my poem about from the River to the Sea

There once was a ghoul from Hamas
Only Muzzies he said could be boss
So from river to see
We'll be all that you see
Thanks to Israel, though, he's no mas
No. Ropey trains dancing chickens, and he lets them run loose in his house. That is actually the steps to a famous waltz.
Lol.....hmm....looks like ancient Hebrew to me. In fact a part of it appears to be the tetragrammaton.
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From the river to the sea
Palestine will never be free.
Their culture is death and destruction.
Their children are used for murder and corruption.
From the river to the sea.
Palestine will fade like a dead tree.
From the river to the sea
Palestine will never be free.
Their culture is death and destruction.
Their children are used for murder and corruption.
From the river to the sea.
Palestine will fade like a dead tree.

There is a place where death is king,
The subjects there hate everything.
The children play with bombs and guns,
Most mothers there have lost their sons.
"Allah" they say " will save our race!"
The dying man with bloodied face,
And holes where once his heart did beat.
The victory chant which is defeat!
I´m sure the fucking court is right:
War on terror is genocide.
And when you need the arms the most,
they simply tell you your cause is lost.
They are the best allies on earth,
no, stop, they are just the worst.
While the evil priest stands with you
the West says "fuck off, you murdering Jew".
Cause their voters love the pallies
they will let you down like all their allies.
i am sure i posted it here yesterday

now i dont see it any more

has it been deleted?
I found your poem -

I threw a stick in the beck
Where's it gone, who gives a feck

Omg, it's now in a river
But the stick is alas, only a slither

And on it goes to greater things
Slisphing and splashing as it sings

And it's nearly there, what a belta
It's finally reached the muddy delta

And as you watch it scratching your knee
It's floated out into the big
wide sea
The children play with bombs and guns,


now i have been told i broke some rule

have no idea which one
my poem started thus ..

From the river to the sea,
all lands should be hamas-free

there were already some answers.

why was my thread deleted without any explanation to me?

i wonder which rule i may have broken

i really have no odes
אחרית הימים = End (of the) Days (of Gentiles).

We are in the age of gentiles.

And it's almost over.

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