Colorado baker told to bake that cake

I doubt that he historically has provided cakes for any number of occasions.

It’s really not that hard.

I doubt if he ever made cakes to celebrate an incestuous relationship or an adulterous affair.

Should he be forced too?

It's a pink cake with blue frosting. A simply ordinary cake.
In America, a business can refuse service for any reason. It's not a criminal offense..............unless your a brain dead, fuktarded Demonicreep that throws toddler tantrums when told "no".

Nope. We have public accommedation laws. As long as you are dealing with the public, you have to offer products and services to all comers.

Why the hell would anyone want a product from someone who clearly doesn't want to serve them?

Do people enjoy spit in their cake?

If you spit in someone's food, that's assault.

Would you force a Muslim baker to make a big penis cake for a Gay wedding?

Well, that would be more historically accurate, because genital shaped cakes in Ancient Rome were the precursor to modern wedding cakes.

I'm always amused by those who claim they won't bake certain wedding cakes for religious reasons, when the wedding cake is a pagan tradition. They shouldn't be baking wedding cakes at all, but that's where the money is if you are a baker.
What a load.
The progtards here would defend the Muslims right to not violate their faith by making a fag cake.

Or that he doesn't have a penis shaped cake mold.

but the analogy doesn't hold here. He doesn't bake penis shaped cakes for ANYONE. (Seriously, who'd want such a thing?)

On the other hand, this baker provides wedding cakes. There's no really good reason why he can't provide a wedding cake to a gay couple.

A transgender walks into a Ford dealership and says “I want to order a Corvette to celebrate my transition” and the Owner of the dealership says, I can’t sell that to you as we do not offer Chevrolet products.

Timmy thinks the dealer should have to go to jail!

Another crap analogy. The baker was perfectly willing to sell a pink cake with blue frosting, until he was told what it represented.

Gun to his family's head, he could bake the pink/blue cake. As opposed to the Ford Dealer, who simply doesn't have a Corvette to sell.
It is not discriminatory to not offer a product. And this baker does not offer such, regardless of sexuality.

Doesn't offer 'same sex' confectionary cakes???
Umm, a clue to the cluefull ----there is no "sexuality" to a confectionary cake!
It's a stew of sugar, flour, eggs, and water.....baked in an oven.
It is all put together with no human ovaries or testes baked in.
It's a friggin' cake. No 'same' sex......No 'opposite' sex.
There is NO sex.
There is NO gender.
It's a damn dessert!

If he doesn't want to install male-depicted plastic figurines on top.....or two female-depicted figurines...... fine, then put them in a separate box and let the loving couple install the damn plastic doo-dads. Quit your damn hissyfitting. my religious jackassery trying to re-imagine itself as a purported protected "right". Gimme a friggin' break!


(does my avatar sound impatient with such silly tomfoolery?
Yes? Yeah, I thought so too.)
Theres more than one bakery in town. Google shows over 21 bakeries in the area, and that isn't including the ones inside grocery stores. They had a WIDE ASSORTMENT of places to go to.

And under normal circumstances, that's what you should do. Maybe leave them a crappy yelp review on the way out.

But as a matter of principle, we have public accommedation laws for a reason.

Let's say that the baker doesn't like black people, should he be allowed to discriminate against black people? Or Jewish people.

Absolutely! Profit motive.

Customer: I want a cake to celebrate my transition.

Baker: Transition cakes can cost me my soul, so the price is 2.5 Billion. And I want half down.

Problem solved.

Sure... All that he has to do is prove he has a soul, and that it would definitely be condemned for baking a cake, and that it was worth 2.3 billion.

Any more dumb analogies.
Let me try and explain why I am right on this one.
Our Tranny gets in his car to drive home to see his parents. He pulls over for the night to check into a motel. The owner says "no". "Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny motel."

So our tranny sleeps in the back of his car. he is tired and doesnt feel like driving on.

In the morning he gets up and goes to the local diner for brakfast. The owner sees him and says "fuck off you tranny bastard. Serving trannys us against my religion. You can find somewhere else to eat.

Sp our guy moves on, decides to fill up his tank and head for home. But wait. He is refused service at the petrol station. The owner says

"Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny petrol station instead."

Under the taliban logic on here he would be within his rights to do so. They all would.

So a few miles down the road he runs out of petrol and is forced to get out and walk. A few miles further down the road he is attacked by some redneck trash wearing maga hats. They call him a groomer and beat the shit out of him.

