Fascinating Video


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
While I cannot say I'm a Glenn Beck fan and truth be told the man annoys me on some instinctual level, the content of this video is spot on, speaking to the declining moral and cultural state of our US of A.

Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

Though I used to like him a lot, he could now descend from the Temple Mount with revealed truths and I would just yawn.
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

He's reminds me of Bill Maher. He really wants to be taken seriously, but in the end his "convictions" are secondary to telling people what they want to hear.
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

Though I used to like him a lot, he could now descend from the Temple Mount with revealed truths and I would just yawn.

Yeah, I agree with you . . . the guy is mostly nuttier than ten squirrels. Still, the video made some sense.
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

He's reminds me of Bill Maher. He really wants to be taken seriously, but in the end his "convictions" are secondary to telling people what they want to hear.

I.E. he's all about the dollar signs . . . just like most You Tubers, eh?
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

He's reminds me of Bill Maher. He really wants to be taken seriously, but in the end his "convictions" are secondary to telling people what they want to hear.

I.E. he's all about the dollar signs . . . just like most You Tubers, eh?

Like most anybody involved in politics.
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

Though I used to like him a lot, he could now descend from the Temple Mount with revealed truths and I would just yawn.

Yeah, I agree with you . . . the guy is mostly nuttier than ten squirrels. Still, the video made some sense.
I learned a lot of the things that he "discovers" and talks about on his programs back in the late 1990s...If he's educating a whole new crop of people, I say bully for him....But I personally find him boring AF.
He's reminds me of Bill Maher. He really wants to be taken seriously, but in the end his "convictions" are secondary to telling people what they want to hear.
I disagree...He really believes the things that he talks about....He just has become a crashing bore in doing so....There's a reason his ratings have tanked.

Hmmm... I guess I can't speak to his inner beliefs. But his beliefs are malleable at best. In the end he's an entertainer. To his credit, he admits this.
Beck has had too many "come to Jesus" moments, where he shares moments of introspection and talks about changing his approach, then reverts to doing the same old crap......Pat and Stu used to be borderline funny, now they're just droll and dreary.

Though I used to like him a lot, he could now descend from the Temple Mount with revealed truths and I would just yawn.
I remember when Glen was against Trump. What the hell happened?
While I cannot say I'm a Glenn Beck fan and truth be told the man annoys me on some instinctual level, the content of this video is spot on, speaking to the declining moral and cultural state of our US of A.

How rich is this? Beck commenting on social issues, communism, religion, and whatever else?

Glenn Beck is a recovering cocaine addict & alcoholic; I won't give his opinion the time of day.

His fucked up little brain has been on so many sides of every issue that I don't believe Beck himself actually knows what he believes, if he even believes any thing.

Beck just needs to vanish into history ............

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