yes, ON TOP of that Cohen got payd for arranging it,
Then you admit that Cohen did legal work for Trump. There's no proof that Trump knew Cohen had paid "Daniels," since Cohen hid things from Trump.
but the fact of NDA pass-through payment remains.
That's not a fact, that is testimony of a known perjurer.
I'm confident that Trump will get convicted with only small chance of some completely of-the-wall MAGA nutbag among the jurors hanging the trial.

You claim that the odds are in favor of a conviction, but I'm willing to lay even odds on an acquital.

Let's say one month off the board?
The negotiations and the drawing of the contract is.

Then you admit that Cohen did legal work for Trump. There's no proof that Trump knew Cohen had paid "Daniels," since Cohen hid things from Trump.

That's not a fact, that is testimony of a known perjurer.


You claim that the odds are in favor of a conviction, but I'm willing to lay even odds on an acquital.

Let's say one month off the board?
You are a MAGA, so you won't keep your promise. Your word is filthy as that of Trump.
So you think that the only thing that Cohen worked on was the NDA?

I think Cohen got paid exactly what was written down by Trump's CFO on the NDA payment he submitted.

$130k for NDA, and $50k for tech services

That worked out to $360k because it passed though as income for Cohen. (need to make 360k to take home 180k)

He then was paid $60k bonus on top of that

For a total of $420k that was paid back to him under false pretense of legal retainer in exactly 12 payments of 35k each.

I think Cohen got paid exactly what was written down by Trump's CFO on the NDA payment he submitted.

$130k for NDA, and $50k for tech services

That worked out to $360k because it passed though as income for Cohen. (you need to make 260k to take home 130k)

He then was paid $60k bonus on top of that

For a total of $420k that was paid back to him under false pretense of legal retainer in exactly 12 payments of 35k each.

Funny shit especially when Cohen said he stole 60,000
At Trump's direction and his approval.
What's the proof of that?

I think Cohen got paid exactly what was written down by Trump's CFO on the NDA payment he submitted.

$130k for NDA, and $50k for tech services

That worked out to $360k because it passed though as income for Cohen. (need to make 360k to take home 180k)

He then was paid $60k bonus on top of that

For a total of $420k that was paid back to him under false pretense of legal retainer in exactly 12 payments of 35k each.

You know that Honest Mikey Cohen admitted to stealing $30,000 of the $50,000 listed for tech services, don't you?

Is that really the "document" you claim prove Trump is guilty of something?
Cohen had no interest to pay off Stormy except for Trump.

Trump's CFO detailed in his notes the pay back.

Trump Co. made payments based on that.

Trump himself personally signed paychecks that have no explanation except NDA pay back.

No sane person familiar with the facts of the case would ever buy the bs you are posting here.
You haven't described anything illegal.

Hell, the Congress does it with your money.

At the beginnng and through most of the trial, Democrats on her were crowing about Trump going to prison, Republicans being forced to vote for a felon, etc. Now the attitude seems to be "wait and see," and the moral cowardice of, "I'll respect the jury's verdict."

Even the WaPo is lowering expectations - they defining "high expectations" as a former president and current frontrunner literally imprisoned by the opposition party, banana republic style.

I would caution people, based on my own experience, to remember that their experience from the outside is as different than the jury’s as the courtroom sketches are from the reality of being there in person. And I would note that Trump’s guilt will ultimately be decided not on whether the public thinks the case has been made or even on whether the jury does, but instead on the conversation the jury has within the constraints of evidence and the law to which they have been exposed.

And no one can reliably predict how that conversation will unfold.

I don't get it. If the evidence is so strong, and the judge so fair, and the Jury made of savvy New Yorkers who won't be put off by the likes of fellow New Yorker Michael Cohen, why doubt the outcome? If Trump's actions are so proven, and they fit so well into a clearly defined crime, and the witnesses so credible, why would you not predict a swift verdict of guilty on all counts?

Team Trump barely responded to the prosecution's case. Two witnesses, both of whome the fair judge cut off from answering. The jury will consider only the prosecution's examinations, the defense's cross, and the closing arguments. How can you doubt a victory for your side?