A little while later a Christian gentleman comes long. Maybe he is a Welsh methodist ? He helps our traveller to his feet and drives him all the way to his parents house where he is able to get help. EVEN THOUGH IT IS 40 MILES OUT OF HIS WAY AND HE GETS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS BACK SEAT.

Who is the Christian in this story ?
Who is upholding American values ?

Now I do feel the need to underline the point here. If you allow one person to refuse service then you open the doors to all busunesses to refuse it.

Life for the trans community then becomes unbearable. Is that what you want ?

His defence is the ridiculous religous freedom one that he used to deny a gay couple a cake a few yesrs ago. What does the bible say about trannys ?

It seems that a common link in these bigot cases is well funded extremist laawyers. These bigots never refuse cakes for adulterers or criminals or people who eat shellfish.

They make me sick to my stomach.
Hopefully, next time he refuses, it will be because of the customer’s political beliefs
We are made in God's image, and he is the alpha and the omega and it says right there in Matthew that man and woman will become one flesh so he should celebrate trans people--it is prophecy coming true.....and take their damned money instead of wasting it on lawyers.

That said, I personally don't care one way or the other about him serving gay people other than I think it is a piss poor business practice to be turning away swipes these days.
It's a pink cake with blue frosting. A simply ordinary cake.
I have a feeling this customer sought out this particular baker in order to cause trouble. But again, if the baker doesn’t offer a specific product, the government has ZERO right to tell him he must. Just like the Ford dealer can’t be forced to by a GM dealership to satisfy a customer that wants a new GM product.
And under normal circumstances, that's what you should do. Maybe leave them a crappy yelp review on the way out.

But as a matter of principle, we have public accommedation laws for a reason.

Let's say that the baker doesn't like black people, should he be allowed to discriminate against black people? Or Jewish people.

Sure... All that he has to do is prove he has a soul, and that it would definitely be condemned for baking a cake, and that it was worth 2.3 billion.

Any more dumb analogies.

I never gave a dumb analogy. Does Colorado have price controls in place?

If so, please link to them.
Let me try and explain why I am right on this one.
Our Tranny gets in his car to drive home to see his parents. He pulls over for the night to check into a motel. The owner says "no". "Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny motel."

So our tranny sleeps in the back of his car. he is tired and doesnt feel like driving on.

In the morning he gets up and goes to the local diner for brakfast. The owner sees him and says "fuck off you tranny bastard. Serving trannys us against my religion. You can find somewhere else to eat.

Sp our guy moves on, decides to fill up his tank and head for home. But wait. He is refused service at the petrol station. The owner says

"Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny petrol station instead."

Under the taliban logic on here he would be within his rights to do so. They all would.

So a few miles down the road he runs out of petrol and is forced to get out and walk. A few miles further down the road he is attacked by some redneck trash wearing maga hats. They call him a groomer and beat the shit out of him.

A little while later a Christian gentleman comes long. Maybe he is a Welsh methodist ? He helps our traveller to his feet and drives him all the way to his parents house where he is able to get help. EVEN THOUGH IT IS 40 MILES OUT OF HIS WAY AND HE GETS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS BACK SEAT.

Who is the Christian in this story ?

Who is upholding American values ?

Now I do feel the need to underline the point here. If you allow one person to refuse service then you open the doors to all busunesses to refuse it.

Life for the trans community then becomes unbearable. Is that what you want ?

So what you are saying is that a Welsh methodist hates trannies so much they won't let them sit in the passenger seat beside them?
I doubt if he ever made cakes to celebrate an incestuous relationship or an adulterous affair. Should he be forced too?

Well, Norm......and least we are getting into the recipes for 'spice cakes' here and away from those bland too-sweet white sponge types.

So, if your Constitution protects discrimination against incest, or even it does sexual-identity....well, let's see it.

And pictures are fine, if the mods will allow it.

Just sayin'.
I have a feeling this customer sought out this particular baker in order to cause trouble. But again, if the baker doesn’t offer a specific product, the government has ZERO right to tell him he must. Just like the Ford dealer can’t be forced to by a GM dealership to satisfy a customer that wants a new GM product.

Oh, I'm positive this customer sought out this baker to fuck with him. So what?

The government has every right to regulate commerce.. in fact, it is it's main function. Otherwise how would you arbitrate business disputes or assure quality and compliance?

