Biden Confabs With Japan and South Korea


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

Biden Welcomes Japanese and South Korean Leaders to Camp David Summit

President Biden welcomed his counterparts from Japan and South Korea to Camp David on Friday morning as he seeks to cement a newly fortified three-way alliance, bridging generations of friction between the two Asian powers to forge mutual security arrangements in the face of an increasingly assertive China.


“Strengthening the ties between our democracies has long been a priority for me, dating back to when I was vice president of the United States,” Mr. Biden told the other leaders in a televised introductory session. “That’s because our countries and the world would be safer” if they stand together. He added, “I want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here.”


Biden administration officials said the leaders would sign off on a formal “commitment to consult,” an understanding that the three nations would treat any security threat to one of them as a threat to all, requiring mutual discussion about how to respond.

That's the cover story.

However, my highly placed sources in MAGA world tell me the true purpose of this secret Camp David summit was so Joe "Peter" Biden could inform our Asian allies the terms of America's surrender to China.

And it only cost them five million dollars!
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A wise decision, especially as Japan is concerned. S Korea has been a bit too flaky of late, maybe they are coming around though.

Biden Welcomes Japanese and South Korean Leaders to Camp David Summit

President Biden welcomed his counterparts from Japan and South Korea to Camp David on Friday morning as he seeks to cement a newly fortified three-way alliance, bridging generations of friction between the two Asian powers to forge mutual security arrangements in the face of an increasingly assertive China.


“Strengthening the ties between our democracies has long been a priority for me, dating back to when I was vice president of the United States,” Mr. Biden told the other leaders in a televised introductory session. “That’s because our countries and the world would be safer” if they stand together. He added, “I want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here.”


Biden administration officials said the leaders would sign off on a formal “commitment to consult,” an understanding that the three nations would treat any security threat to one of them as a threat to all, requiring mutual discussion about how to respond.

That's the cover story.

However, my highly placed sources in MAGA world tell me the true purpose of this secret Camp David summit was so Joe "Peter" Biden could inform our Asian allies the terms of American's surrender to China.

And it only cost them five million dollars!
You're not cool enough to know anyone in MAGA world. :cool:
A wise decision, especially as Japan is concerned. S Korea has been a bit too flaky of late, maybe they are coming around though.
Due to the war crimes committed by Japan in South Korea in WWII, the two nations have had a pretty chilly relationship.

It's good to see America is able to get them together in the face of a common threat from China. It sends a strong message to Xi Jinping.
So, what's the plan.... he's gonna shit his pants and then snooze for a couple hours?

Or is he expecting another $50 million in bribes from these Asians?

Due to the war crimes committed by Japan in South Korea in WWII, the two nations have had a pretty chilly relationship.

It's good to see America is able to get them together in the face of a common threat from China. It sends a strong message to Xi Jinping.
I always find it highly amusing that the USA conducts imperialism and hegemony 5000mls away from it's borders since 1900 - whilst accusing the PRC of hegemony within it's immediate surroundings.
The truth? it's only about US world economic and military dominance and assuring it's survival.

Republican tools:
anti-communism (doesn't work anymore) so it became "unfair" investment/trade issues, which in regards to e.g. China undeniably exist. However all voluntarily enabled and supported by Western Cooperate greed, since 1980, as well as by e.g. S-Korea and Japan.

Democrat tools:
impose and enforce lefty&Lib freedom onto others. If they don't bend - enforce and promote sanctions and wars, whilst increasingly involving national and international courts which they (and the USA) control and dominate - to persecute political opposition and countries.
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Biden Welcomes Japanese and South Korean Leaders to Camp David Summit

President Biden welcomed his counterparts from Japan and South Korea to Camp David on Friday morning as he seeks to cement a newly fortified three-way alliance, bridging generations of friction between the two Asian powers to forge mutual security arrangements in the face of an increasingly assertive China.


“Strengthening the ties between our democracies has long been a priority for me, dating back to when I was vice president of the United States,” Mr. Biden told the other leaders in a televised introductory session. “That’s because our countries and the world would be safer” if they stand together. He added, “I want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here.”


Biden administration officials said the leaders would sign off on a formal “commitment to consult,” an understanding that the three nations would treat any security threat to one of them as a threat to all, requiring mutual discussion about how to respond.

