Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Plestia Alaqad on the war on Gaza: ‘You don’t have time to cry’ | Real Talk - Online​


Al Jazeera’s Youmna El Sayed on the boy who had his dead baby brother in a backpack | UNAPOLOGETIC​

They were called Palestinian Arabs BECAUSE of the Mandate for Palestine for the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation, and NO Other Reason. Before that they were just Arabs who wanted to be part of Syria and be called Syrians.

Arabs are not slow but too many are murderous people with a superiority complex over non Muslims started by Mohammad who himself had a superiority complex over Jews.

They have always been called Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East. The Jews that say no were from eastern Europe and Russia. It's always been a lie.
They have always been called Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East. The Jews that say no were from eastern Europe and Russia. It's always been a lie.
Ok, now finds us a report in any Arab/Muslim writing where only Arabs were called Palestinians before the Mandate for Palestine.

Waiting :)

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