Breaking: It Is Finished


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
WORLD—Multiple extremely reliable sources reported on Good Friday that “it is finished,” with your immeasurably great sin debt having been paid in full on the cross by the Son of God himself, Jesus Christ.

The unthinkable sacrifice to atone for your sin and guilt was reportedly accomplished some 2,000 years ago, once and for all, and is given as a gift to those who place their faith and trust in the Savior.

Sources were also able to confirm that the perfect righteousness of God the Son is freely imputed to those who repent and believe in him, based on his perfect obedience and finished work on the cross, rendering sin, death, and hell defeated forever.

Upon learning of the totally free gift of salvation, millions of people around the world reportedly repented of their sin and believed the gospel, becoming new creations that will glorify God forever.
whatever have christians in all their centuries or the desert religions ever accomplished than their own unwarranted self adulation having accomplished anything otherwise of noteworthy value.
whatever have christians in all their centuries or the desert religions ever accomplished than their own unwarranted self adulation having accomplished anything otherwise of noteworthy value.

Christians have accomplished the sum total of modern civilization. All other modern non-Christian civilizations have copied Christian civilization down to crossing the I and dotting the T. To claim otherwise is to deny millennia of accepted history, which, if you are a Derrida postmodernist shouldn't be much of a problem. Please explain to us, again, how water is not wet, and two eggs added to two more equals three eggs. Even the bloody Roman Empire, pagans extraordinaire, ended on a Christian note. The very foundation's foundation of modern civilization is Christian. Nevertheless, feel free to smoke your fake atheist's deconstructionist disbeliever weed and continue to deny eons of proven historical truth.
Christians have accomplished the sum total of modern civilization. All other modern non-Christian civilizations have copied Christian civilization down to crossing the I and dotting the T. To claim otherwise is to deny millennia of accepted history, which, if you are a Derrida postmodernist shouldn't be much of a problem. Please explain to us, again, how water is not wet, and two eggs added to two more equals three eggs. Even the bloody Roman Empire, pagans extraordinaire, ended on a Christian note. The very foundation's foundation of modern civilization is Christian. Nevertheless, feel free to smoke your fake atheist's deconstructionist disbeliever weed and continue to deny eons of proven historical truth.

it's your admission ...


the above has christianity, the desert religions written all over it. they've all been destroying the Garden for however long they have existed and persecuited and victimized the innocent to accomplish their goals.

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