Your Ford/GM analogy is kind of stupid, for reasons stated above. In fact, the law would probably specifically prohibit the Ford dealer from selling GM Products, because GM would have exclusive deals with the other dealers (as Ford would have with him.)
Let me try and explain why I am right on this one.
Our Tranny gets in his car to drive home to see his parents. He pulls over for the night to check into a motel. The owner says "no". "Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny motel."

So our tranny sleeps in the back of his car. he is tired and doesnt feel like driving on.

In the morning he gets up and goes to the local diner for brakfast. The owner sees him and says "fuck off you tranny bastard. Serving trannys us against my religion. You can find somewhere else to eat.

Sp our guy moves on, decides to fill up his tank and head for home. But wait. He is refused service at the petrol station. The owner says

"Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny petrol station instead."

Under the taliban logic on here he would be within his rights to do so. They all would.

So a few miles down the road he runs out of petrol and is forced to get out and walk. A few miles further down the road he is attacked by some redneck trash wearing maga hats. They call him a groomer and beat the shit out of him.

A little while later a Christian gentleman comes long. Maybe he is a Welsh methodist ? He helps our traveller to his feet and drives him all the way to his parents house where he is able to get help. EVEN THOUGH IT IS 40 MILES OUT OF HIS WAY AND HE GETS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS BACK SEAT.

Who is the Christian in this story ?

Who is upholding American values ?

Now I do feel the need to underline the point here. If you allow one person to refuse service then you open the doors to all busunesses to refuse it.

Life for the trans community then becomes unbearable. Is that what you want

If the tranny goes into the motel and insists on having a sauna in room, but the motel has no such rooms then the comparison would be the same.

The product is simply not available
Well, Norm......and least we are getting into the recipes for 'spice cakes' here and away from those bland too-sweet white sponge types.

So, if your Constitution protects discrimination against incest, or even it does sexual-identity....well, let's see it.

And pictures are fine, if the mods will allow it.

Just sayin'.

Our government has no right to demand any product be sold by any business.

So there’s that
Let me try and explain why I am right on this one.
Our Tranny gets in his car to drive home to see his parents. He pulls over for the night to check into a motel. The owner says "no". "Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny motel."

So our tranny sleeps in the back of his car. he is tired and doesnt feel like driving on.

In the morning he gets up and goes to the local diner for brakfast. The owner sees him and says "fuck off you tranny bastard. Serving trannys us against my religion. You can find somewhere else to eat.

Sp our guy moves on, decides to fill up his tank and head for home. But wait. He is refused service at the petrol station. The owner says

"Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny petrol station instead."

Under the taliban logic on here he would be within his rights to do so. They all would.

So a few miles down the road he runs out of petrol and is forced to get out and walk. A few miles further down the road he is attacked by some redneck trash wearing maga hats. They call him a groomer and beat the shit out of him.

A little while later a Christian gentleman comes long. Maybe he is a Welsh methodist ? He helps our traveller to his feet and drives him all the way to his parents house where he is able to get help. EVEN THOUGH IT IS 40 MILES OUT OF HIS WAY AND HE GETS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS BACK SEAT.

Who is the Christian in this story ?

Who is upholding American values ?

Now I do feel the need to underline the point here. If you allow one person to refuse service then you open the doors to all busunesses to refuse it.

Life for the trans community then becomes unbearable. Is that what you want ?

You'd make this individual ride in the backseat? Did you make this person lie down so you wouldn't be seen together as well? What are you afraid of?

Oh, and I'm still waiting for your links showing my racism... I'm certain you will produce them soon, you wouldn't want to earn the reputation of being a liar and bearing false witness... You know, what with being a good Christian and all...
Oh, I'm positive this customer sought out this baker to fuck with him. So what?

The government has every right to regulate commerce.. in fact, it is it's main function. Otherwise how would you arbitrate business disputes or assure quality and compliance?

Your Ford/GM analogy is kind of stupid, for reasons stated above. In fact, the law would probably specifically prohibit the Ford dealer from selling GM Products, because GM would have exclusive deals with the other dealers (as Ford would have with him.)

Your mighty selective Joe. This baker can, and does have the right to sell certain products, and not others. And there certainly is precedent for it.
I have a feeling this customer sought out this particular baker in order to cause trouble.

Likely so.

But again, if the baker doesn’t offer a specific product, the government has ZERO right to tell him he must. Just like the Ford dealer can’t be forced to by a GM dealership to satisfy a customer that wants a new GM product.

He offers cakes. How many times does this have to be pointed out?

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