Are we not looking at potential enemies as much as we need?


Feb 3, 2004
Although I agree that we should be fighting the war on terror, probably even more than now, are we diverting too much attention to the terrorists? New powers grow in the East, China, NK, and this new "reformed" Russia to name a few. China builds nukes. (thanks Bill Clintion)South Korea is talking about reuniting with NK. Russia joins the European Union. I begin to believe that the EU is just another way to take over europe, just like Hitler did, but without bloodshed. It would not become a peaceful union, but it would only become a collection of countries controlled by the leading countries. SUch as Russia, or Germany once again. The countries would then become small states, and one country, or one party, or one man would take europe by the fist, and look beyond europe. Russia would complete it's mission, or the former Nazis will reopen the concentration camps yet again. Anti Semitism is growing in russia and the rest of europe. The few countries besides britan that resist would easily be crushed. By the time america enters, the EU will be at least 5 times more powerful than Germany. Communism, or at least a new form of radical socialism will will reform. The UN would be long forgotten.
Now to look to Asia. Perhaps Some kind of asian Union, led by china. South and North Korea by this time would be called, just, Korea. Led by the radical communists, who slaughter any resistance. Taiwan would somehow become a part of china. ANd someday Japan will compromise itself. Who knows, this might erupt into WWIII, only this time, AMerica itself would decay from its weakening infastructer, illegal aliens, mass welfare programes, smaller military, compromises with the EU and the AU, and higher taxes.Perhaps the world would become socialist, under tyranny, or the world simply end in the nuclear fray.
The radical Islamist terrorists would only be a distant memory...

But there are ways to counter these threats. Strengthining the UN with the US making the rules, break off many trade relations with china, and warn the world of the EU. Another is to encourage Japan to build an offensive military. This is just a few the resoultions to use to these new threats.

But for all I know, I'm just a speculator. Just a worrywort. But it may be the complete opposite.
You had me, up to here:

posted by supermarineBut there are ways to counter these threats. Strengthining the UN with the US making the rules, break off many trade relations with china, and warn the world of the EU. Another is to encourage Japan to build an offensive military. This is just a few the resoultions to use to these new threats.
actually, although he rambles a bit, he is close to what I envision happening if we are not careful.

Europe (less the UK) is aligning itself against America economically in an effort to defeat us in a bloodless war. We bitch (not me but those that do know who you are) about US companies exporting jobs while ignoring how many Americans are employed by foreign companies. I am in the high-tech industry and at least 70% of the US workers I know in this industry are employed by foreign companies such as Nortel, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, Alcatel, Ericsson, etc. That is just within this one industry but an important one.

The Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, Thai, Philippinos, and to some extent, Malaysians and Indonesians are forming tight business alliances. The Japanese have been left out for the most part - primarily of their economic power wielding in the 70's and 80's throughout the region while keeping their markets closed. It caught up with them. The other Asian countries are keeping their markets open, but then forcing business alliances to get things done. This is all weakening America economically. During the 90's the USA lost its economic power position in Asia in the high tech side of things. The Europeans wupped our asses. That is what drove Motorola down. They are making a good recovery now in the handphone market - why? Because they basically lost the war in the base station business. GSM has won out over CDMA and this hurt US companies.

OPEC is the only thing really keeping the dollar propped up right now. OPEC trades oil only in the good ole US dollar. If that changes, our economy could crap out tomorrow in a big way.

Think about it and don't be so comfy in the position we have been sitting in. I think we took too much of a laissez-faire attitude in the 90's and we have been paying for it. I just hope we have not already lost too much of an edge in the world economic market.
Originally posted by supermarine

Strengthening the United Nations is an ignorant move as the majority of UN nations are MUSLIM. This corrupt UN steals billions from the Oil For Food coffers to fill the pockets of Coffe Annan and his family.

There are real reasons why the world hates the United States and it has nothing to do with George W. Bush or the United States voting in favor of the only democratic country in the Middle East.

