Deep State Contract on Trumps Life Exposed...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
You want to know why they broke laws and judge shopped to get Trump to NY on frivolous charges? I might just have an answer..

USA Today published a piece on the Russian "Merchant of Death" and what he warned Trump about.

If this is true, this would ignite a Civil War. Bragg's whole point of the Trial is exposing Trump to an Assassin. Draw Trump from the safety of his home and protections to expose him for an assassin's bullet. From the man who deals to assassins, he is most likely to be in the know about who has contracts within the US. So high is the threat that he offered asylum in Russia.

While he claims he would be safe there, I do not buy it for one minuet.

Russia's 'Merchant of Death' Warns Donald Trump His Life Is in Danger (

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For a long time I could not understand why Bragg demanded personal appearance in NY, when these types of hearings, etc, are routinely held via video conference. His motive is now suspect at the very least. Who told Bragg that he must do this? Why the security Dog and Pony show in NY? Does it now begin to add up. The deep state, establishment dems/reps truly fear a Trump second term so much they have now taken out a contract on Trumps Life.
You want to know why they broke laws and judge shopped to get Trump to NY on frivolous charges? I might just have an answer..

USA Today published a piece on the Russian "Merchant of Death" and what he warned Trump about.

If this is true, this would ignite a Civil War. Bragg's whole point of the Trial is exposing Trump to an Assassin. Draw Trump from the safety of his home and protections to expose him for an assassin's bullet. From the man who deals to assassins, he is most likely to be in the know about who has contracts within the US. So high is the threat that he offered asylum in Russia.

While he claims he would be safe there, I do not buy it for one minuet.

Russia's 'Merchant of Death' Warns Donald Trump His Life Is in Danger (

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Draw Trump from the safety of his home? The man is holding public rallies and running for office. A lot of people wish he'd just stay home.
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Draw Trump from the safety of his home? The man is holding public rallies and running for office. A lot of people wish he'd just stay home.
The rallies are secured by the Secret Service. NY courts are not. Air Ports are wide open areas where Trump is protected from close contact. You don't know much about threat assessment, do you...
The left thinks this is funny and a joke... You people must be sick. You think this kind of thing is ok to engage in. Bragg created charges from thin air, he then judge shopped until he found one that is on the Democrat payroll and has personal ties to Biden and others. The judge accepted a charging document that did not meet PROBABLE CAUSE criteria and failed to tell Trump what the felony charge was he was basing his 34 counts on. A clear violation of the defendants right to know what they are being accused of so that they can mount a defense.

This whole made up dog and pony show is illegitimate from the get-go. Why go through so much effort to bring bogus charges and then demand that Trump be personally there for hearings that he didn't have to be?

This thing stinks worse each time more and more evidence is brought forward.
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The left thinks this is funny and a joke... You people must be sick. You think this kind of thing is ok to engage in. Bragg created charges from thin air, he then judge shopped until he found one that is on the Democrat payroll and has personal ties to Biden and others. The judge accepted a charging document that did not meet PROBABLE CAUSE criteria and failed to tell Trump what the felony charge was he was basing his 34 counts on. A clear violation of the defendants right to know what they are being accused of so that they can mount a defense.

This whole made up dog and pony show is illegitimate from the get-go. Why go through so much effort to bring bogus charges and then demand that Trump be personally there for hearings that he didn't have to be?

This thing stinks worse each time more and more evidence is brought forward.
it all makes sense.there was this one video out there where it was saying the line of cars lined up is what is not the normal procedure for an ex president and that he was in danger of being in the line of fire for a bullet.
it all makes sense.there was this one video out there where it was saying the line of cars lined up is what is not the normal procedure for an ex president and that he was in danger of being in the line of fire for a bullet.
I am continuing to dig for information. This whole dog and pony show now makes sense. The fact a known assassin and gun runner was issuing a warning has me a bit perplexed, however. Why is he exposing the criminal orginization here in the US? What is the motive? What does he gain from outing Biden, democrats, and elitist republicans as the ones who made the contract?

Lots of avenues to look into. Something is still not right about this. Does he actually have power in Russia to grant asylum? Then we have the things on this side of the pond. Why were the roads not cleared for Trump? Why was there grid lock where he could easily be taken out by an assassin?

Lots of questions... When we start to do a threat assessment on the last visits by Trump, he was left very vulnerable.
This whole made up dog and pony show is illegitimate from the get-go. Why go through so much effort to bring bogus charges and then demand that Trump be personally there for hearings that he didn't have to be?

