Biden to appoint Raging Racist as head of Civil Rights Division

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Here are some quotes she's uttered

"Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites."

"Human mental processes are controlled by melanin–that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities."

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities"

Wow, looks like she has quote the focus on promoting genetic supremacy. She would fit right in to any White Supremacist/Nazi group as far as logic goes.

Democrats are sprinting back towards Jim Crow. They are proud to discriminate, and they actually seem to view it as virtuous to do so. Look at Joe Biden. He's discriminating in vaccine distribution and appointees, openly, and proudly. He's the most racist president we'll ever have on day one given these beliefs. No interpretation necessary, no "code words" or assumption of intent. It's textbook, factual racism.
Yeah, and the Left really believes we are headed for "peace and unity"

Those are code words. When the left says "peace and unity", what they really mean is "sticking it to whitey."

I read that in Orwell's 1984.
Here are some quotes she's uttered

"Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites."

"Human mental processes are controlled by melanin–that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities."

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities"

Wow, looks like she has quote the focus on promoting genetic supremacy. She would fit right in to any White Supremacist/Nazi group as far as logic goes.

Democrats are sprinting back towards Jim Crow. They are proud to discriminate, and they actually seem to view it as virtuous to do so. Look at Joe Biden. He's discriminating in vaccine distribution and appointees, openly, and proudly. He's the most racist president we'll ever have on day one given these beliefs. No interpretation necessary, no "code words" or assumption of intent. It's textbook, factual racism.
Do you not know her name?

Kristen Clarke is an American attorney who is the president of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. She previously managed the Civil Rights bureau of the New York Department of Law under Eric Schneiderman.

She sounds like she is qualified..

In 2019 Clarke represented Taylor Dumpson, the first African-American woman student body President of American University, in her lawsuit against Andrew Anglin, who placed bananas around campus.[12] He then directed his followers to harass her on social media, a so-called "troll storm".[13] Clarke successfully fought for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to recognize that hateful online trolling can interfere with access to public accommodation, as well as securing damages and a restraining order.[12]

Now I see why you white supremacist's are badmouthing her.
Conservatives are still pissed that there is even such a thing as a Civil Rights division at the Justice they were determined to whine like bitches no matter who he appointed....
Conservatives are still pissed that there is even such a thing as a Civil Rights division at the Justice they were determined to whine like bitches no matter who he appointed....

1. Did she make the statements or not?

2. Do you agree with those Statements?
Conservatives are still pissed that there is even such a thing as a Civil Rights division at the Justice they were determined to whine like bitches no matter who he appointed....
A quote from Trumps new Civil Rights division pick
'Human mental processes are controlled by the lack of melanin–that same chemical which gives Whites their superior physical and mental abilities."
You would make 15 facetious threads about the left being racist for being against her. Your hypocrisy is well noted here, obiwan.
Conservatives are still pissed that there is even such a thing as a Civil Rights division at the Justice they were determined to whine like bitches no matter who he appointed....

I wonder how are her coffee-making skills? Everyone knows those folks in the DOJ loves them some coffee.

To paraphrase Bill Clinton, a few years ago, this girl would have been getting us coffee.


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