Coming civil wars in Austria and Germany


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Insane psychopaths in governments of two countries want to make 'vaccination' mandatory. When they believe non-vaccinated citizens will allow to kill them without any resistance they are idiots.
More as 30% citizens are antivaxxers, more as 40% of already inoculated ones will refuse the buster 'jab'. All of them know 'vaccines' will kill them.It would be interesting to see how faggots 'cops' and clinically dead troops will enforce commands of criminal politicians.
Old totalitarian habits come easily to Germany and Austria.

Just saying.

Both countries are being run by Jewish satanists who want to completely eradicate German people.Most of deliberately dumbed down Germans still can't grasp it, but pretty soon coming the big awakening, unfortunately too late.
Interesting. Good luck Germany.

German people doesn't run the country. The true owners of it are Rothschild, Gates, Schwab, all kinds of freemasons and satanists. The 'best Germany of all times' (according to Merkel and her corrupted crazy mob) becames nowadays the Kingdom of Satan pure
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German people doesn't run the country. The true owners of it are Rothschild, Gates, Schwab, all kinds of freemasons and satanists. The 'best Germany of all times' (according to Merkel and her corrupted crazy mob) becames nowadays the Kingdom of Satan pure

You are a wackjob. When have the people ever been in control of Germany? They've had monarchs, and Kaisers, and Fuhrers long before Rothschilds, Gates, Schwab, etc.
You are a wackjob. When have the people ever been in control of Germany? They've had monarchs, and Kaisers, and Fuhrers long before Rothschilds, Gates, Schwab, etc.

Who controlled all their rulers through centuries?
Even 'Fuhrer' was a marionette in their hands.
Follow the money.
By the way, as an educated individual I don't insult my opponents
Who controlled all their rulers through centuries?
Even 'Fuhrer' was a marionette in their hands.
Follow the money.
By the way, as an educated individual I don't insult my opponents

The furher was a radical who got in under his own power, and had no desire for more money. His desire was power.

Kaiser Wilhelm could have cared less about money. He was helping his allied countries.

The previous German leaders wanted Land, power. Only this Merkel wants money. You think you're so smart, but really you are as foolish as those you call fools. I don't need to be educated to call a spade a spade.
You guys are cowardly nuts. Our American authoritative government in 1939-1945 made men and boys go to war and fight. There was no freedom of choice. You were made to do it and boys did it because they were not 2021 cowardly republicans. We are at at war with a microscopic bug. Man up and fight you fucking sissies. I swear to God we’d all be saluting Hitlers picture if the 2021 Republicans were in charge in 1940s.
Insane psychopaths in governments of two countries want to make 'vaccination' mandatory. When they believe non-vaccinated citizens will allow to kill them without any resistance they are idiots.
More as 30% citizens are antivaxxers, more as 40% of already inoculated ones will refuse the buster 'jab'. All of them know 'vaccines' will kill them.It would be interesting to see how faggots 'cops' and clinically dead troops will enforce commands of criminal politicians.
The anti-vaxxers will not rise up in a war, all their firearms were taken from them decades ago. Taking firearms away from the populace ensures that those in control, stay in control.
First of all you shall condemn all those hate against Gentiles written in Talmud, thereafter we can talk about who is more Nazi

Be happy that you don't have to explain a German judge what you say on what reason about anyone on this planet who is not the same evilwilling racist extremist like you.
Be happy that you don't have to explain a German judge what you say on what reason about anyone on this planet who is not the same evilwilling racist extremist like you.

Kiss my donkey under the tail.

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