I get what you're saying........but why isn't Trumps lawyers fighting this to stop it??? :dunno:


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You want want a civil war? Because if I see one hair on Trump's head out of place because of you ignorant motherfuckers, I will personally burn your shit to the ground and bury your collective asses in your own back yards.

Do I fucking sound like I'm joking? Go ahead and try me.
I get what you're saying........but why isn't Trumps lawyers fighting this to stop it??? :dunno:
It has to be done in pretrial motions. Will the judge sign off on these motions or is he part of the problem? Now we have a credible death threat on Trump and potential US actors in our government. I don't think there is a safe place in NY for Trump at this point. Whom all is involved? Lots of questions need to be answered. Given the behaviors of Bragg and the Judge, I don't trust them.
Draw Trump from the safety of his home? The man is holding public rallies and running for office. A lot of people wish he'd just stay home.

You mean its OK to indict people running for Presidency on really weak charges?
Xi ordered his American Flying Monkeys to spark a Civil War
You could look at it that way. If we are involved in civil conflict, then the worlds police officers are tied up. The criminals can take what they want without fear. The same thing democrats have done to our cities. It would also make parts of the US ripe for the taking by other countries.

Like I said, there are a whole host of questions to ask about why the MOD outed those in our government.
You want to know why they broke laws and judge shopped to get Trump to NY on frivolous charges? I might just have an answer..

USA Today published a piece on the Russian "Merchant of Death" and what he warned Trump about.

If this is true, this would ignite a Civil War. Bragg's whole point of the Trial is exposing Trump to an Assassin. Draw Trump from the safety of his home and protections to expose him for an assassin's bullet. From the man who deals to assassins, he is most likely to be in the know about who has contracts within the US. So high is the threat that he offered asylum in Russia.

While he claims he would be safe there, I do not buy it for one minuet.

Russia's 'Merchant of Death' Warns Donald Trump His Life Is in Danger (

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I’m not sure enough time has passed from the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations to try another lone gun man plot. The public does not trust the government enough today to successfully pull off another Deep State murder like those old examples.

But if tried with an “assault rifle” the left would attempt to at least ban and confiscate civilian owned evil looking semiautomatic rifles along with most other firearms. The Marxist socialist fan club in the Democratic Party would be all for that.

The corrupt Swamp and the Deep State do want to prevent rich independent outsiders from running for President as they are uncontrollable. Imagine someone like Elon Musk or Bill Gates running for President. Whacking Trump might stop that phenomenon. (Musk can‘t run as he was born in South Africa.)
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That is another point... This type of crap didn't start until Regan won in a landslide. Now it is commonplace to try and make someone unelectable.

We allowed it. Trump never bothered to secure Federal elections.

The People in PA never held their representatives to account and should have drove a F 150 through the doors when the democrats settled in to cheat the night away.

We're a spark away from a conflict great than the Revolutionary war and the Civil War
Sooooooo, after reading the link in the OP......I come up with 2 things.......

1.) Either he (Trump) commits Arkancide..........

2.) Is this offer actually a trap????
I’m not sure enough time has passed from the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations to try another lone gun man plot. The public does not trust the government enough today to successfully pull off another Deep State murder like those old examples.

But if tried with an “assault rifle” the left would attempt to at least ban and confiscate civilian owned evil looking semiautomatic rifles along with most other firearms. The Marxist socialist fan club in the Democratic Party would be all for that.

The corrupt Swamp and the Deep State do want to prevent rich independent outsiders from running for President as they are uncontrollable. Imagine someone like Elon Musk or Bill Gates running for President. Whacking Trump might stop that phenomenon. (Musk can‘t run as he was born in South Africa.)

Musk can‘t run as he was born in South Africa.

So what? Barack was born in Kenya
Sooooooo, after reading the link in the OP......I come up with 2 things.......

1.) Either he (Trump) commits Arkancide..........

2.) Is this offer actually a trap????
Trump is not suicidal... so a hit team is how that would happen..

The trap... Is way more probable but I do not see Trump getting caught in it.

But then there is the Third option that there is indeed a contract to kill him and he is in very real danger. Given Bragg and the NY PD did not clear routs for him, which left him in stalled traffic and immobile, this is clear evidence that they have indeed take out a contract and are giving the assassin advantages when and where they can.

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