That's the cover story.

However, my highly placed sources in MAGA world tell me the true purpose of this secret Camp David summit was so Joe "Peter" Biden could inform our Asian allies the terms of America's surrender to China.

And it only cost them five million dollars!

Yea I’m sure the Koreans and Japanese were so thrilled to have to sit there with a decrepit and senile man who has to have his diapers changed every hour.

I wonder if he was pushing his woke transgender and insane equity Agenda on them, which they would no doubt laugh at.
Yea I’m sure the Koreans and Japanese were so thrilled to have to sit there with a decrepit and senile man who has to have his diapers changed every hour.

I wonder if he was pushing his woke transgender and insane equity Agenda on them, which they would no doubt laugh at.
I see your MAGA sources have provided you some talking points which sound really clownish these days.

I see your MAGA sources have provided you some talking points which sound really clownish these days.


Did you see his appearance?

It was a - - - - show. He tried to walk away with the earpiece still in his ear, and without shaking any of the world leaders' hands.
I see your MAGA sources have provided you some talking points which sound really clownish these days.

The foreign leaders who Joe associates with are most likely have had pre meetings with their staff to the issues of Joe. Trump with the Euro leaders in meetings was a treat. Many of those leaders have screwed over their own people. Trump demanding some fairness in NATO defense and mocked is priceless. Many Americans led from Progs complained of what we spent on defense of Europe. Not anymore. We are defending one of the richest areas of the world in Western Europe. We are paying for most of Ukraine War with Russia. Anyway, Japan, the Koreans and China have a history with each other.
The foreign leaders who Joe associates with are most likely have had pre meetings with their staff to the issues of Joe. Trump with the Euro leaders in meetings was a treat. Many of those leaders have screwed over their own people. Trump demanding some fairness in NATO defense and mocked is priceless. Many Americans led from Progs complained of what we spent on defense of Europe. Not anymore. We are defending one of the richest areas of the world in Western Europe. We are paying for most of Ukraine War with Russia. Anyway, Japan, the Koreans and China have a history with each other.
i like how you ended your rambling WHARRGARRBL with a moronic cpt obvious statement.
A wise decision, especially as Japan is concerned. S Korea has been a bit too flaky of late, maybe they are coming around though.
Coming around to supporting war with China??? Nothing could be more idiotic.

Hopefully those two countries have paid attention to the deadly and harmful actions of USG foreign policy these past few decades. Both countries should remember what the US Empire did to them.
We see Euto hate for each other. Asia hates for each other exists also.
Hate is a very strong and inappropriate word IMO, to describe resentments existing amongst people - aside from those born before 1930, in essence pertaining to a group that now represents an average age of 90+. That there is undoubtedly resentment towards Japan - for not even having apologized for their war crimes and destruction of countries like Korea, China and many other Asian countries is understood.

Therefore it is factually very ill advised for any US government to paint Japan as being a democratic country and therefore being a friend of the USA and Asia.
S-Korea has never been afraid of the PRC nor do they have bad relations amongst each other. S-Korea is rightfully in fear of N-Korea, they have their grudges with Japan and despite US troops being stationed in S-Korea, they are very well aware that the factual guarantor for their economic and peaceful existence is the PRC, as well as Russia.

As such "US benefits" only comes in via a war - and who the hell want's war in e.g. S-Korea, the Philippines, Singapore or Malaysia? The policy of those countries is to AVOID war and not to incite war, or being dragged into one, incited by the USA and Japan.

In regards to Europe the same resentments apply in regards to the Soviet-Union having exploited the Warsaw-Pact states economically, and having supported those respective communist governments, suppressing their own people, and naturally amongst those people born before 1930. However since 1988 - therefore now for 45years+they have all lived in peace - with the former Warsaw-Pact states, who are all being pampered and fed by the EU. And NATO whilst continuously expanding eastwards since 1988 - propagating: "Beware of the Bear".

Imagine the PRC having continuously expanded it's economic and military bloc - throughout Asia and South-East-Asia since 1988, whilst propagating: "Beware of the Eagle"

That Putin's public war towards NATO, aka Ukraine, makes it indeed very easy for EU/NATO related politicians and political parties to feed and thrive of these resentments - and trying to turn them into plain hate is understood.

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