Conservatives who oppose withdrawing from Afghanistan, what would you do?

If the Taliban terror group is still around, send in more troops.

And what do you expect will happen afterwards? No one likes to defend the Afghanistan of the last 20 years. Not the Afghans nor anyone else in the world, isn't it?

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1. as usual, it has nothing to do with being conservative/'''''other'''' etc---like a lot of issues today
2. anyone that knows history, knows you can't do nation building/etc
3. it was the ''liberals'' that fkd up in Vietnam/Bay of Pigs/etc

One thing to clear, I asked conservatives who support staying. I did not say conservatives support staying. I asked the ones who do. There clearly are conservatives on both sides of staying and going
How does that help the Oil Lobby and Defence contractors (irony 'Defence')...

Biden is right... Get off Oil as much as responsibly possible, stop becoming the Israeli mercenary force...

Think about the reason OBL said he attacked US... He attacked because US involvement in the ME... Generally if US stay at home, nobody in the ME gives a fuck..

ME will eventually wan to engage with the world on there terms and let them...

Iran doesn't want sanctions (well the general people don't)... Iran has moderates who would generally win elections but they have hardliners much like US has hardliners who want war and bombing and crap... Stop feeding these elements on both sides, Iran offered to stop supporting terrorists , nuclear for US to stop threatening them, lift sanctions and make sure Palestine is some what grand as an opening offer in 2003..
Thanks, but the question was to conservatives, not communists.

Blah, blah, you hate America, you hate achievement, you are sorry you didn't get to die in Jonestown, blah, blah
None of us real conservatives ever supported the neo-con nation rebuilding aspect of the war.

The lefties will claim they were against it, yet all the DNC top brass voted for these wars: Hillary, Biden, Kerry, and many more.

What did the Hussein and Biden do when in power? They pushed stupid shit like feminism and pro-homosexual shit. Stuff that nobody wants, much less religious Muslims.

Yes, clearly attacking the Taliban as retribution for their support of the 9/11 attack was warranted, but nation building in Afghanistan was never going to work.

Clearly there are actual conservatives who support staying though. While I agree with your view, that is still a True Scotsman fallacy
We should of left years ago but the Cia had a sweet heroin deal going and contractors and ngos were raking in dough...

Go figure

They certainly should of got the civilians out first ...but if left wingers activist working for ngos who are now basically hostages ...if they're heads start coming off is it OK if I start laughing?

I think so

Sounds like leftist propaganda, not like an answer to my question to conservatives who support staying in Afghanistan
kaz hahahhahahah--and there are liberals on both sides--and races/ethnics/religious/etc.....which has nothing do do with it
kaz and there are liberals that support staying
we had it set and only had 2500 troops there hadn't had a death in 18 months we should have stayed, hell we still have troops in Germany and Japan since 1945 and troops in South Korea since 1953.

The afghan army was doing ok with our support and only collapsed cause we abandoned it.
RetiredGySgt Germany and Japan are totally different --different kind of war/different cultures/industrious and disciplined vs Afghanis /etc
...South Korea more defensible because it's a peninsula with a small waist......and not a nation of terrorists/clans fighting each other/etc
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Air war---there wouldn't be a safe Talibani on the streets or in their beds anywhere. Total annihilation.
  • Thanks
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RetiredGySgt Germany and Japan are totally different --different kind of war/different cultures/industrious and disciplined vs Afghanis /etc
...South Korea more defensible because it's a peninsula with a small waist......and not a nation of terrorists/clans fighting each other/etc
Not different the FACT is for the last 18 months we controlled the country and supported the Afghan army

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