COVID-19 not very infectious 8 days after symptoms occur, Winnipeg study suggests


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Great news, or news MSM will not report on? It wasn't a large sample, but 90 people is a reasonable start.

COVID-19 appears to be infectious only for the first eight days after patients experience symptoms, Winnipeg researchers conclude in a study that, if confirmed by further work, could have implications for the way the disease is treated, isolated and prevented.

In the largest study of its kind so far, researchers from the National Microbiology Laboratory, Cadham Provincial Laboratory and the University of Manitoba looked at nasal or throat samples from 90 Manitobans who tested positive for COVID-19 from March 12 to the first week of April.

All of the samples came from patients who were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, the most common means of diagnosing the disease around the world.

This type of test extracts a small amount of genetic material and then copies it into quantities that can be more easily identified. The Winnipeg researchers used the same samples to try to grow more of the virus in cell cultures. They succeeded with 26 of the samples, or 29 per cent in total.

There was no viral growth whatsoever in samples taken from patients more than eight days after they became symptomatic, according to study findings published Friday in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

"We found that [when] they went and got a swab done at Day 8 or beyond, those samples were no longer able to grow in cell culture," said Cadham Lab associate medical director Jared Bullard, the lead author on the study, in a interview on Monday.
Interesting study...

From what a quick once-over of it can glean, it appears the bodies antibodies defeat this virus by stopping its ability to replicate. Once this occurs the continued shedding of the virus will be of a virus that has no ability to replicate. IF this is true of all persons the mutation rate will die with it, but I doubt those with weakened immune systems will fully defeat this virus and mutation will continue.

Its promising but there is still a whole lot we do not know.
So it is "only" contagious for between 14 and 18 days? Good for treatment. But the main danger is still that it is contagious before symptoms appear.
the main danger is still that it is contagious before symptoms appear.
As with any contagion we have no immunity to, that is the most dangerous part of this RNA virus. This is probably why the Chinese were interested in this virus. If it were changed a little it would become the perfect bio-weapon. No clue your infected, long incubation times where shedding of the virus can infect large groups, and lethality of the virus. Luckily for us the lethality of this virus is very limited to old age and underlying health conditions.
Great news, or news MSM will not report on? It wasn't a large sample, but 90 people is a reasonable start.

COVID-19 appears to be infectious only for the first eight days after patients experience symptoms, Winnipeg researchers conclude in a study that, if confirmed by further work, could have implications for the way the disease is treated, isolated and prevented.

In the largest study of its kind so far, researchers from the National Microbiology Laboratory, Cadham Provincial Laboratory and the University of Manitoba looked at nasal or throat samples from 90 Manitobans who tested positive for COVID-19 from March 12 to the first week of April.

All of the samples came from patients who were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, the most common means of diagnosing the disease around the world.

This type of test extracts a small amount of genetic material and then copies it into quantities that can be more easily identified. The Winnipeg researchers used the same samples to try to grow more of the virus in cell cultures. They succeeded with 26 of the samples, or 29 per cent in total.

There was no viral growth whatsoever in samples taken from patients more than eight days after they became symptomatic, according to study findings published Friday in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

"We found that [when] they went and got a swab done at Day 8 or beyond, those samples were no longer able to grow in cell culture," said Cadham Lab associate medical director Jared Bullard, the lead author on the study, in a interview on Monday.
Your average CNN cretin doesn't even who Lisa Page is. They didn't have the hearings on today...........LOL

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