Biden's pick to run DOJ Civil Rights Division

Mr. Biden will be praised and loved for his selection.

People had better be very respectful of her if they ever meet her for any kind of business.

They should be on their best behavior and avoid any comments that she might find offensive.

She will have the power to cancel anyone who displeases her.
She will find everything offensive.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.
I said Levant, check a map and also look how close Europe is to the Levant and Egypt. All of those people were inter connected via the Med. Did you find it hilarious that the Greeks built Alexandria in Egypt just west of Cairo?
The Levant was originally Black as well. Europeans are simply Black people that suffered genetic mutations due to cross breeding and inbreeding while in europe. It wasnt until about 10k years ago the gene for white/light skin surfaced in what is now called the middle east and spread to europe.

I didnt find it hilarious. It made sense. The Greeks knew where the knowledge and gold was. Egypt and Kush.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.
I said Levant, check a map and also look how close Europe is to the Levant and Egypt. All of those people were inter connected via the Med. Did you find it hilarious that the Greeks built Alexandria in Egypt just west of Cairo?
The Levant was originally Black as well. Europeans are simply Black people that suffered genetic mutations due to cross breeding and inbreeding while in europe. It wasnt until about 10k years ago the gene for white/light skin surfaced in what is now called the middle east and spread to europe.

I didnt find it hilarious. It made sense. The Greeks knew where the knowledge and gold was. Egypt and Kush.
LOL. I know niggas like chasing white neanderthal Becky but that is a stretch. Truth be told all the anthroapoligists can do is guess. I find it hard to believe that niggas walked from Africa to Australia for the fuck of it and a much worse the experts suggest.
I agree. That wont stop me from prejuding until I know for sure.
That just means your parents fucked up. Sure, you learn from the past... But if skin color determines character ... The wrong lessons were learned. My opinion of course.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
White people would have died out if that was true. They didnt have any suntan lotion back then. Its a scientific fact that white people didnt become white until they moved to europe and the white skin gene later moved there and proliferated via inbreeding.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.
I said Levant, check a map and also look how close Europe is to the Levant and Egypt. All of those people were inter connected via the Med. Did you find it hilarious that the Greeks built Alexandria in Egypt just west of Cairo?
The Levant was originally Black as well. Europeans are simply Black people that suffered genetic mutations due to cross breeding and inbreeding while in europe. It wasnt until about 10k years ago the gene for white/light skin surfaced in what is now called the middle east and spread to europe.

I didnt find it hilarious. It made sense. The Greeks knew where the knowledge and gold was. Egypt and Kush.
LOL. I know niggas like chasing white neanderthal Becky but that is a stretch. Truth be told all the anthroapoligists can do is guess. I find it hard to believe that niggas walked from Africa to Australia for the fuck of it and a much worse the experts suggest.
Your belief isn't required. Its a fact regardless of if that fact bothers your inferiority complex.
I agree. That wont stop me from prejuding until I know for sure.
That just means your parents fucked up. Sure, you learn from the past... But if skin color determines character ... The wrong lessons were learned. My opinion of course.
Seeing how its served me well I have nothing but profound gratitude for my parents. They taught me right and I have been successful despite numerous attempts by whites to stop my roll. However, lets get back to the topic. What did she say that was false?
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
White people would have died out if that was true. They didnt have any suntan lotion back then. Its a scientific fact that white people didnt become white until they moved to europe and the white skin gene later moved there and proliferated via inbreeding.
It isn't a fact, it is a guess. The assumption that Black Sub Saharan tribes walked out of Africa and everyone is related to them is pure speculation.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
White people would have died out if that was true. They didnt have any suntan lotion back then. Its a scientific fact that white people didnt become white until they moved to europe and the white skin gene later moved there and proliferated via inbreeding.
It isn't a fact, it is a guess. The assumption that Black Sub Saharan tribes walked out of Africa and everyone is related to them is pure speculation.
Let me guess. You dont believe in the validity of DNA? You do realize that all humans are descended from Africans via DNA right? So unless they teleported there or they had airplanes, they walked.
I agree. That wont stop me from prejuding until I know for sure.
That just means your parents fucked up. Sure, you learn from the past... But if skin color determines character ... The wrong lessons were learned. My opinion of course.
Seeing how its served me well I have nothing but profound gratitude for my parents. They taught me right and I have been successful despite numerous attempts by whites to stop my roll. However, lets get back to the topic. What did she say that was false?
Everything she said was false and super racist. Nobody who says such things should ever be working anywhere at the DOJ.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
White people would have died out if that was true. They didnt have any suntan lotion back then. Its a scientific fact that white people didnt become white until they moved to europe and the white skin gene later moved there and proliferated via inbreeding.
It isn't a fact, it is a guess. The assumption that Black Sub Saharan tribes walked out of Africa and everyone is related to them is pure speculation.
Let me guess. You dont believe in the validity of DNA? You do realize that all humans are descended from Africans via DNA right? So unless they teleported there or they had airplanes, they walked.
Only what we know now. Not was is buried by the oceans. Do you understand that Africa is a continent not a race.
Flattery will get you somewhere...
Asked a straight question... I'll give a straight answer. I wasn't trying to be flattering, just truthful. I'm here because I want my beliefs challenged intelligently and in good faith. If I don't get that, there is no point to this forum for me. I'll happily be on my way somewhere else.

