Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

RE: Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates
SUBTOPIC: Limited Aspirations
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

There seems to be a significant number of parents in the general population of Arab Palestinians in the disputed territories that have this love affair with death, suicide, and martyrism that is somewhat hard to grasp.

sacrifice her son's soul as a Shahid (martyr for Islam), i.e., raising him to be a suicide bomber and kill Jews "for Jerusalem". She explained that for Palestinian Muslims "death" is part of the religious way of life and even their little children strive to die as suicide bombers and become "martyrs" for the sake Islam.

This interview was filmed several years ago, but nothing has changed since then. The Palestinians must stop glorifying terrorism and introducing their children to Jihad!This is why there is no peace in the Middle East!

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have a combination of "Intellectual Disabilities" and "Dissociative Disorders" brought on by the trauma of near-continuous psychological impacts suffered at the hands of parents, guardians, and underdeveloped community models.

I do not think (IMO) that the Arab Palestinians have much of a chance to strike any meaningful level of social understanding when they are being taught (at a young age) that terrorist attacks are ethically acceptable. When such actions become the norm in the society of childhood development, then it is child abuse.

This is almost a hopeless case.

We know that mosquitoes are annoying and easy enough to kill, and the same can be said for HoAP terrorists. But it is a losing battle to think they all can be destroyed. And it is impossible to reeducate mosquitoes not to attack humans. The HoAP must be thought of and dealt with in the same manner as mosquitoes. With rare exceptions, the HoAP will not positively interact with the rest of the human species.


Most Respectfully,

According to them, killing Jews is considered an act of worship for Allah (Islam's God) which allows muslims to sacrifice themselves in the process. As you can see in the full video (link attached below), the Palestinian terrorists insist that by sacrificing their own souls as suicide bombers in order to kill Jews for Jihad (Islam's Holy War), they will be welcomed by Allah into Paradise. In addition they claim that in the afterlife each suicide bomber receives 72 virgin slaves to use during his eternal life in Allah's Paradise.

This rare film shows a number of Palestinian suicide bombers who were caught and imprisoned by Israeli security forces. Please follow the filmmaker @rehoov
if you want to better understand the conflict in the Middle East.

Link to the full film ״PALESTINIAN JIHAD״:
RE: Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates
※→ et al,


International confidence in the judiciary by improper conduct has made the appearance of impropriety by providing direct support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

The members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have unequivocally sided with the Islamic Resistance and its associates who all have been designated by Common Position Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/152 which has designated the Islamic Resistance and its associates as "terrorist entities."


The members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have unequivocally sided with the Islamic Resistance and its associates who all have been designated by Common Position Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/152 which has designated the Islamic Resistance and its associates as "terrorist entities."

◈ The members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have effectively given tacit approval for the Islamic Resistance and its associates to violate International Humanitarian Law (IHL):
✦ Conduct military operations within or near densely populated areas.​
✦ Prevent or obstruct the removal of civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.​

✦ Grant judicial support for the tacit approval to the Islamic Resistance to take hostages during Resistance Operations.​

✦ Grant judicial support for the tacit approval to the Islamic Resistance to the use of human shields for innocent civilians and captured hostages to render certain points, areas, or terrorist forces immune from military operations.”​

◈ EXCERPT EU Council Decision:
Assets of every kind (whether tangible or intangible) however acquired, and legal documents or instruments in any form, including electronic or digital, evidencing title to, or interest in, such assets, including, but not limited to, bank credits, cheques, money orders, shares, securities, bonds, drafts, letters of credit.
Rule 154. Obedience to Superior Orders
Concerning the position of an Israeli combatant who disobeys or ignores the ICJ (unlawful orders).

When the members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issue such orders and provisional measures that allow the Islamic Resistance to burrow deeper into the innocent general population thereby preventing traditional and customary from effectively seeking out and destroying hostile terrorist operators that participated in the invasion of Israel, the members of the court and judicial body have abandon an impartial or unbiased and have adopted selective enforcement of international laws.


Most Respectfully,


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