Article 50 to be extended when Govt loses vote next tusday

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Article 50 set to be extended regardless of whether May wins or loses on Tuesday

Theresa May’s chances of delivering Brexit on March 29 are fading fast after senior ministers privately admitted more time is needed even if her deal wins the backing of parliament.

Senior Tories have accepted that the sheer amount of legislation parliament must pass to prepare for Brexit regardless of whether Ms May’s plans are approved, makes a March 29 withdrawal almost impossible.

One cabinet minister told The Independent that in the unlikely event the prime minister’s deal is actually approved on Tuesday then a couple more weeks would still be needed – if as expected it is not, then a longer delay of Brexit looks inevitable if a no-deal scenario is to be avoided.

After several defeats this week there is no chance that May can get her deal through. She has also lost control of the timetable and cannot dangle no deal as a threat.

If she cant get the deal through the Commons then she should really take it to the country and get the backing of the people. There is more chance of me giving birth than the country accepting her deal.
The EU has to try to screw over the UK for leaving. What a great bunch of “allies” to have. It just confirms how corrupt and self centered they are as an organization. The EU could care less about its member states, it’s all about power and pushing their globalist Agenda.

Italy, Hungary, and Poland have the right idea. Hopefully they will declare their own EU exits.
Does Brexit happen if a deal doesn't pass Parliament?
It seems yes. In this case there will be so-called hard Brexit.
Technically its possible . But there is no appetite for that in parliament and it would be blocked by MPs. We then move into uncharted waters.
Mays deal is a con to bypass the Irish issue and kick it down the road a few years. It isnt acceptable.

She has been running the clock down in a bid to bully MPs with the threat of no deal but she has lost control of that.
Does Brexit happen if a deal doesn't pass Parliament?
It seems yes. In this case there will be so-called hard Brexit.
Technically its possible . But there is no appetite for that in parliament and it would be blocked by MPs. We then move into uncharted waters.
Mays deal is a con to bypass the Irish issue and kick it down the road a few years. It isnt acceptable.

She has been running the clock down in a bid to bully MPs with the threat of no deal but she has lost control of that.
As far as I know, Britain has a law which says that Brexit will happen 29 March 2019. And this law isnt cancelled.
If Parliament rejects Mays aggreement, then I think there is one way - second referendum in which there should be three options: hard Brexit; Mays agreement; rejecting Brexit.
Does Brexit happen if a deal doesn't pass Parliament?
It seems yes. In this case there will be so-called hard Brexit.
Technically its possible . But there is no appetite for that in parliament and it would be blocked by MPs. We then move into uncharted waters.
Mays deal is a con to bypass the Irish issue and kick it down the road a few years. It isnt acceptable.

She has been running the clock down in a bid to bully MPs with the threat of no deal but she has lost control of that.
As far as I know, Britain has a law which says that Brexit will happen 29 March 2019. And this law isnt cancelled.
If Parliament rejects Mays aggreement, then I think there is one way - second referendum in which there should be three options: hard Brexit; Mays agreement; rejecting Brexit.
The first step would be the one outlined in the OP. There is no way a trading nation can be ready for this in the time available.
Then I agree that a second referendum is needed. The problem is that Corbyn wants an election rather than a second referendum. He thinks that he an win it and then negotiate a better deal. I think that he is wrong.

We do need to get rid of the tories but avoiding brexit is the priority and only a second referendum will deliver that.

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