All those external threats you mentioned are the usual cast of characters who yell loudly but are impotent.

The United States is hated by the rest of the world for a completely different reason than you have mentioned.

New terrors growing are nothing new. The hate for America is easy to understand if you look at it from the other countries of the world perspective. The US is the last remaining super power who uses its clout to tell these other nations that they have to bow to our best interests, watch as we go after our usual friends who have become criminal nations and have significant financial interests with despots or in other words bully the world with our superpower status.

Think of it this way. As an American, what would you do if say England was a superpower Priminister telling America that we better follow their wishes, control our monetary system, act like the bully against our people and generally push us around.

Would you like England so much? Everyone would feel deep animosity against England, the new superpower. We would find reason to think of the English as arrogant and casuing trouble around the world in their own interests.

America has to use its super power status with great care and understanding of other peoples and nations. Except for those sworn to our destruction by their moon-god.
i wasn't saying that we give the un more power, i say that we should give the US more power in the un, since the us provides most of the un military, we should get more power. i wasnt saying that we should give more power to the muslim nations.
Originally posted by supermarine
i wasn't saying that we give the un more power, i say that we should give the US more power in the un, since the us provides most of the un military, we should get more power. i wasnt saying that we should give more power to the muslim nations.

Then the question to you is how do we get more power in the UN? The trend world wide is not toward empire, contrary to what the euroniks think, but to the splintering of empires ie., Africa, USSR, which has resulted in a host of new, small states.

There is far less maneuverability in a body like the UN, even if it wasn't such a collective piece of corrupt garbage.
Originally posted by supermarine

i wasn't saying that we give the un more power, i say that we should give the US more power in the un, since the us provides most of the un military, we should get more power. i wasnt saying that we should give more power to the muslim nations.

What do you imagine the UN was meant to be in the world of nations? Did you think that it was meant to be a multi-world nation army?

The United Nations has never been a peacekeeping force in the sense that they went into aggressor nations and fought standing armies or terrorists. Bascally it was meant to be a forum for nations to debate and express their actions, pass resoultions (now meaningless) and act as observers between warring factions.

The United Nations no longer serves any of those lofty functions. The UN only serves as a conduit to corrupt interests and terrorist nations mouthpieces. The United States pays the majority of monetary funds necessary to keep this august body playing an insignificant and nefarious role in world events.

The UN is a building and a group of greedy men who have no further function to serve except as the tool of those wishing to destroy our way of life. The UN should be terminated as that role has now been taken over by the single remaining superpower who decisively acts to defend the world from extinction.

In other words, the USA armed forces or more specifically a police force, is rightly or wrongly currently in the hands of those who are willing to fill the role once envisioned for the United Nations.

In my humble opinion, the United Nations will go the same way as the League of Nations. Nations act in their own interests and that has been demonstrated over the years by these two archaic and seemingly great world body forum authorities. Civilized man cannot function with a single entity in which each nation state wants to obtain an unrealistic end for their own greedy ends.

The USA is not seeking the acquisition of other people's lands nor the destruction of other people's faiths. The US is like a fireman who puts out brush fires before they become raging fires that might consume the earth.
This is exactly why the lefts complaints the we "go it alone" are so ridiculous. Jush tried and no one wanted to go with us except Great Brtian and some surprising allies who had the balls to step up. Kerrys' plan is to form a broader coalition. At what price?? I'd rather "go it alone".
Originally posted by dilloduck

This is exactly why the lefts complaints the we "go it alone" are so ridiculous. Jush tried and no one wanted to go with us except Great Brtian and some surprising allies who had the balls to step up. Kerrys' plan is to form a broader coalition. At what price?? I'd rather "go it alone".

Kerry's plan is to place America in the hands of the United (Muslim) Nations as a surrogate of the Arab majority in this august body.

His wife, Teresa is now being implicated in funding the Tide Foundation which is a front for terrorist and anti-American groups. Kerry is going to have a lot to explain a little closer to November.

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