Congratulations! President Trump passed 10,000!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president

Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days.

Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false claims Thursday during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity and another 61 false claims during a campaign rally in Wisconsin Saturday that Trump attended instead of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner.

Kessler also noted that Trump has some false claims he repeats more than others, notably that the wall is being built along the U.S.-Mexico border and that he passed the biggest tax cut in the history of America.

Post implemented the "Bottomless Pinocchio," an acknowledgment that four Pinocchios was sometimes not enough, saying the new rating was inspired by Trump's repeating false claims.

Trump’s lies reach levels never seen before in American history. An entirely new standard had to be created to rate trumps lies. In a way this is pretty amazing. First, just because of the sheer number of falsehoods he tells and second that he can get people still believing all his lies. We know he’s a liar for years now and still Republicans completely follow him. That has to be the sign of a cult? Where else could it be?

And they still dont add up(substance wise) to the lies of the century.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
This is not a tax.
Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president

Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days.

Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false claims Thursday during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity and another 61 false claims during a campaign rally in Wisconsin Saturday that Trump attended instead of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner.

Kessler also noted that Trump has some false claims he repeats more than others, notably that the wall is being built along the U.S.-Mexico border and that he passed the biggest tax cut in the history of America.

Post implemented the "Bottomless Pinocchio," an acknowledgment that four Pinocchios was sometimes not enough, saying the new rating was inspired by Trump's repeating false claims.

Trump’s lies reach levels never seen before in American history. An entirely new standard had to be created to rate trumps lies. In a way this is pretty amazing. First, just because of the sheer number of falsehoods he tells and second that he can get people still believing all his lies. We know he’s a liar for years now and still Republicans completely follow him. That has to be the sign of a cult? Where else could it be?


The Post probably hit that number around 1878.
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I think the funniest thing about right wingers and Trump’s lying is they know he lies.

I’ve heard right wingers say they don’t care if he lies because everybody lies.

Or I’ve heard them say I don’t care if he lies because I like what he said.

They’re not even really in denial. They approve.

You have to wonder, what kind of people are these?

To follow a leader they know is lying and just don’t care.
I think the funniest thing about right wingers and Trump’s lying is they know he lies.

I’ve heard right wingers say they don’t care if he lies because everybody lies.

Or I’ve heard them say I don’t care if he lies because I like what he said.

They’re not even really in denial. They approve.

You have to wonder, what kind of people are these?

To follow a leader they know is lying and just don’t care.
Damn, you just decribed ever partisan in history.
You retarded dumbfuck
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  • #8
And they still dont add up(substance wise) to the lies of the century.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
This is not a tax.
That’s it, that’s all you got?

What about people that got to keep their doctor? Like me. I just had to have a policy that met minimum standards.

You know Republicans want to take away your healthcare altogether. And replace it with nothing. You know that right?

A look at the record: Republicans repeatedly voted to kill protections for pre-existing conditions

All Republicans have to do is show us an actual policy where Republicans wanted to protect pre-existing conditions. Is that too much to ask for?
Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president

Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days.

Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false claims Thursday during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity and another 61 false claims during a campaign rally in Wisconsin Saturday that Trump attended instead of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner.

Kessler also noted that Trump has some false claims he repeats more than others, notably that the wall is being built along the U.S.-Mexico border and that he passed the biggest tax cut in the history of America.

Post implemented the "Bottomless Pinocchio," an acknowledgment that four Pinocchios was sometimes not enough, saying the new rating was inspired by Trump's repeating false claims.

Trump’s lies reach levels never seen before in American history. An entirely new standard had to be created to rate trumps lies. In a way this is pretty amazing. First, just because of the sheer number of falsehoods he tells and second that he can get people still believing all his lies. We know he’s a liar for years now and still Republicans completely follow him. That has to be the sign of a cult? Where else could it be?

Doubt he’ll ever catch up to you, deany so you can relax.
And they still dont add up(substance wise) to the lies of the century.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
This is not a tax.
That’s it, that’s all you got?

What about people that got to keep their doctor? Like me. I just had to have a policy that met minimum standards.

You know Republicans want to take away your healthcare altogether. And replace it with nothing. You know that right?

A look at the record: Republicans repeatedly voted to kill protections for pre-existing conditions

All Republicans have to do is show us an actual policy where Republicans wanted to protect pre-existing conditions. Is that too much to ask for?
The only people wanting to take away my healthcare are left wing statists wanting to abolish employer healthcare.
Lie again, boy
I think the funniest thing about right wingers and Trump’s lying is they know he lies.

I’ve heard right wingers say they don’t care if he lies because everybody lies.

Or I’ve heard them say I don’t care if he lies because I like what he said.

They’re not even really in denial. They approve.

You have to wonder, what kind of people are these?

To follow a leader they know is lying and just don’t care.
Damn, you just decribed ever partisan in history.
You retarded dumbfuck
Of course, you can prove I am wrong? Or can you?
And they still dont add up(substance wise) to the lies of the century.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
This is not a tax.
That’s it, that’s all you got?

What about people that got to keep their doctor? Like me. I just had to have a policy that met minimum standards.

You know Republicans want to take away your healthcare altogether. And replace it with nothing. You know that right?

A look at the record: Republicans repeatedly voted to kill protections for pre-existing conditions

All Republicans have to do is show us an actual policy where Republicans wanted to protect pre-existing conditions. Is that too much to ask for?
The only people wanting to take away my healthcare are left wing statists wanting to abolish employer healthcare.
Lie again, boy
Is that your new word? Statist?

It’s the Democrats who are fighting to protect healthcare.
I think the funniest thing about right wingers and Trump’s lying is they know he lies.

I’ve heard right wingers say they don’t care if he lies because everybody lies.

Or I’ve heard them say I don’t care if he lies because I like what he said.

