Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Hamas released a fake video of them abducting soldiers. It’s confirmed fake.

Lesson # 1: Hamas lies whenever it opens its mouth. Their lies don’t even have to be based on anything. Just pure 100% lies. Exhibit A: Their fake casualty numbers that even the UN admits are false.

Lesson # 2: The “innocent” civilians in Gaza have taken the streets by the tens of thousands to celebrate the “News” that Hamas kidnapped soldiers.

This event illustrates pretty perfectly what Israel is dealing with: A genocidal terrorist organization that lies constantly and a large population that celebrates their lies and supports their genocidal agenda.

Today’s celebration joins previous celebrations of the Palestinian people including 9/11 and 10/7.

It’s a population that is rotten to its core.
Minutes ago - a barrage of rockets fired from Rafah to Tel-Aviv are, the launching sight meters away from the advancing IDF units closing on another Hamas tunnel

Fact: Israel has 26x more hostages than Hamas
Listening to Ám Yisrael Chai! 24/7 on their knees
- look into the treatment of captured 7 Oct terrorists

So there I was, on the ICJ website, reading up on "genocide" when I noticed that this was the first of the 5 elements that could constitute genocide:

"Killing members of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group;"

So that means that any time Hamas attacks Israel (note the national group, "Israelis") in fact, any time any country battles with any other county, the ICJ can call that genocide. In fact, since any act of murder is perpetrated on a member of some group, every act of murder is, according to the ICJ, possibly genocide.

I haven't yet seen the ICJ pursue all those potential genocides...

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