Clarification for a political ideology


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.
That's easy: Believing all those things would make you an extreme right-wing nationalist and an insurrectionist, according to the ADL.
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.
I would describe you as an old-fashioned typical conservative American - more worried about a bump-stock then factually realizing the USA's global intrusion onto others - and as to why they "need" to do it.

Lefty&Libs get rightfully onto your nerves and make you angry and unhappy.

The human scumbag knows this - and therefore specifically highlights your concerns and frustration - counting to get elected by you - then play's Golf and is having fun with the other elitists who caused all this, enriching himself, polishing his ego and factually doing nothing about your concerns and frustration - yep I guess that sums it up.
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.
What does that make you?

It makes you a misguided right wing loon.

Now is your chance to recant.

I would describe you as an old-fashioned typical conservative American - more worried about a bump-stock then factually realizing the USA's global intrusion onto others - and as to why they "need" to do it.

Lefty&Libs get rightfully onto your nerves and make you angry and unhappy.

The human scumbag knows this - and therefore specifically highlights your concerns and frustration - counting to get elected by you - then play's Golf and is having fun with the other elitists who caused all this, enriching himself, polishing his ego and factually doing nothing about your concerns and frustration - yep I guess that sums it up.

No anti-Trump agenda here, nope. None at all. :laughing0301:
I would describe you as an old-fashioned typical conservative American - more worried about a bump-stock then factually realizing the USA's global intrusion onto others - and as to why they "need" to do it.

Oh no, Bump stocks aren't that important. What is, is why Trump thought it was necessary to assault our 2A, why the thought he could get away with it. Someone like me, the thought of doing it would've never crossed my mind. It takes a real slime ball for a politician to exert that much power over the people and the constitution.
Apparently he and most of them don't care about the constitution because they've reauthorized FISA, the Patriot Act, the NDAA and some other unconstitutional legislation.

Lefty&Libs get rightfully onto your nerves and make you angry and unhappy.

The human scumbag knows this - and therefore specifically highlights your concerns and frustration - counting to get elected by you - then play's Golf and is having fun with the other elitists who caused all this, enriching himself, polishing his ego and factually doing nothing about your concerns and frustration - yep I guess that sums it up.

The right as either gone too far left (of center) or they're just weak AF. The only thing McCarthy has done since becoming speaker is cave to Biden. There's been no spending reduction bills, no plans for one. The upcoming continued resolution bill in on their door step and all McCarthy can do is kick the can.
Libertarians don't believe that either.

When I dumped the LP, that's all they were about. Trannies, druggies and those on death row and their right to life. Nothing about the common working man anymore. Nothing about the debt, debt ceiling, the borrowing from the fed, inflation or any of that important stuff.

Maybe the Mises Caucus is trying to turn things around now. I'll have to check them out and see what's going on.
No anti-Trump agenda here, nope. None at all. :laughing0301:

Trump and his actual record is just too liberal for me. $8 trillion in 4 years? $500 billion to black communities just because they're black? Funding gender studies in Pakistan? Only radical progressives would support that kind of crap.
I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else

Correction, you're not a libertarian because you don't know what a libertarian is. Leftists support tranny super rights, not libertarians. We (libertarians) support no more or less rights for trannies than anyone else.

Libertarianism, in a nutshell, involves the right of one person to swing their fist until they hit somebody else's nose.

Identity politics enforced with an iron hand is pretty much the antithesis of that.
Correction, you're not a libertarian because you don't know what a libertarian is. Leftists support tranny super rights, not libertarians. We (libertarians) support no more or less rights for trannies than anyone else.


I get that. But for 2 years, that's all I heard about from the LP. Protecting tranny rights. Screw them. I'm a straight white male in a country where it's legal to discriminate against me and my kind. I could care less about them, the druggies and those on death row.

If they'd shut up up about those kind and go back to focusing on my kind, I might consider rejoining their ranks. I was once an LP local chairman. When the psycodelic's (mushroom) supporting morons started flooding in, I let them have it. That's all they wanted to talk about, was legalizing drugs. Then they got on their tranny kick.....
I get that. But for 2 years, that's all I heard about from the LP. Protecting tranny rights. Screw them. I'm a straight white male in a country where it's legal to discriminate against me and my kind. I could care less about them, the druggies and those on death row.

If they'd shut up up about those kind and go back to focusing on my kind, I might consider rejoining their ranks. I was once an LP local chairman. When the psycodelic's (mushroom) supporting morons started flooding in, I let them have it. That's all they wanted to talk about, was legalizing drugs. Then they got on their tranny kick.....

The LP is an implementation of libertarian, not the standard. You're right they suck. I'm libertarian to maximize my personal freedom. The LP doesn't, they frequently reduce their freedom in ideological purity. For example, open borders. That clearly doesn't increase our freedom, quite the reverse.

I don't get it. I mean for religions, like Christianity, I get being moral and being rewarded in the next life. But libertarian is a political ideology. If they reduce their freedom in this life for it, there is no reward in this life or the next, so why would they do that? Makes no sense to me.

Most libertarians are Republican. Not because the Republicans are libertarian, but we're getting more out of the Republicans than anyone else. It's sad that's true
Trump and his actual record is just too liberal for me. $8 trillion in 4 years? $500 billion to black communities just because they're black? Funding gender studies in Pakistan? Only radical progressives would support that kind of crap.


You seem to be forgetting that there was a global pandemic in 2020, which accounted for the bulk of Trump's spending. Other than that, Trump's deficit was running a lower deficit than Obama's first term.

Even the US Treasury Department admits that:

"Since 2001, the federal government’s budget has run a deficit each year. Starting in 2016, increases in spending on Social Security, health care, and interest on federal debt have outpaced the growth of federal revenue.
From FY 2019 to FY 2021, federal spending increased by about 50 percent in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Fiscal Data Explains the National Deficit


Trump's $500 billion Platinum Plan to help revitalize black communities also had a proposal to prosecute the Klan and Antifa as terrorist organizations, but I don't know whatever became of that. Trump just never gets a break. At the same time he signed the Platinum Plan into law, the left was howling like monkeys and accusing him of being a "racist bigot."
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.
Delusional. That's what you are

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