Beto O'Rouke Blows up Press Conference on Texas Shooting

Yea, he's being mocked by people like Abbott & his lackeys who are responsible for passing laws allowing an 18 yr old punk to buy an AR, dumbfuck.

And gullible bozos like you defend it. Anything goes with you assholes, including kids mowed down in a classroom.

No shame & no conscience, none at all.
Wow! Triggered!

You're fun.
It's the NRA advocating for arming practically the entire Country, you stupid halfwit.

And slime like Trump & Lyin Ted are owned by them. It's not surprising that Trump defends an outfit run by a fucking band of thieves because that's what he is.
I take it by your unhinged rant you have zero examples of an NRA member shooting up a school.
Yea, he's being mocked by people like Abbott & his lackeys who are responsible for passing laws allowing an 18 yr old punk to buy an AR, dumbfuck.

And gullible bozos like you defend it. Anything goes with you assholes, including kids mowed down in a classroom.

No shame & no conscience, none at all.
You really are unhinged. What a pant load.
Yep here’s one:

“But on Friday night, I'll be in Houston. And we'll be making a speech and discussing a lot of the things which you would agree to, and you know, you have to protect, you have to protect your Second Amendment. You have to give that Second Amendment great protection, because without it, we would be a very dangerous country frankly."​

Guess who?

Before the 19 elementary school children and two teachers are laid to rest who were victims in the Uvalde mass shooting and whIle the families of the Buffalo grocery shoppers victims of a white Supremacist shooter in Buffalo are still grieving its good to know the twice impeached, once defeated, election coup planner, and Republican King at Mar A Lago, has the shooters back on their Second Amendment Rights.
So you oppose the Constitution.

Got it.
So you oppose the Constitution.

No. I support the US Constitution not the NRA version of it. As follows:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.​
I am not seeing where the last two mass shooters of children, teachers and black Americans grocery shoppers the last two weeks were part of a well regulated militia in New York or Texas.

Had we adhered to the US Constitution in both cases both gunners wouid be trained and regulated in a local militia and kept their weapons locked in the town Armory and not taken out excep for drills or when the village is being order to provide security to the free state. Not seeing “unregulated personal use” to use children and black people for target practice in the Constitution.
All leftists and the majority of the population in general including the most reasonable gun owners want less guns in the hands of criminals and more gun restrictions and regulations. THERE Is a FACT.

Gun manufacturers and estranged from civil society wingnuts like you and Big Bend Texas want more guns and bigger guns, and the deadliest human killing guns military style mass killing guns and ammo available to criminals, child killers, conspiracy whackos all the way to white supremacists and those who want to overthrow the government or overturn legitimate elections like the infamous DumbAsshley Babbit RIP.

On the right it’s guns, guns guns - more more more guns. Everybody should have a gun. 400 million guns in America are not enough. When you walk out of your house you should see nothing but good guys with plenty of guns hanging off them, ready to shoot bad guys in a split second. If you are viable, living, breathing and in pursuit of happiness thank a gunner and of course the un-sue-able billionaires and corporations that make, sell and promote them.

Anyone who uses a gun to kill another human being not in self defense or not to stop a violent and deadly criminal act or not to defend our nation from enemies outside or from within is not ideologically connected to what you refer to as the left. They are connected to the right wing proliferation and deregulation of guns circus.

Does that assuage your feelings of guilt AbbotTexan?

There are eleven steps to begin solving the proliferation and weak regulation of guns in America and all the other problems we face.

1 Democrats keep control of House in November. Pro Choice will help with that.

2 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

3 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

4 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

5 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

6 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

7 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

8 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

9 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

10 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.

11 Pick a state to remove its Republican Gun Lobby owned US Senator when their six years are up.
You may be overly verbose, but at least you’re dishonest. Buffalo and Texas: both cases the shooters were leftards.
So was this story all over MSLSD and CNN this morning? Yesterday morning?

"A woman in West Virginia fatally shot a man who began firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowd of people that had gathered for a party, authorities said.

Dennis Butler, 37, was killed Wednesday night after he pulled out the rifle and began shooting at dozens of people attending the birthday-graduation party outside an apartment complex in the city of Charleston, police said in a statement."


a comma is a punctuation mark, used especially as a mark of separation within the sentence

Commas are not periods. The statement is not concluded until there is a period

A period, or “full stop,” is a punctuationmark in English that expresses the end of a sentence and sometimes abbreviations. It is one of the most used punctuation marks and the most common way to conclude a sentence

Who taught you?

A NIxon Appointed Supreme Court Justice.

“The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have seen in my lifetime” — comes from an interview Burger gave to PBS News in 1991.​
“the real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state” comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.​
“The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires” — comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.​

So what did you learn? The above is a sentence that is separated by three commas, Burgher is right .. the sentence cannot be split at the commas into two separate thoughts. The first phrases do not make sense without being connected to the end,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ????

So the Feds cannot infringe upon the right if the people to keep and bear arms to protect the state as part of a well regulated militia.
a comma is a punctuation mark, used especially as a mark of separation within the sentence

Commas are not periods. The statement is not concluded until there is a period

A period, or “full stop,” is a punctuationmark in English that expresses the end of a sentence and sometimes abbreviations. It is one of the most used punctuation marks and the most common way to conclude a sentence

A NIxon Appointed Supreme Court Justice.

“The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have seen in my lifetime” — comes from an interview Burger gave to PBS News in 1991.​
“the real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state” comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.​
“The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires” — comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.​
View attachment 650619

So what did you learn? The above is a sentence that is separated by three commas, Burgher is right .. the sentence cannot be split at the commas into two separate thoughts. The first phrases do not make sense without being connected to the end,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ????

So the Feds cannot infringe upon the right if the people to keep and bear arms to protect the state as part of a well regulated militia.

Save it, if your precious "well regulated militia" BS was anything SCOTUS and courts wouldn't keep smacking you down.

Who the hell do you bat shit crazy loons think you're fooling. Just stop already
both cases the shooters were leftards.
No the shooters are murderous criminals that used weapons that are made easily accessible by the gun proliferation and deregulation Republican Party, Gun Lobby and Gun Manufacturers.

THE latter will be increasing lbe sued for the carnage they cause for their bloody coffers $$$$

The left wants more regulations and less guns on the streets.
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