Democrats and media spent 24 hours masturbating that Trump was finished!

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.
Cohen is already a proven liar (he lied to Congress) so I'd say anything he says to Congress this time might also be a pack of lies.

but this time he's testifying with already 3 years in the hole from SDNY. he lies again - & bob will be watching.... would mean a lot more time tacked on...

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
Another Trumpanzee done in by Faux News. The Special Prosecutor's office never said that the Buzzfeed story was false, just not accurate in all respects. This does not clear Trump; he's up to his eyeballs in Mueller's sights. Just be patient; the end is coming for Dumpf and Putin,

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Um yea they did you fucking moron.

The entire buzzfeed story was that Mueller had documents and emails proving that Trump told Cohen to lie.

Mueller himself said we have no such documents. Thus the buzzfeed story is a big pile of horse shit. Your fucking leftwing media has lost all credibility. To even ATTEMPT to defend this is absurd.

even b4 mueller's spokeperson said a thing - it was speculative amongst the talking heads about the 'emails, texts' - cause trump isn't known to do that. but what IS known - is cohen likes to tape. & when his office & home got raided, they seized a ton of tapes. that might be part of what was 'inaccurate' & not meaning the whole story.
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mueller's spokesperson said certain parts were 'inaccurate'. nothing was said that the entire thing wasn't true. even woodward & bernstein had some facts wrong, but we know how watergate turned out don't we?
Nixon actually broke the law.

Did Trump?

If so, let's see the proof.

I've started nine threads asking for proof Trump colluded with Russia, and nine times I've not received it.

Consider this the tenth attempt to get the evidence.

Where is it?

You might start with asking where in the US Code of law that 'collusion' is illegal to begin with.

'collusion' isn't.

but 'conspiracy to defraud the united states' is. & trump has a record of being a fraud.
24 hours?
More like 24 months of rough dry masturbation predicting the demise of Trump.
Rubbed raw and no happy ending.
No wonder they are so bitter.
"Bitter"? About what? A total of 37 indictments and more on the way? Lol! Including Trumps own legal liability.
37 indictments, including a bunch of Russians who don't live in the United States? Those indictments?

start with the widest net & work your way inward.
mueller's spokesperson said certain parts were 'inaccurate'. nothing was said that the entire thing wasn't true. even woodward & bernstein had some facts wrong, but we know how watergate turned out don't we?
Nixon actually broke the law.

Did Trump?

If so, let's see the proof.

I've started nine threads asking for proof Trump colluded with Russia, and nine times I've not received it.

Consider this the tenth attempt to get the evidence.

Where is it?

Just a friendly suggestion: try waiting 'til Mueller has offered the finished product aka a report that details his findings
Really, so we just have to trust that Mueller has a rabbit under his hat?
SDNY has the rabbit and the hat it in full view with the court filing that implicates Trump as the ring leader in the crime Cohen is going to jail for.
You still haven't pulled that rabbit from your hat...

In fact, this whole thread is left wing circle jerking into their hats and hoping...
mueller's spokesperson said certain parts were 'inaccurate'. nothing was said that the entire thing wasn't true. even woodward & bernstein had some facts wrong, but we know how watergate turned out don't we?
Nixon actually broke the law.

Did Trump?

If so, let's see the proof.

I've started nine threads asking for proof Trump colluded with Russia, and nine times I've not received it.

Consider this the tenth attempt to get the evidence.

Where is it?

Just a friendly suggestion: try waiting 'til Mueller has offered the finished product aka a report that details his findings
Really, so we just have to trust that Mueller has a rabbit under his hat?
SDNY has the rabbit and the hat it in full view with the court filing that implicates Trump as the ring leader in the crime Cohen is going to jail for.
You still haven't pulled that rabbit from your hat...