Is is possible that this is the answer, incredible as it may seem:

Did you really and truly not know what a farce this trial was from the beginning? Did you believe your own nonsense about no one being above the law, and this case being a simple example of Donald Trump finally facing trial for his crimes as anyone else would? Now, having seen how absurdly weak and counter to the law, this prosecution is, you pretend that you only care that the process was carried out, and you were never expecting a particular outcome?

I'm disappointed in you, really. I would have expected you to keep up the cry of "Felon Trump" right up until the hung jury was announced and then to denounce the sneaky Trumpers who must have lied their way onto the jury.

But, you will respect the findings, eh?

I look forward to seeing you keep that promise.

Not one person thought Trump would go to prison, if convicted. And the doubts have existed since the indictment came out.
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Are you being serious right now?

NDA $$$$ is not "legal work"
Reebursement for taxes for such pass-thorugh payment is not "legal work"

Yes, ON TOP of that Cohen got paid for arranging it, but the fact of NDA pass-through payment remains.

I'm confident that Trump will get convicted with only small chance of some completely of-the-wall MAGA nutbag among the jurors hanging the trial.
Of course an NDA is legal work. It's a contract drawn up by lawyers. That's silly even for you, Anton!
You know that Honest Mikey Cohen admitted to stealing $30,000 of the $50,000 listed for tech services, don't you?

Is that really the "document" you claim prove Trump is guilty of something?

What part of $420k exactly as detailed by Trump's CFO as compensation for NDA do you not get?

Yes Cohen over-charged for tech services and pocketed the difference, none of that has any relavance to the fact that Trump and his company re-embursed Cohen exactly $420k over 12 payments, exactly as agreed.

Trump is clearly guilty of Falsifying Bussiness Records to conceal the NDA payments during an election.
That, of course, is all illegal. If the jury believes Trump did what AntonToo described, then they will have no choice but to convict him of a pile of felonies.

This weak line arguing none of that is illegal is a dead end. It is illegal. And if the jury believes he did all that, Trump gets convicted.
What part of $420k (35k x12 payments) exactly as detailed by Trump's CFO as compensation for NDA do you not get?
You are missing any evidence that Trump knew anything about it. I guess the prosecution would have called the CFO as a witness if the CFO had told Trump about it.
Yes Cohen over-charged for tech services and pocketed the difference, none of that has any relavance to the fact that Trump and his company re-embursed Cohen exactly $420k, exactly as agreed.
It shows a pattern of dishonesty by Cohen in regards to money that flowed from Trump to Cohen. Not that we needed more evidence that Cohen is an unreliable witness.
Trump is clearly guilty of Falsifying Bussiness Records to conceal the NDA payments during an election.
Calling a payment to a lawyer "legal fees," or "legal retainer" is not false. There is no evidence that Trump was the one who made those records.

You won't wager a week that there will be a guilty verdict, so you don't even believe your own words.
What part of $420k exactly as detailed by Trump's CFO as compensation for NDA do you not get?

Yes Cohen over-charged for tech services and pocketed the difference, none of that has any relavance to the fact that Trump and his company re-embursed Cohen exactly $420k over 12 payments, exactly as agreed.

Trump is clearly guilty of Falsifying Bussiness Records to conceal the NDA payments during an election.
Still waiting a the proof a crime was committed other than Cohen admitting to stealing money.
Trump is a convicted rapist, draft dodger, liar, adulterer - stupid talking human so why is he a fan of so many Americans? One word: Hate. Figure it out. Kinda simple.

'Between Fear and Resignation: How German Writers Reacted to Hitler’s Rise'

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil
Trump is a convicted rapist, draft dodger, liar, adulterer - stupid talking human so why is he a fan of so many Americans? One word: Hate. Figure it out. Kinda simple.

'Between Fear and Resignation: How German Writers Reacted to Hitler’s Rise'

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil
Dumbass trump is not a convicted rapist
He didn't commit any crimes, you buffoon! Yet that didn't stop local DA's from bringing charges against him. Are you REALLY so dense that you don't grasp the precedent this sets going forward?

Except he did commit a crime. He falsified business records to hide an election payoff.

If the precedent this sets is "Presidents are subject to trial after leaving office if they break laws", I'm all for that.

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