I'll make a note to take your posts a bit more seriously going forward.
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong and why. I don't have the time I used to, so I can't dedicate what I want to this... But quality over quantity is best I can hope for anymore.

For the record, I appreciate your assessment.
Again... that was cold truth. I'll try not to be ... I don't know what the word is or should be... You do you.

I get a little crazy when my perceptions don't match up to reality in front of me. In fact you are the second person I've done this to that I read frequently. It's my flaw, and I'll try hard not to take you to task for it because you get a wild hair and want to rib someone else. Nobody can be a pillar all the time.
Seeing how its served me well I have nothing but profound gratitude for my parents. They taught me right and I have been successful despite numerous attempts by whites to stop my roll.
That would suggest the people you have come into contact with, your micro society if you will... Not every person of said color.

However, lets get back to the topic. What did she say that was false?
I'm unwilling to take Tucker's word on what she said on this one, and I need to go to bed. Overtime is kicking my ass. If I get time tomorrow, I'll do some independent research on it.

But I'll say this... If she actually said this: “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities" I'd say that's right at the top of the list of false. It comes off like she's talking about midi-chlorians.
I also like the Hotep claim that Blacks sailed to the Americas first and spread their wise wisdom because there are ancient statues with big lips and chit. Like other races can't have big lips.
I find the claim that the ancient Egyptians were europeans to be hilarious.

White people have lived in Africa since antiquity. Doesn't make the "European" but doesn't change their whiteness.

The greatest living African American, Elon Musk, is a honky.
White people would have died out if that was true. They didnt have any suntan lotion back then. Its a scientific fact that white people didnt become white until they moved to europe and the white skin gene later moved there and proliferated via inbreeding.
It isn't a fact, it is a guess. The assumption that Black Sub Saharan tribes walked out of Africa and everyone is related to them is pure speculation.
Let me guess. You dont believe in the validity of DNA? You do realize that all humans are descended from Africans via DNA right? So unless they teleported there or they had airplanes, they walked.
Only what we know now. Not was is buried by the oceans. Do you understand that Africa is a continent not a race.
Who told you Africa was a race and why did you believe them?
Seeing how its served me well I have nothing but profound gratitude for my parents. They taught me right and I have been successful despite numerous attempts by whites to stop my roll.
That would suggest the people you have come into contact with, your micro society if you will... Not every person of said color.

However, lets get back to the topic. What did she say that was false?
I'm unwilling to take Tucker's word on what she said on this one, and I need to go to bed. Overtime is kicking my ass. If I get time tomorrow, I'll do some independent research on it.

But I'll say this... If she actually said this: “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities" I'd say that's right at the top of the list of false. It comes off like she's talking about midi-chlorians.
All I need is preponderance to make me leery. I've experienced whites in a myriad of environments including the military, corporate world, in the suburbs, etc and invariably I find most of them to range from being ignorantly in denial or racist. The few I do associate with personally are my family members and a couple of friends.

It makes sense. Everything is based on frequency. Music, thought, emotion etc. Scientist are trying to develop bio conductors from melanin. In fact its worth more than gold. Just think about the implications of that. Theres a reason there are no white Michael Jordans.

" Scientists have achieved a billion-fold increase in the electrical conductivity of melanin, that could unleash its potential in safe, sustainable bioelectronics "

“Our process produced a billion-fold increase in the electrical conductivity of eumelanin,” say study senior authors Dr. Alessandro Pezzella of University of Naples Federico II and Dr. Paolo Tassini of Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. “This makes possible the long-anticipated design of melanin-based electronics, which can be used for implanted devices due to the pigment’s biocompatibility.”
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Black men are the beneficiaries of the breeding programs of the slavers. Michael Jordan owes all that he is to the selective breeding practices of slave traders. Those slave breeders kept very careful records of their livestock. A prizewinner was worth as much as any fine horse or bull. The benefits continue to this day.

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