Suddenly, Republicans love Putin

Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium - Breitbart

The Democrats’ newfound paranoia about Russian influence on American affairs was certainly nowhere to be found when Hillary Clinton was cheerfully selling them a huge chunk of America’s uranium stockpile, right after a Russian bank paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

To me...........IT IS TREASON...................

But that is just me................don't really care if you like that statement or not.
Republicans Suddenly Love Vladimir Putin

Yup, the ultimate example of Party over Country

You must admit Jim, no world leader has done as much harm to this nation as has Obama. Putin has not harmed the country.

Really? He pulled us out of the great recession caused by an incompetent republican and now....we need to prepare for another incompetent president. Be ptepared for your grandchildren to crawl under the desk again as he starts another arms race.

He pulled us out of the great recession

The recession ended in June 2009.
What did he do between Jan 20th and June to "pull us out"?
Be specific.
I guess the Dems don't want to look into Clinton's relations with the Russians.................Helped them take control of 1/5th of our Uranium assets.......Under the guise of the Clinton Foundation.................with Hillary clearing a path thru the State Dept................

Pay to Play.................

Why did Putin help Stump get elected? You think they have a plan? I do...

Why did Putin help Stump get elected?

Putin helped? How?
By exposing Hillary's corruption?
Yeah, that was awful!!!

Clinton corruption should remain hidden, for America, eh comrade?
Has the left gone completely crazy? Hillary Clinton paved the way for her pal Vlad Putin to gain lucrative uranium sites when she was Secy/State. Trump never met the man until after he was elected. I recall when lefties used to parade with Russian banners and wear T shirts depicting communist revolutionaries. Barry Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle so the U.S. would have to use Russian junk to supply the Space Station. Even pop stars like John Lennon used to croon "give peace a chance" and all of a sudden the left is drumming for a shooting war with the second most prolific nuclear power in the world because they are disappointed about the results of the election.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show....

Unlike your spin, it's not like Hillary sold Uranium One to the russians. She was just one of six different federal agencies that failed to object to the deal. And one of three or four countries, that had to give the approval.

So claiming Hillary sold Uranium One, is the same as claiming one member of the olympic gymnastic team, was responsible for winning the team gold medal.
Trump never met the man until after he was elected..

Yet Trump claimed he personally knew Vladimir Putin. That he had a great great relationship with Putin. Before it was a bad thing to have met Putin, Trump said he and Putin were best pals working on the Miss Universe pagent in Moscow.
As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show....

Unlike your spin, it's not like Hillary sold Uranium One to the russians. She was just one of six different federal agencies that failed to object to the deal. And one of three or four countries, that had to give the approval.

So claiming Hillary sold Uranium One, is the same as claiming one member of the olympic gymnastic team, was responsible for winning the team gold medal.
Inane Olympic comparisons aside, it seems that Bill Clinton's "clinton foundation" foreign outreach dried up shortly after Hillary lost the election because the Clintons had no more influence to peddle. I bet if anyone in the criminal conspiracy known as the MSM cared to do a little research they would have found a windfall of laundered foreign money in the Clinton Foundation shortly after Hillary declined to interfere with the Russian uranium purchase. That's a crime, "collusion" isn't.
Inane Olympic comparisons aside, it seems that Bill Clinton's "clinton foundation" foreign outreach dried up shortly after Hillary lost the election .

It would have dried up if she won or lost. Hillary stopped the Clinton Foundation from accepting foreign money.
Inane Olympic comparisons aside, it seems that Bill Clinton's "clinton foundation" foreign outreach dried up shortly after Hillary lost the election .

It would have dried up if she won or lost. Hillary stopped the Clinton Foundation from accepting foreign money.

Hillary stopped the Clinton Foundation from accepting foreign money.

Except for all the foreign donations they accepted while she was Sec of State.
Even the foreign donations they accepted and failed to disclose.

The fact is that Trump has done a lot of business with the same regimes and continues to do business with the same regimes. If Clinton was compromised so is Trump.
Republicans Suddenly Love Vladimir Putin

Yup, the ultimate example of Party over Country

When did Hillary and Obama stop loving him? Why?

Obama started out much like Trump, wanting better relations with Russia. However Obama soon realized that Russia and Putin were evil. That is why he slapped sanctions on Russia.

However Obama soon realized that Russia and Putin were evil

Soon? How soon?
Republicans Suddenly Love Vladimir Putin

Yup, the ultimate example of Party over Country

Republicans are “Moscow Tools,” or useful idiots

“Over the last six months, we started noticing this shift in the way people at Trump rallies talked about Russia and Vladimir Putin,” Klepper said. “What once used to be a dodge suddenly became an embrace. Putin was suddenly seen as, not this bad guy autocrat, but seen as somebody who was even preferable to Joe Biden.”

In fact, the first-ever Vanderbilt Unity poll found that 52% of MAGA Republicans believed that Putin was a better president than Biden.

Then, simultaneously, you’re seeing Marjorie Taylor Greene pushing Russian propaganda out there and stop funding to Ukraine,”

This guy was at a Trump rally praising Russia and how great it is because he saw Tucker Carlson's visit to Russia. Jordan pointed out to the guy murder is twice as bad in Russia than here in the USA and the guy said "oh I didn't know that" Of course you don't know that. You're getting your news from Russia.

Republicans Suddenly Love Vladimir Putin

Yup, the ultimate example of Party over Country

They've always longed for strongmen -- Reagan let them down -- but Trump's adoration for international strongmen has really opened the door for them.

It's clear they think that a dictator would somehow make their lives less miserable. They'd be far better off taking responsibility for their own lives and rethinking what actually makes them happy.
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Hillary Clinton paved the way for her pal Vlad Putin to gain lucrative uranium sites when she was Secy/State.
Low producing Ore mines that some Canadian firm owned the rights to operate were included in a much larger transaction. They only produced about 5% of the commercial uranium we use in a year for our power plants and other things like medical equipment. However the New Republicans still had to ignore that we were still in the process of buying over 500 tons worth highly enriched uranium from Russia via the megatons to megawatts program. So why did the GOP foster that story on to it's sheep back then?

Because they're sheep.

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