Biden's pick to run DOJ Civil Rights Division


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Is a black supremacist, melanin magic hotep kween.

Clarke said the differences included that “Black infants sit, crawl and walk sooner than whites,” and that melanin gave “Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

“Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcified or non-functioning,” she added. “Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.”

She reiterated her point in closing — and added a spiritual component, writing, “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

Wikipedia editors locked Clarke’s page on Tuesday, just a day after Carlson aired a segment talking about Clarke’s letter, after users made several failed attempts to insert references to it on the page.
Mr. Biden will be praised and loved for his selection.

People had better be very respectful of her if they ever meet her for any kind of business.

They should be on their best behavior and avoid any comments that she might find offensive.

She will have the power to cancel anyone who displeases her.
What did she say that was false?

I guess there are superior races then?
Theres only one race. Some members of that race are inbred and lack the ability to produce melanin and others not so much.

Mr. Biden will be praised and loved for his selection.

People had better be very respectful of her if they ever meet her for any kind of business.

They should be on their best behavior and avoid any comments that she might find offensive.

She will have the power to cancel anyone who displeases her.
Sounds like you know your place.

What did she say that was false?

What did she say that was false?

She wraps her head around pseudo-scientific bullshit which sound like a cross between phrenology and the 5%'ers
Such as?

Bullshit like "blacks have superior pineal glands" is unproven nonsense.
Where did she say Blacks have superior pineal glands? Its a fact that whites pineal glands are atrophied or calcified in most of their populations. Now please show me what you're talking about instead of getting emotional.
It seems less genetic diversity, bad pineal glands, = high IQ and the ability to build first world civilizations. The Fox article said E. Asians have the least genetic diversity. So race mixing is bad it seems.
It seems less genetic diversity, bad pineal glands, = high IQ and the ability to build first world civilizations. The Fox article said E. Asians have the least genetic diversity. So race mixing is bad it seems.
Except whites were last to civilizations and made up IQ tests to make themselves feel better. The first civilization on this planet was in Africa. Even the Greeks knew that.
Understanding IQ. There is nothing magical about an IQ test.

You could make up a series of 10,000 questions on any subjects at all...history, geography, math, language...doesn't matter. Then randomly pick 100 questions from that pile of questions and ask those questions of a thousand people.

Then do the same thing over again with a different 10,000 questions, a different 100 on the test, and those same thousand people.

You would find that the same people would get the highest scores, the lowest scores, and those in the middle. Every time. In fact the relative rankings of the scores would be extremely consistent over the various administrations of the test.

And statistically speaking, the people with the middle score would be people with an IQ of 100, go one standard deviation above the norm and you have an IQ of 115; one standard deviation below the norm, IQ of 85. And so on. Regardless of the make-up of the test questions.

And if you gave those very same tests to groups of exclusively African Americans, the mean score would be 85. Count on it. It has nothing to do with the subjects that are covered, who administers the tests, what day of the week it is, or any of that. The African American mean will be 85 (approximately). And THAT would be a full standard deviation above what the results would be for Blacks in sub-Sahara Africa.

IQ testing is not a racist plot to prove that Whiteys are smarter than Black people. If it were, then the test wouldn't show that Asians and Ashkenazi jews are more intelligent than Western European whites.

What Kristen Clark says about the races has some statistical validity when it comes to physical traits, although it is worth noting that not all African Americans come from the same bloodlines in Africa, and there are large differences within the African American community.

It is a pity that one cannot talk in America about those physical traits without being branded as a "racist." We are supposed to believe that is just coincidence that there are no top African American marathoners and no top white sprinters.

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