Zone1 Noah's Ark

100$ wrong, by all genetic and geological evidence.

This old lie can 100% be ruled out.

No global flood. No genetic bottleneck.

All lies. Please.don't brainwash and twist the minds of young peope with these lies.
This is all new findings. Note the dates. So, it's not an old anything. You just don't like the potential outcome.
There are no new findings. Just new lies to prop up the zombie lie from the iron age.


Same old thing.. lots of enthusiasm no evidence.

While dozens of researchers and individuals have claimed to have located the ark, no one has ever been able to produce definitive evidence. The holy texts of three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have all made references to Noah's Ark.

Same old thing.. lots of enthusiasm no evidence.

While dozens of researchers and individuals have claimed to have located the ark, no one has ever been able to produce definitive evidence. The holy texts of three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have all made references to Noah's Ark.
Shame on Popular Mechanics for even publishing that pile of crap.

Human activity? Wow!

How about... Kangaroo activity?

Polar bear activity?

Chimpanzee activity?

That might impress me.

What is their explanation for there not being enough water on earth to flood the entire planet?

Oh, right... they get coddled and pampered like toddlers, because they are "religious". We treat religious people like mentally challenged people.

Imagine this worthless crap getting a write up in PM for, say, any nonreligious topic. It would not happen.

"Give them a break... they're reeeeeeligioussss....."

The leaps of speculation made by the researchers are embarrassing.
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My religion doesn't concern itself with such matters. The same 'church' that persecuted Galileo also persecuted the true church. The true church has been on the run until it arrived in America and people were ensured the right to freedom of religion.
God doesn't stand for freedom of religion.
Depends on how you interpret and embellish the story. After all it was largely a supernatural event. However, Noah's part was quite reasonable. He built a large watertight building over a period of one hundred years. God did the rest.
It was built in 40 years.
No, most of the debate centers around the absurdity of the idea of a boat that can hold two of every animal in earth and how they got to the boat in the first place
Jesus was an eye witness( Luke 17:26) thus anyone saying the opposite is standing in opposition to Jesus.
God could make sure all the animals were present on the ark. No meat eaters prior to the flood.
And now you have to introduce magic.

Upon doing so, you disqualify yourself from any rational discussion.

It's basically just cheating. Rigging the rules.

When all else fails, claim magic.

No meat eaters prior to the flood? That's a demonstrable lie. You would fail a 7th grade science quiz, with that.

Yes, with magic, nothing can be ruled out. Unfortunately for you, that includes all the other religions you think are false.
Who cares?

the true story has a main character who in the beginning the heavens came to rescue - only to have their effort reversed when those same criminals crucified jesus and are to this day not brought to justice for their crime the desert religions ...

only sensible to bring justice for jesus - the heavens as with noah are aware who is and who is not with them.

Same old thing.. lots of enthusiasm no evidence.

While dozens of researchers and individuals have claimed to have located the ark, no one has ever been able to produce definitive evidence. The holy texts of three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have all made references to Noah's Ark.
Correct. However, that is coming to an end with new technologies. It’s you and your minions that refuse to acknowledge the new technologies. Same thing with Book of Mormon cities and evidence. New evidence suggests Zarahemla was in North America with the Hopewell Indians. It’s now known the Mayan and Hopewell are most lithe same people. New evidence is making this a possibility. But, you can’t use your old data as this is all new.
Was there really two of every animal in the whole entire world? Also, if all of creation was made in six days does that mean humans and dinosaurs lived together after all? I don't think that they meant literal twenty-four hour days there I was just wondering what the general consensus was for that question. Oh and why only promise to have one flood when the earth desperately needs it now?

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