
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Batle was never supposed to seen or assumed as violence with weapons, but as a battle of Truth & Knowledge vs Lies, ignorance, & Folly.
The War Scroll describes the
Rules of War of the Children of Light (knowledge & truth)
against the Children of Darkness (Lies, Ignorance, & Folly).
Fact: Top Messenger Michael was always known as the Messenger of truth (spiritual Light)-Dan 10:21
Remember it's Michael who is known to be THE ONE Overturning the messenger of darkness (lies and ignorance).
The clearest undeniable description of the Messiah Michael's Kingdom is in the
"War Scroll" (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, God will send eternal bliss by the might of
the Princely Angel of the Kingdom of Michael. He will *enlighten* with joy the children of Israel.
And in Dan 12:1-4 it's in this time we are going to and fro (*on the net) gaining knowledge.
*Note the word "computer" is found there in the Bible codes.
IT'S AGAIN VERIFIED IN Ezekiel 28 whereby we will finally see(through gaining this knowledge & truth) the iniquities in that created image of perfection given the false prophet fallen messiah (son of perdition).
Hence Michael (Evening Star) removing the morning star Lucifer is through the sWord out of the mouth not needing a weapon in one's hand(non violence).

This battle is seen in politics as well as religion. Just look at the lies and ignorance and willingness to accept evil acts and crimes just to protect one's affiliation.
The same resemblance to religious groups behaviors and gang mentalities that I've been pointing out all along.
Notice resemblances and learn from them.
It's the best way to break out of ages of programed brain washing and pride that hides recognizing what should be blatantly obvious.
I find it fascinating watching the circle the wagon mentality regarding the current election...People are going to vote democrat or republican no matter what because of their affiliation even though both choices are very poor...Now this may upset some people but I always found that people who are atheists are the creme de la creme because they are at least willing to question what they are taught and told and search for answers... Unfortunately the answers they get from mainstream religions like Christianity are unfulfilling and most are either told to accept things on blind faith or ignored and ostracized because the local priest doesn't have any answers for them... To me this is unacceptable because the best and the brightest are turned away but then maybe that is the idea because the leaders of Christianity only want the meek sheep that follow their dictates maybe that is why they are always pushing that the meek will inherit the earth...Regardless in the coming times many of the answers will be made very clear and people will finally know who is coming from the side of truth and knowledge and who is coming from the side of lies and folly...
*L* They have no choice, Libertarian party
Gary Johnson can't name a world leader and said Isis is Al Qaeda.
Clinton thought Mosul was at the Syrian border and she financed her campaign from the same Saudi leaders who financed Isis who she helped create with the vacuum her foreign policies and Iraq pullout caused.
Yah between a rock and a hard place....Too bad there isn't a choice none of the above like in the movie with Richard Prior... It doesn't matter anyways it is a one headed two party system whoever gets in usually means more of the same or as Obama said he will bring change but what was really meant was you will have a dollar in your pocket but when he was finished all you will have is a few coins left... That was the change they meant where they turned the people upside down and shake the change out of their pockets...
Hence Michael (Evening Star) removing the morning star Lucifer is through the sWord out of the mouth not needing a weapon in one's hand(non violence).

I have not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34

Out of his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. Revelation 19:15

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15


"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed." Revelation 13:10
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Remember the RCC itself teaches that their future visions declare they would face "judgement" for their acts and teachings, so it is not news to them that they would be faced with this refiners fire. The affiliated members however, are not prepared for the sWord out of the mouth or others judgement of the church or that judgement- (the iniquities)found in the image of the son of perdition- (Ezekiel28)

The process of being taught how to become better, how to become Shalem= completed beings is deemed the refiners fire whereby turning up the heat(of judgment) to rise the impurities to the surface so that they can be seen and removed (skimmed off the top) like the metal refiners do. A process that leaves the metal more pure and perfected so the final product is a more complete pure and perfected end result product. It's known people would try to avoid being judged, but then their lack of reflecting on their impurities is why they maintain those yucky behavior flaws.
Lesson: don't fight judgment, learn to embrace and learn by the mistakes being pointed out. A teacher corrects your pages and you learn by them being pointed out and try to improve on them by noticing them and doing something about them. You do not improve by displacing blame on the teacher, being angry and resentful of the teacher and ignoring the corrections.

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