Biden Walks Away After Peter Doocy Asks Why He Hasn’t Done Any Campaign Rallies (VIDEO)

Why would he need to campaign? All they have to do is stack the mail in vote again.

Dems have the cheat down baby... its called ballot harvesting and mass mail out ballots.... biden knows it... why doesn't McConnell and McCarthy?....

So you're not voting next year?
DeSantis doesn’t have a shot. He is so non-charismatic, he’lll make Biden look better. I’ll stick with my prediction of a loss of nearly historic proportions.
If Biden prints and spends 4 trillion dollars. Inflation will go through the roof.
DeSantis doesn’t have a shot. He is so non-charismatic, he’lll make Biden look better. I’ll stick with my prediction of a loss of nearly historic proportions.
LOL, sure, that's what Biden is...charismatic.

Trumps policies are great and what America needs, but unfortunately the Left can make him inefective the way they did his last term. Unfortunately Trumps ego and the fact, it's not in him to deflect what the Left throws at him, in the way Reagan did, gives them more power to control the national narrative than should be. I'd say he was what we needed at the time, and he has helped expose the Democrat party for what they really are, but for the good of the U.S. going forward we ought to go with another strong conservative candidate because for one, Trump mobilizes the Left in America as no other. Im thinking that sometimes in a fight you cant always go with your best punch, but you gotta go with just wahtever it takes to win the fight. IMO.
having said that though I think a Trump/DeSantis ticket would look pretty interesting. I think it might rally enough of the Right to actually overcome the voter fraud
I'm quite sure that Ron doesn't like Donald anywhere near enough to be his running mate.
Now so? Trump was leading this country into a new era of peace in the Middle East and Korea. He also gave you that vaccine you took several jabs of, did you remember to thank him?

The only place Biden is leading us to is a war in Eastern Europe.
Bullying and ranting on twitter isn't leading.
Most of that was spent during the pandemic.

The Hoax: Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact: Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

September 30, 2017
. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019
. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019.
Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

And yet you rubes magically bleev the GOP is fiscally responsible!!! :auiqs.jpg:

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