Instead of race baiters, $millionaire race peddlers... why can't leaders in the black community be like this??


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Watch the video, please do.
It contains a truly rare moment in modern America - the truth.
Denzel Washington is the man. A real man. One who has the balls and integrity to speak what is true, even when, and especially when no one else will.

why can't leaders in the black community be like this
There isn't any money in that. A few do though.
Watch the video, please do.
It contains a truly rare moment in modern America - the truth.
Denzel Washington is the man. A real man. One who has the balls and integrity to speak what is true, even when, and especially when no one else will.

Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

Sadly, Denzel declines to recognize that a majority of African American children are being raised nurtured and socialized by teen girls and women *CHOOSING* to be single moms!

@ 5m21s do you believe Ms. Jazzyslim is being honest and fair when offering her personal opinion about a significant population of apparent emotionally troubled American women of African descent:

'Lamenting MULTIPLE Baby Daddies' ~Jazzyslim2005

Why Are Black Women So Argumentative?

https ://www .firststar. org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

Peace ♥ EndHate2021
There are no race peddlers in the black community. But Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and others have become extremely wealthy peddling racism, white greivance, and white victimization. I will listen to Denzel when he makes a movie. Because he is not speaking the truth.

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