They’re not even really in denial. They approve.

You have to wonder, what kind of people are these?

To follow a leader they know is lying and just don’t care.
Damn, you just decribed ever partisan in history.
You retarded dumbfuck
Of course, you can prove I am wrong? Or can you?
I didnt say you were. I clearly implied what you said is normal, yet, you act like its something new.
You are either ignorant or disingenuous
And they still dont add up(substance wise) to the lies of the century.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
This is not a tax.
That’s it, that’s all you got?

What about people that got to keep their doctor? Like me. I just had to have a policy that met minimum standards.

You know Republicans want to take away your healthcare altogether. And replace it with nothing. You know that right?

A look at the record: Republicans repeatedly voted to kill protections for pre-existing conditions

All Republicans have to do is show us an actual policy where Republicans wanted to protect pre-existing conditions. Is that too much to ask for?
The only people wanting to take away my healthcare are left wing statists wanting to abolish employer healthcare.
Lie again, boy
Well I never had employer health care where I didn’t pay a huge amount of money into it. And the bigger the group the cheaper it was. How about we just get rid of the companies and keep the doctors and the hospitals and the nurses and pour those hundreds of billions of dollars into actual healthcare?

This is one of the things that really bugs me about your kind is the defense of companies that are just ripping off millions of Americans. Here, take a look at Aetna.

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini's Compensation Surged In 2016

The CEO in one year got $41 million. One year.
And they have a private aircraft division.

And look at some of the other officers of this company got:

Aetna executives:

•Chief Financial Officer Shawn M. Guertin received $8.1 million, not including $4.08 million in stock-and-option awards.

•President Karen S. Lynch received $6.4 million, not including $5.1 million in stock-and-option awards.

•General Counsel Thomas J. Sabatino Jr., received $2.7 million, with more than $700,000 of the package paying for relocation expenses. Sabatino started with Aetna in April 2016, coming from the parent company of Hertz rental cars. He also received $8.3 million in stock-and-option awards.

That’s not even all of them. And where do you think that money comes from? It comes from policies that you pay. How Many policies does it take to pay a salary of $41 million a year?

Why do we have to pay that to these a$$holes? What did they do to deserve getting so much money from us?

They aren’t doctors or nurses or they don’t own hospitals. They are middleman. They skim money off of our healthcare policies. How is it you don’t know that? Imagine if all that money actually went into healthcare?
Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president

Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days.

Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false claims Thursday during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity and another 61 false claims during a campaign rally in Wisconsin Saturday that Trump attended instead of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner.

Kessler also noted that Trump has some false claims he repeats more than others, notably that the wall is being built along the U.S.-Mexico border and that he passed the biggest tax cut in the history of America.

Post implemented the "Bottomless Pinocchio," an acknowledgment that four Pinocchios was sometimes not enough, saying the new rating was inspired by Trump's repeating false claims.

Trump’s lies reach levels never seen before in American history. An entirely new standard had to be created to rate trumps lies. In a way this is pretty amazing. First, just because of the sheer number of falsehoods he tells and second that he can get people still believing all his lies. We know he’s a liar for years now and still Republicans completely follow him. That has to be the sign of a cult? Where else could it be?

He'll catch up with you in no time!
Washington post!


Tipsycatlover Please post link to prove its not true or admit you're desperate.
(Can someone tell me why RWNJs like the drunk cat lady/attorney/doctor/froot loop keep lying for the magat?)

FACT is, if he mouth is open, he's either shoving hamberders [sic] into it or lies are coming out of it.

Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president

Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days.

Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false claims Thursday during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity and another 61 false claims during a campaign rally in Wisconsin Saturday that Trump attended instead of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner.

Kessler also noted that Trump has some false claims he repeats more than others, notably that the wall is being built along the U.S.-Mexico border and that he passed the biggest tax cut in the history of America.

Post implemented the "Bottomless Pinocchio," an acknowledgment that four Pinocchios was sometimes not enough, saying the new rating was inspired by Trump's repeating false claims.

Trump’s lies reach levels never seen before in American history. An entirely new standard had to be created to rate trumps lies. In a way this is pretty amazing. First, just because of the sheer number of falsehoods he tells and second that he can get people still believing all his lies. We know he’s a liar for years now and still Republicans completely follow him. That has to be the sign of a cult? Where else could it be?

He'll catch up with you in no time!

Why hide behind such a childish post?

Seriously. RWNJs know he lies constantly. Why pretend you don't?
I think the funniest thing about right wingers and Trump’s lying is they know he lies.

I’ve heard right wingers say they don’t care if he lies because everybody lies.

Or I’ve heard them say I don’t care if he lies because I like what he said.

They’re not even really in denial. They approve.

You have to wonder, what kind of people are these?

To follow a leader they know is lying and just don’t care.
Damn, you just decribed ever partisan in history.
You retarded dumbfuck
Trump took Russians into the oval office after he cleared the oval office out so they couldn’t see his transactions by passing secrets on to Russian spies.
In the American oval office. Trump gave classified material to Russian spies in the oval office after he told the Americans there to stay out so they couldn’t see. He didn’t want American witnesses.

Obama never did that. No president in history ever did something like that.
I remember when Republicans were gleefully cheering when they thought they had found Obama in a lie because he said you could keep your doctor. In fact you could keep your doctor if your policy met minimum standards. But that didn’t matter to the Republicans. Now we have a republican president who has committed over 10,000 lies! 10,000! And they don’t see a problem.
Is that because it’s only OK for white people to lie?

And they’re upset that Obama told the Russians I’ll have more flexibility after the election. But they have no problem at all with Trump actually turning over secret material to the Russians after he kicked Americans out of the oval office so no one could witness the transaction.

Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials - Reuters

Trump 'shared secret info with Russia'

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