In fact, this whole thread is left wing circle jerking into their hats and hoping...
They haven't concluded the investigation. That doesn't mean the rabbit isn't being pulled. Investigators are just mopping up to make sure all the rabbits are found, before all of them are pulled out. Your post, along with so many others on his forum are a testament to that truth. How do we know? By the sheer lack of any counter rebuttals to all the evidence that has been amassed against Trump and the rest of his hood rats.
Nixon actually broke the law.

Did Trump?

If so, let's see the proof.

I've started nine threads asking for proof Trump colluded with Russia, and nine times I've not received it.

Consider this the tenth attempt to get the evidence.

Where is it?

Just a friendly suggestion: try waiting 'til Mueller has offered the finished product aka a report that details his findings
Really, so we just have to trust that Mueller has a rabbit under his hat?
SDNY has the rabbit and the hat it in full view with the court filing that implicates Trump as the ring leader in the crime Cohen is going to jail for.
You still haven't pulled that rabbit from your hat...

In fact, this whole thread is left wing circle jerking into their hats and hoping...
They haven't concluded the investigation. That doesn't mean the rabbit isn't being pulled. Investigators are just mopping up to make sure all the rabbits are found, before all of them are pulled out. Your post, along with so many others on his forum are a testament to that truth. How do we know? By the sheer lack of any counter rebuttals to all the evidence that has been amassed against Trump and the rest of his hood rats.
IF they had ANY rabbits they would have been leaked. This was leaked in such a manner as to cause maximum damage without proof. When Mueller discounted the leak he was protecting himself from prosecution. This has bull shit lie written all over it... Its the seriousness of the charge, even if its false and made up, that democommies run with every time.. Now Mueller is in damage control mode and none of the fake news groups who ran with the lie are backing down even after its been shown a lie... They tamped down winning positive polling for the president in an effort to discredit him..

This whole thing is nothing more than a left wing propaganda smear... And I hope Trump sues the bastards for it..
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
They've been masturbating since the day Trump was sworn in. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is incurable and just keeps getting worse. There are no limits to how low the Left will sink to, in order to attack and destroy this president.
Just a friendly suggestion: try waiting 'til Mueller has offered the finished product aka a report that details his findings
Really, so we just have to trust that Mueller has a rabbit under his hat?
SDNY has the rabbit and the hat it in full view with the court filing that implicates Trump as the ring leader in the crime Cohen is going to jail for.
You still haven't pulled that rabbit from your hat...

In fact, this whole thread is left wing circle jerking into their hats and hoping...
They haven't concluded the investigation. That doesn't mean the rabbit isn't being pulled. Investigators are just mopping up to make sure all the rabbits are found, before all of them are pulled out. Your post, along with so many others on his forum are a testament to that truth. How do we know? By the sheer lack of any counter rebuttals to all the evidence that has been amassed against Trump and the rest of his hood rats.
IF they had ANY rabbits they would have been leaked. This was leaked in such a manner as to cause maximum damage without proof. When Mueller discounted the leak he was protecting himself from prosecution. This has bull shit lie written all over it... Its the seriousness of the charge, even if its false and made up, that democommies run with every time.. Now Mueller is in damage control mode and none of the fake news groups who ran with the lie are backing down even after its been shown a lie... They tamped down winning positive polling for the president in an effort to discredit him..

This whole thing is nothing more than a left wing propaganda smear... And I hope Trump sues the bastards for it..
Mueller doesn't leak. And by the way, when was a leak not evidence?

No one is in "damage control" there chief, except for Trump and his rats. And how do we know that? Show me any evidence from any reliable source that will tell us all that Trump is not in legal jeopardy? Exactly, you can't. Trump is under 17 investigations. Mueller is under none. So who's in "damage control" again? Let that sink in.
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
They've been masturbating since the day Trump was sworn in. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is incurable and just keeps getting worse. There are no limits to how low the Left will sink to, in order to attack and destroy this president.
17 investigations, criminal liability pending, and all came from Trumps own DOJ. Who's destroying who again?

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