Biden Walks Away After Peter Doocy Asks Why He Hasn’t Done Any Campaign Rallies (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
That stammering shit clown is a "6 draft deferments for childhood asthma" coward.

There's no corn pop, no university professor, no truck driver, no 81M votes, no nothing. We're dealing with a drooling fucktard that flunked 3rd grade and ham-handedly put together a crime family that can't get out of its own way. There's a fucking laptop with all the evidence on it, for fucks sake.

biden holy fuck 9.gif
I think we know the real reason why, don't we?

If we manage to Dump Trump we will destroy Biden.

But things are crazy, people will still vote for unhinged Trump and God only knows what will happen
Dems have the cheat down baby... its called ballot harvesting and mass mail out ballots.... biden knows it... why doesn't McConnell and McCarthy?....

Biden will not debate. He cannot go up against RFK in the primaries. He would flop! They won't let him. Nor will he run a campaign. He will not debate. Joe Biden is off the campaign trail as far as the American people are concerned. The democrats will tout that (especially if Trump is the opponent) as if Joe is simply above the riff raff and too good and too busy to soil himself with coming down to the level of MAGA. Joe is above question. Joe is above suspicion, meanwhile, his opponent will be riddled with unending questions and suspicion no matter how trivial. The fact is that Biden would suffer badly to actually be forced to go toe-to-toe against /anyone/ relying on his own wits.

Joe will do the prerequisite cycle through the approved leftwing media such as CBS and NBC, touting the visits as blessings granted upon the holy anointed, make a few carefully staged appearances in DC telling the world what good times these are for America, then his name will appear on the ballot and the election will go through in secrecy with 10,000 suspicious if not illegal objections which the MSM will all sweep under the rug and ignore as baseless, the leftwing media will laugh at even the insinuation of impropriety as everyone else shouts fraud, lying and cheating, and Joe will benefit from a last minute surge in the ballots to emerge victorious of another term.

And the press will again tell us that our elections are free, clear, open and sound and that democracy again prevailed in the USA.
Judge him by his policies, not personality. Actions, not reactions.

Not just personality. Remember, he chose "the best people"--except he didn't. At all. And then he turns on even the few good people he DID manage to keep.

This matters when you're trying to get stuff done, especially after four years of blabbing on and on and ostracizing pretty much everyone who used to be on your side.
What good does a rally of people who are only going to vote for you anyway?
At times you are insulting to intellect. And what passes for these forums. This man is not Presidential. This is what Trump was accused of. Only Trump is on the top of his game still despite his personality.
Either because he is unfit for rallies and campaigning.

Or they don't need to do campaign rallies because they will see to it they win under any circumstances.

Or they see it as unnecessary as they own most of the msn and they consider the constant barrage of news outlets pushing their agendas enough
At times you are insulting to intellect. And what passes for these forums. This man is not Presidential. This is what Trump was accused of. Only Trump is on the top of his game still despite his personality.

Biden is the most qualified and experienced candidate in the country

With yesterdays victory he showed how Presidential he can be
Biden is the most qualified and experienced candidate in the country

With yesterdays victory he showed how Presidential he can be

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