Why China’s ‘unstoppable’ £175billion military is now the biggest threat to world order – and the West can’t keep up

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

American greed has created the Chinese industrial and military giant.

We saw this coming 30 years ago, and yet we poured untold billions of dollars into their economy yearly for three decades. And now thousands are pouring across the southern border, taking direct flights from China to Tijuana.

Are they escaping, or working for China?
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

maybe people should stop supporting biden and stand behind the only person that seems to care about america donal trump,,

and china doesnt need their military to take out our country,,
thanks to democrats and republicans they control our manufacturing and prescription drugs ,,
so all they have to do is cut that off wait a week and walk right in,,
American greed has created the Chinese industrial and military giant.

We saw this coming 30 years ago, and yet we poured untold billions of dollars into their economy yearly for three decades. And now thousands are pouring across the southern border, taking direct flights from China to Tijuana.

Are they escaping, or working for China?
at least you got that right,,

we need a lot more of those guys from california that just had his guns and ammo taken away that yu were so proud happened,,
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

How do you stop greedy capitalists from making money off of China?
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

And it's happening on Biden's watch.

Notice how weakness encourages bad actors.
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

The worlds elite are slow learners. It's why our species won't inhabit this planet for too long, relatively speaking. If other intelligent life follows us in the future, extracts our graves and perhaps find our old data from our time here, I wonder if they will know how our inability to evolve impacted our demise?

China sees Russias war as a perfect situation. It ensures the West is focused on Ukraine while Russia is weakened in their war against them. Almost as good as the war in Iraq.

Sure, China is going to publicly say they want peace, and maybe after this length of time they mean it as they figure the damage to Russias military is already done but they are more concerned with keeping a good relationship with Ukraine for their grain needs.

The West did this to themselves. Who had the bright idea "Let's arm a 1B+ Communist country that deems Taiwan, a vital commerce location for us as their territory? Let's give them our manufacturing base, our intellectual property and let them influence our own nation while they expand their influence around the globe. I mean, hey man, what could go wrong?"

I won't ever forget reading a book in my MBA class that covered the massive growth of China, this was in the early 2000s. As I sat on the subway reading the massive expansion China was experiencing and how they were cutting deeply into the U.S global market share, I was more stunned and alarmed than anything. A massive communist country expanding in this manner is good for the world?

I instinctively knew that they weren't going to be capitalist over time. Especially with Russia influence and that of their region. I've always tried to stay objective and I do respect their success in the face of the naive, but my reading of Maos nearly 1000 page biography reinforced what he and his wives/mistresses got away with. Ironically, if they ever wipe out corruption and become capitalist and free, it will simply speed up the Wests demise.

In class the prof and the students were so excited about the opportunities that were to be had for all the future MBA grads. I was far more reserved and definitely in the minority at that time. I can't say I saw this shift in world powers so rapidly at that time, but I knew that their rise would come at a great cost.
I do find this concerning. The West is spending their time and resources with Ukraine while China continues to beef up their military arsenal to a point they may be reasonably unstoppable. Xi Jinping has already stated he intends to take back Taiwan. It's not an if, it's a when, and when that happens then what? The United States can't fend off Russia and China. Plus, throw Iran into the mix and who knows what will be going on with Israel at the time. Even with the help of Europe, who have been underfunding their military capabilities for years, this can turn into a very serious global threat. We need to sever ties with China completely. Our trading with them is funding this threat.

China intends to re-unify Taiwan with China but China has never intended to do it with military action.
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American greed has created the Chinese industrial and military giant.

We saw this coming 30 years ago, and yet we poured untold billions of dollars into their economy yearly for three decades. And now thousands are pouring across the southern border, taking direct flights from China to Tijuana.

Are they escaping, or working for China?

I would gather the vast majority are escaping the oppression, but we can't rule out the likelihood there are probably some spies here.
Chinese growth was spurred on by both Democrats and Republicans, but especially Republicans, who gave in to corporate greed and enacted tax breaks and incentives for multinationals to invest in China. These tax breaks and incentives decimated the manufacturing base here. Now, China is the Frankenstein monster. Not to mix metaphors, but that genie has been unleashed and there is no turning back.

At least we now have a president who has enacted real legislation to get our manufacturing back.

As far as the Chinese military is concerned, China's rise was to be expected. China is exercising its power in Asia and the third world. Welcome to the 21st century. The Chinese played off our greed and now come the consequences.

We have to face this new reality and not run away from it.

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